16 Rooms Puzzle 👉 16 Rooms Puzzle Answer (facebook whatsapp puzzle)

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A hospital has 16 isolation rooms. Each room has a patient with different illness.
Patient in room 13 recovers and wants to say goodbye to each patient.
He can visit each patient exactly once.
If he visits a patient more than once, he becomes ill again.
So, How does he do this... and exit safely from room 4?
Pause the video and think logically.

The video is about 16 rooms puzzle but also try to cover the following subject:
-16 rooms puzzle answer
-16 rooms puzzle solution
-hospital room puzzle

One thing i observed when i was researching details on 16 rooms puzzle was the absence of pertinent info.
16 rooms puzzle nevertheless is an subject that i know something about. This video for that reason should be relevant and of interest to you.

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Has anyone recognized your "Like. Share and Subscribe" statement? It is one of the interesting things in all your videos.


This was easy compared to usual puzzles I find in this channel.


I know this question answer😀😀😀
IAM biggest fan of your Chanel


Your awesome content made me write my first ever youtube comment!!
Keep going.


To understand this puzzle, visualize the rooms as spaces on a checkerboard. The start and end square share the same color, and each time we move we either have to go from a black square to a red square or from a red square to a black square. A journey that visits each room only once would take 15 moves. An odd number of moves means we could not end on a space the same color as our starting square. By stepping back into our starting square the trip is now an even number of moves.


I am bored with All this puzzle .But this channel is quite different. I like it and waiting for the next one ....


I've seen this viral puzzle crop up on social media so many times, and usually with the wording "He can't visit any ROOM more than once, " which makes it impossible and that's just frustrating for everyone.

A good way to understand exactly why it's impossible is to imagine the grid as a chessboard, with squares alternating between black and white. You can only move to an orthogonally adjacent square, and every time you do, the color (black/white) of the square you're in switches. If you move an odd number of times, you'll be on the opposite color from where you started; if you move an even number of times, you'll be on the same color as where you started. Opposite corners of a 4x4 chessboard would both be the same color, so you'd need to move an even number of times to reach it. (Just count the fewest number of moves needed to reach it: 6.) However, in order to travel on every square of a 4x4 chessboard (which has 16 squares) and not travel on any square, including the starting square, more than once, you'd need to move 15 times: an odd number.

Using the chessboard method, you can easily tell if a puzzle such as this is possible or not regardless of the board's size or where you need to start or end.


This was a riddle given to me by my math teacher, about 14 years ago and I never could find the answer. Finally, I can sleep better. In hindsight, though, he explained it in terms of prison escape and that you can enter any room only once, so we never considered going back into initial room... Little unfair, considering the amount of sleep I periodically lost over this. Lol.


I LOVE your puzzles! I worked this one out (for once I got it!) but I still need the answer to who designed such a dodgy hospital, why would anyone want to expose themselves to 12 illnesses when they just got better, and what kind of illness only passes with 2 visits? I do enjoy the lack of logic often found in logic puzzles 😉 Keep up the awesome videos! 💖


The above solution is not valid in case the recovered person has to enter any room exactly once. That's what the explanation says.

Thank you so much for such wonderful puzzles. 👍


Really logical thinking is needed for this


I think he was traversed in order so by he miss no 8 so he visit and get out😂, ,the solution related to it


I approached the second problem this way - chess board color the rooms. Room 13 and room 4 will both be the same color, but we can only move opposite colors. Thus it will be an odd number of moves to get to the exit room, since we started on the same color.


Basic graph theory problem Hamiltonian cycle is formed if the room 13 is not visited twice


we could have shifted patient 3 to 4th room and visited both of them together and left. This also could have been a possible answer.


In an even×even grid, if you draw a path like (first shown in this video), you will always end up never ending on opposite ends, take a chessboard for example. If it was odd×odd, you will end up on opposite ends.


Solved it, using the idea that we need to break one room/by pass one room that we were missing in each try.


I'd have a word with whomever designed this "hospital" because some corridors would have come in handy. All visitors, doctors, nurses etc (except for those who only visit room 4) will get ill because they'll have to visit room 4 at least twice, once on their way to go see a patient and once on their way back out.


Thanks to Ted knows the same Ted ed paths ????


Which app you use to make the video, Ammar?
