#16boxpuzzle |16 room puzzle |16 Room exit Puzzle |COVID19 puzzle Solution |Quarantine/Corona Puzzle

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👉This Hospital has 16 patients of CORONA/COVID-19 & patient in Room Number 13 has just recovered, & wants to say to goodbye to each patient before going home, but the Doctors tells him, he can meet each patient only once. If he meets a patient more than once then he will become ill again. How can he meet each patient in every room and comes out from Room Number 4 without getting infected ???..
इस हास्पिटल में 16 कोरोना के मरीज़ हैं। Room नम्बर 13 का मरीज़ ठीक हो गया है। वह हॉस्पिटल से घर जाते समय सभी मरीज़ों से goodbye बोलकर जाना चाहता है। पर शर्त यह है कि किसी भी दूसरे मरीज़ के कमरे में एक ही बार जा सकता है। अगर वह दूसरी बार गया तो उसे फिर से कोरोना हो जाएगा। तो बताइए कि वह किस क्रम में सभी मरीजों से मिलकर बाहर जा सकता है।
Title: 16 Room puzzle Solution | Path Walking Puzzle |16 Box Puzzle Solution
I am Sunil Kumar, Welcome to our YouTube Channel #MSGofMath or MSG(messenger) of Math
About this Video-
hey friends, In this video I given the solution of 16 box puzzle and 16 box puzzle is known by different names
( इस वीडियो में मैंने 16 बॉक्स पहेली का हल दिया है )
e.g. 16 box Puzzle solution || corona paheliyan || Path Walking Puzzle || 16 Box Puzzle || Corona Puzzle || Covid-19 Puzzle || Quarantine Puzzle || 16 Room Puzzle || 16 boxes exit puzzle || 16 box path || 16 square puzzles solution || Quarantine Hospital maze puzzle with 16 Room || Isolation Patient Puzzle || 16 room hospital puzzle || Box Puzzle Solution || Open Box puzzle || Covid puzzle solution || Isolation Patient Puzzle Answer || covid-19 puzzle solutions || Quarantine puzzle solution || Hospital puzzle || corona patient puzzle || Puzzle Answer: Quarantine Hospital maze puzzle with 16 rooms || Quarantine patients puzzle in हिन्दी( Hindi)|| COVID puzzle solution #Puzzle #Paheli #पहेली #covid || Corona Virus Viral Social Media Puzzle - 16 Rooms Puzzle Answer | Goodbye Riddle ||16 Rooms Puzzle Answer of facebook whatsapp puzzle|| The corona puzzle || Patient safe escape || Brain exercise || 16 room house puzzle solution || 16 rooms riddle || 16 room puzzle challenge || Messenger of Math || lockdown time pass puzzle || lockdown puzzle || Lockdown side effects || कोरोना वायरस से कैसे बचे ? ||coronavirus paheliyan in hindi/coronavirus awareness paheliyan/hospital coronavirus pheliyan/coronavirua news paheliyan/coronavirua in india/coronavirus outbreak/mask coronavirus paheliyan/coronavirus se kaisw bache/coronavirus alcohol pheliyan/riddle of coronavirus/social awarenes paheliyan/coronavirua animation paheliyan/corona pheliyan
and above puzzle's question asked in different languages like given below
Can You Solve This Quarantine/COVID-19 Puzzle ???...
क्या आप इस कोरोना पहेली को हल कर सकते हैं ???...
In this Hospital has 16 patients of CORONA/COVID-19 & patient in Room No.13 recovers, & wants to say goodbye to each patient but, he can visit each patient only once. If he visits a patient twice then he will become ill again. How does he do this and exit from Room Number 4 ???..
इस अस्पताल में कोरोना के 16 मरीज हैं और कमरा संख्या 13 का रोगी ठीक हो जाता है, और प्रत्येक रोगी को अलविदा कहना चाहता है लेकिन, वह प्रत्येक रोगी को एक बार ही देख सकता है। अगर वह एक मरीज से दो बार मिलता है, तो वह फिर से बीमार हो जाएगा। वह ऐसा कैसे करता है और कमरे 4 से बाहर आता है???...
A person in room number (13) in the hospital below had just recovered from Corona and wanted to say goodbye to all other patients, but the doctors told him if he says goodbye to the same patient twice..|
Hospital has 16 isolation rooms. Each room has a patient with different illnesses. Patient in room 13 recovers..|
Ek kamre me 16 corona patients...
इस हॉस्पिटल में 16 कोरोना के मरीज़ है। 13 नम्बर का मरीज़ ठीक हो गया है। वह हॉस्पिटल से घर.... of
is hospital mein corona k 16 mariz hai..
The solution of the above Question is given by #MSGofmath or MSG(messenger) of Math
👉link of some other videos is
1. link of "four-box Puzzle"
2. Link for "super matematika problem"
3. Link for "2000 fake note IAS question"
4. Link for "Paheliyan part 1"
5. Link of "Paheliyan Part 2"
6. link of "facts about Sushant Singh Rajput"
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👉Linko of Our YouTube Channel
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इस हास्पिटल में 16 कोरोना के मरीज़ हैं। Room नम्बर 13 का मरीज़ ठीक हो गया है। वह हॉस्पिटल से घर जाते समय सभी मरीज़ों से goodbye बोलकर जाना चाहता है। पर शर्त यह है कि किसी भी दूसरे मरीज़ के कमरे में एक ही बार जा सकता है। अगर वह दूसरी बार गया तो उसे फिर से कोरोना हो जाएगा। तो बताइए कि वह किस क्रम में सभी मरीजों से मिलकर बाहर जा सकता है।
Title: 16 Room puzzle Solution | Path Walking Puzzle |16 Box Puzzle Solution
I am Sunil Kumar, Welcome to our YouTube Channel #MSGofMath or MSG(messenger) of Math
About this Video-
hey friends, In this video I given the solution of 16 box puzzle and 16 box puzzle is known by different names
( इस वीडियो में मैंने 16 बॉक्स पहेली का हल दिया है )
e.g. 16 box Puzzle solution || corona paheliyan || Path Walking Puzzle || 16 Box Puzzle || Corona Puzzle || Covid-19 Puzzle || Quarantine Puzzle || 16 Room Puzzle || 16 boxes exit puzzle || 16 box path || 16 square puzzles solution || Quarantine Hospital maze puzzle with 16 Room || Isolation Patient Puzzle || 16 room hospital puzzle || Box Puzzle Solution || Open Box puzzle || Covid puzzle solution || Isolation Patient Puzzle Answer || covid-19 puzzle solutions || Quarantine puzzle solution || Hospital puzzle || corona patient puzzle || Puzzle Answer: Quarantine Hospital maze puzzle with 16 rooms || Quarantine patients puzzle in हिन्दी( Hindi)|| COVID puzzle solution #Puzzle #Paheli #पहेली #covid || Corona Virus Viral Social Media Puzzle - 16 Rooms Puzzle Answer | Goodbye Riddle ||16 Rooms Puzzle Answer of facebook whatsapp puzzle|| The corona puzzle || Patient safe escape || Brain exercise || 16 room house puzzle solution || 16 rooms riddle || 16 room puzzle challenge || Messenger of Math || lockdown time pass puzzle || lockdown puzzle || Lockdown side effects || कोरोना वायरस से कैसे बचे ? ||coronavirus paheliyan in hindi/coronavirus awareness paheliyan/hospital coronavirus pheliyan/coronavirua news paheliyan/coronavirua in india/coronavirus outbreak/mask coronavirus paheliyan/coronavirus se kaisw bache/coronavirus alcohol pheliyan/riddle of coronavirus/social awarenes paheliyan/coronavirua animation paheliyan/corona pheliyan
and above puzzle's question asked in different languages like given below
Can You Solve This Quarantine/COVID-19 Puzzle ???...
क्या आप इस कोरोना पहेली को हल कर सकते हैं ???...
In this Hospital has 16 patients of CORONA/COVID-19 & patient in Room No.13 recovers, & wants to say goodbye to each patient but, he can visit each patient only once. If he visits a patient twice then he will become ill again. How does he do this and exit from Room Number 4 ???..
इस अस्पताल में कोरोना के 16 मरीज हैं और कमरा संख्या 13 का रोगी ठीक हो जाता है, और प्रत्येक रोगी को अलविदा कहना चाहता है लेकिन, वह प्रत्येक रोगी को एक बार ही देख सकता है। अगर वह एक मरीज से दो बार मिलता है, तो वह फिर से बीमार हो जाएगा। वह ऐसा कैसे करता है और कमरे 4 से बाहर आता है???...
A person in room number (13) in the hospital below had just recovered from Corona and wanted to say goodbye to all other patients, but the doctors told him if he says goodbye to the same patient twice..|
Hospital has 16 isolation rooms. Each room has a patient with different illnesses. Patient in room 13 recovers..|
Ek kamre me 16 corona patients...
इस हॉस्पिटल में 16 कोरोना के मरीज़ है। 13 नम्बर का मरीज़ ठीक हो गया है। वह हॉस्पिटल से घर.... of
is hospital mein corona k 16 mariz hai..
The solution of the above Question is given by #MSGofmath or MSG(messenger) of Math
👉link of some other videos is
1. link of "four-box Puzzle"
2. Link for "super matematika problem"
3. Link for "2000 fake note IAS question"
4. Link for "Paheliyan part 1"
5. Link of "Paheliyan Part 2"
6. link of "facts about Sushant Singh Rajput"
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👉Linko of Our YouTube Channel
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