Ranking 50 Stephen King Books

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50 Stephen King books ranked.

What's up everyone. I just finished Different Seasons by Stephen King and it was my 50th Stephen King read !!

Please let me know which Stephen King books are your favorites down in the comments.

Check out some of my other Stephen King videos below :

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Just wanted to say thanks for sharing! Your channel is such a hub of positivity and interesting opinions. Love it!


I am quite a fan of Stephen's early novels up to Rose Madder. Wasn't a fan of Dreamcatcher, Liseys Story or Desperation. The King novel that brought me back to him was 11/22/63.. I absolutely loved this novel


So far I have read 36 SK books, my favorite remains IT, love the small town atmosphere, the descriptions of the loosers club and everything that It does to the kids. Love your videos by the way, very informative and you add your positive attitude so they are very nice to watch


IT is my all-time favorite, followed by (in order) The Stand, Needful Things, Bag of Bones, and Dark Half. Thanks for your video!


Completely loved this video, I’m getting few of the first 20 for my collection!


Love the vid, would like to see an updated video if you have read more of his stuff. Under the Dome is one of my favourite king books but the Gunslinger is probably one of my least favourites


What a fun video. I have read maybe 10 total! My favorite is Misery.


I haven't read many Stephen King books but I've enjoyed ALL of them. I was in high school when "'Salem's Lot" was published and I lived in a small town in Indiana so I was reading about a similar location with believable characters. I read it twice. I got picked on in school so "Carrie" definitely had my attention. Slow reader that I am, I read "Carrie" in one day, I was so engrossed. I read "The Shining" during winter and maybe even during the Blizzard of '78. Good timing!---I'm a fan of short-story collections and novellas so was glad to see so many in your list. My to do list now has "Read more Stephen King'!"


Why aren't people talking about The Green Mile? Such an underrated King book.


I love seeing where other people stand in terms of ranking. I feel his work, more than other authors, speaks to people in totally different ways. For example, I find the psychological stuff to be more of a page turner than anything else. Books like Cujo, Misery, Gerald's Game, etc. I think because they are less supernatural and more relatable, they really strike a nerve for me. Don't get me wrong, I think the usual suspects are better books (The Stand, IT, The Shining, Dark Tower Series), but there is something about the way he puts regular people in regular situations and cranks the stakes to 11 that really gets to me.


Nice to see someone who ranks Duma Key very high! I put it very high on my ranking video as well. Very underrated. And The Drawing of the Three is my favorite DT book as well. I'm also glad to see someone who isn't a huge fan of The Talisman or Black House. Talisman is my least favorite King book I've finished, and Black House is the only King book I've never been able to finish haha. Great Video!


Love that you highlighted the number 19


My top 4 favorite Stephen King books are Salem’s Lot, Under the Dome, Misery and Mr. Mercedes. Needful Things and Desperation are close runners up. I don’t really have a least favorite yet, but if I had to pick one, Dreamcatcher.


I think you should check out more Bachman novels. The long walk and thinner are really good. Really enjoyed roadwork as well.


My favourite Richard Bachman novella is The Long Walk. But I read and liked the other 3 in The Bachman Books collection as well. Christine is a real fav, as is Duma Key! They are many more. But my favourite will always be The Stand( the 1970's version)


I've watched probably 15 of these videos from different readers. Every one of them ranks Desperation as "underrated" and a top 20 book. 😂😂


I can not to get Different Seasons. Finishing up Misery now. I'm only mad I've JUST NOW started read SK so late in my reading career.


Love 11/22/63, the stand, and geralds game the most 😀


Finally someone who didn’t put IT as number 1. I have so many more Stephen King books to read still, but being 2/3 of the way through IT it won’t be making my number 1. Its good but not as high up as others. Under The Dome is currently my favorite of his that I’ve read. It took me so long to read another book afterwards because my mind just kept saying “eh, this isn’t as well done as under the dome” lol


Glad to see you have The Drawing of The Three so high on your list. One of my favorite Kings along with Salem's Lot and 11/22/63. The only King book I have started and not finished was The Girl That Loved Tom Gordon. I got halfway through and was not interested, will have to retry sometime. I have read 26 King books myself.
