Discovering Your Purpose: Exploring Nietzsche's Philosophy on Finding Meaning in Life.

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0:00 Introduction to Finding Your Why
04:02 Different Perspectives on Life's Purpose
05:07 Materialistic vs. Transcendent Worldviews
07:00 Importance of Understanding Motivation
08:44 Effects of Materialistic and Transcendent Worldviews on Mental Health
10:43 Conclusion and Course Announcement
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I loved this so much. “To sell us things we don’t need that we later throw into the ocean to strangle a turtle” 💔♥️🙏🏼


Why do I live? To make others happy, to see them smile.
"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that." Robin Williams
In the past few years I found that I have a lot of love to give and no matter how much I would offer, the resources are limitless.
I wish you all to find your purpose and be happy.


To correct the issues of my fore father's. End the cycle.


I asked GOD, I am here to help Spread Love, Help Guide people to Love and Transcend !


I'm here to teach my children to be better people than the people they came from. So, break generational curses and fight the cancer in society with classical liberalism. So, from here, be so radically ME, so radically ungovernable while conducting myself with a much virtue and respect for others as I possibly can. This is how I teach my children the way.


I maintained a transcendental view and discovered this without ever studying Buddhism, spirituality, religion, or philosophy. In having transcended space and time and reached the eternal (having never used these words before or connected/related them with myself in this way), I felt that it was something which cannot be destroyed. Then, my best friend (who I moved in with as a roommate) betrayed me (he couldn't cope with my integrity/authenticity and his past, having later realized he was Borderline, having tried to teach him to connect with himself after seeing how he was disassociated from himself). Then (this was at 28; I am now 30), I reconnected with a girl back from middle school/highschool (having met my friend also in highschool) who was much more "spiritual", but in recognizing her egocentricity, I decided to allow myself to love but otherwise take a largely hands off approach. I was familiar with narcissism (and already just witnessed the destructive force of a lack of strong sense of Self), but not covert narcissism... Three cycles of that destroyed me and I was finished off by family. There's nothing of me left. Everything I've worked internally and externally so hard for completely destroyed - my entire timeline since birth of why I am, who I am, everything I've ever figured out, my understanding of anything... I'm in constant pain and literally the whole of everything which was my life is one big trauma.

This happened because honestly it was past the point of no return and there was no looking back, so I decided to go all in (having seen a lot of things in the process) but it quite literally wiped me completely. I can't see how in the world this could possibly be recovered. Went from finally reaching a point of complete equanimity to the most extreme forms of depression, suicidal ideation and anxiety. I completely disintegrated, very painfully, into psychosis and lost my identity completely as my life flashed backwards through my eyes and I regressed to infancy. There is no more why to anything after having been fully conscious of every why in relation to myself and others in my life. I have nothing and no one left, including myself. What now?..


Thank you once again for the inspiration, Richard! It is because of humans like you that I am thankful for the internet.


Found your content around 2014/15, and helped me out a lot. just wanted to say I really like the way it’s evolving, hats off to you and god speed.


When you know the why,
The how is the easy part.


Richard's work reinvigorates simple, effective elements without ever feeling redundant - thank you for your commitment to yourself, which inspires the same in others.


To transcend the challenges, to recognize myself


love these short but profound lessons you are doing lately. xo


Vauw mr. Brannon. Big applause. I live because I want to smile. I smile when people trust me and truly smile when I come to visit. That'd my objective. My strategy is to serve people and make them feel included seen, heard, appreciated, trusted and loved. My life missiin has become to free people of being lonely.


Thank you for the overview.
I’ve been recently confronted with residual low self compassion whenever I interact with people who list the ways in which they are to be envied and amazed at. I was left without a countering bucket list to throw in their face because I don’t have a public list. I find pieces of life that are so precious to me and I was feeling sad that they don’t matter to anyone else. The important understanding is that they matter to me.
I notice that my purpose is to ‘only connect’ .. to continue and contribute to the chain and web of humanity.. by my presence and by being receptive to the presence of the world which I meet one person at a time.
I choose this ‘Why’.


Because you and the professor have been spot on in trying to help with my anxiety and you have and its made my physical health so much better. Thank you Richard.❤


I've watched you for years, this was crazy good for me. I've thanked you in the past and I'll thank you again, I feel a tingle that is not substance related.


My parents didnt know how to be nurturing or supportive, and I grew up in an abusive family. For my entire life, regarding "honor your mother and father", I thought I was exempt. Wrapping my head around a way I actually could honor them, offered a path for me to gain self respect.


I don't want to strangle a turtle, Mr. Grannon. I don't want to live in this consumerist society either.

Still gotta find that Why. Thank you for this video. I have some pondering to do.


When you found why, you found your motivation. Exactly my thought! When i found why I was abused, why is my life messed up, I started to recover.


This helped with gaining some clarity 👌
