How to Write Music for Orchestra [with the FREE BBC SO Discover]

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A beginner's guide to writing your first piece of orchestral music using a wonderful free VST library. Composer Guy Michelmore shows you how to create a satisfying piece of orchestral music from scratch using a completely FREE orchestral library from Spitfire Audio, BBC SO Discover. He will talk you through a simple technique for visualizing, and then realizing an orchestral score and then show you how it works in practice. But things don't go entirely to plan! Watch out for the complete disaster.

Want an extended edition of the video tutorial, download the Cubase project file, midi or audio stems, a Logic and Cubase BBC SO Discover template, and a PDF guide to orchestral composition, then click here:

0:00 Start
0:55. A Free orchestral sound library
2:26 Building a simple template
3:45 Simple approach to orchestral composition
4:45 The writing process
5:15 Sketch before you orchestrate
6;54 Melody and accompaniment
7:30 String section doing everything
8:20 Woodwind + Brass
11:25 Woodwind Dovetailing
13:34 French horns and trombones
15:10 Strings in octaves
15:40 Building emotion and answering voices
19:00 Disaster!!!
21:15 Instrumental combinations
24:05 Piano ostinato
28:10 Summary and Conclusion
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Want an extended edition of the video tutorial, download the Cubase project file, midi or audio stems, a Logic and Cubase BBC SO Discover template, and a PDF guide to orchestral composition, then click here:


I am a 70-year-old Japanese who recently started DTM.
I'm going to make a symphonic poem about Kyoto.
Right now, I'm making small pieces with Western-style tunes to learn DTM, but I'm fighting to make what I want to make while I'm alive.
Always thank you for your inspiration


As a self-taught composer, there's a great sense of satisfaction found in watching a vid like this and finding it's basically the way I'm been doing it all along lol.

Thanks for that.


I feel like I am getting 4 years of musical education in only 30 minutes. You are a great teacher!


As a woman about to slide into my golden years ( I'll be sixty in September ) I have recently set up my retirement recording studio based around the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol s61 and numerous other gear picked up over the years. Although I have played, performed and recorded music most of my life on a part time basis, I long to be able to finish work and just noodle around in my studio on a daily basis doing the thing I love the most. Creating !

Anyhow on to the point !
Guy your videos are an amazing source of inspiration and learning for me, your easy sense of explaining the do's and dont's of creating great orchestral music are very much appreciated and valued. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and skills with us all, it does not go unnoticed.


I laughed so hard. First you were failing to explain counter point and then are to hell with it, ill show you! Then, the computer crashes, this belongs in a comedy sitcom 😂


I normally watch videos and move on without commenting, but I'm so appreciative to Guy for not only doing this video (and others I'll be getting to), but allowing his personality to shine through as it brings levity to what can be "stuffy music" lectures. His passion, joy, everything makes watching this an enjoyable experience, and not only that, is inspiring.

Thank you, Guy!


Was excited when they announced this was now free with no wait :D I've been a BBCSO user since the original came out (before there were versions) and I'm so happy people all over the world finally have access to this amazing tool no matter what their situation. Kudos to Spitfire!


This is such a great video.

In a short 32 minute section there is so much that is discussed. This is a video I need to save and just come back to from time to time because there are so many concepts and ideas all in one short bite


These videos are exactly what we need. I love you playing around, Guy, but this is really really helpful. Explain the Whys and Hows.


I've been writing for orchestra since 1998 when I got my hands on a score writing program called Encore at my school. I've never been professionally trained and I didn't even take music class at school because of the fact that I don't sight read music and so I thought I wasn't good enough. Oh how I wish I had taken music. Anyway, when I first read the title of this video "How to write music for orchestra", my first thought was, "write however you want. There are no rules." Awesome video though, as always. Love your channel and I regularly come here because you've taught me so much in regards to fine tuning my orchestration skills. You have a very thorough yet enjoyable way of teaching.


Dear Guy, to me, you're a seemingly infinite source of inspiration.

Whenever I get stuck with a piece I just watch one of your videos and there is always an idea or two to get me out of my block 😅


Four sections: Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, and Strings. Four main basic functions: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, and Texture. This is not dissimilar to a band with a Lead Singer, Guitarist, Bassist, and a Drummer.

I love this simple approach to composition. A huge problem I have writing anything is keeping it simple, and this is terrific advice for me!


Brilliant!! And this is coming from a 70 year old professional trumpet player with degrees from top universities and experience with major symphony orchestras. I cannot thank you enough


One of the best ways to learn is having fun. Thanks for that spark you have to get us there. This time you made me laugh out loud with your random occurrences and also got many nuggets all along. Awesome!


Guy, you are such a darling.

I have been around music most of my life, but during quarantine I just got back into it and decided over the next 2 years to go for it professionally.

I'm 52 and scored my first short film last weekend.

I have learned so much from your videos. Thank you for providing really good Information and some laughs. I am now beginning to be able to make the music I've always heard in my head.

You are precious and appreciated. 💙💙💙


Thank you soooo much! I've been composing orchestral music for the past several years, and since I'm still young I haven't got much money to spend on expensive libraries. This library will hopefully make my songs more realistic and emotional. Thank you very much!


This was one of my first Spitfire libraries, I found it inspirational and sonically super useful . The related graphics and tutorials educated me in relation to orchestral instrument placement in the stereo field . Sonically, it is still a superb compositional resource , therefore a significant introduction to orchestral composition at zero cost.. What a gift as Guy demonstrates, What a community 🙏🏿🙏👏👏🎩


Nice to see you back Mr. Michelmore. I hope everything is good with you.


Man... I remember when I got BBSCO Discover when I first started producing music. I was so bad at it XD

It's nice to see you teach people how to make good music with this!
