The Pareto Principle - 80/20 Rule - Do More by Doing Less (animated)

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Have you ever been interested in becoming more productive or managing your time better? Then you've most likely come across the Pareto Principle before, also known as the 80/20 rule. If you've never heard of it, then you'll learn more about it in this video.

The Pareto principle states that in any situation, 20 percent of the inputs or activities, are responsible for 80 percent of the outputs or results.

For example:
You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.
In a book, 20% of its pages contain 80% of the most important information.
20% of the company's customers, produce 80% of company's revenue
When it comes to YouTube, 20% percent of my videos generate 80% of my views and subscribers.

The Pareto principle shows up over and over again, in almost every field. But the inverse is also true. That means that the other 80% is only generating 20% of the results.

So think about what are some of the things that you could double down on, and which ones you should eliminate. Let me know how are you going to use the 80/20 rule in the comments below.

#ParetoPrinciple #80/20
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I used the Pareto principle and watched only 20% of the video and I understood it.


80% of the groupwork did by 20% of the members


I watched 20% of this video attentively, and walked around getting ready for work the other 80%.


The only downside to this is when you spend 80% of your time deciding what is the 20%


20% of the time, watching the video, 80% scrolling through the comments.


I'm quite old now, but will attest to the priciples of this philosophy. When I worked I only 6 hours a day for 4+ days a week. How was this, I didn't waste time driving in grid-lock traffic so I would arrive about 10am, when in the office I would leave about 4pm. However, I worked like a whirlwind for those 6 hours, nothing got in my way, not Lunch or anything. In that time I set my appointments for the week and rarely went to the office until Friday. I generally earnt 2 to 3 times the average, I disposed of my mortgage thirty years ago, I love paying all my bills when or before they're due, so I have zero debt, money in the bank, and really don't give a darn about material things. It's all in the attitude. Do what you have to do, be effective, then spend real time with your loved ones, go out sailing or whatever. Gain Contentment.


This is a quote from the Stoics I like.
"If you seek tranquility, do less, do what’s essential.
Which brings a double satisfaction: to do less, better.
Because most of what we say and do is not essential.
If you can eliminate it, you‘ll have more time, and more tranquility.
Ask yourself at every moment, ‘Is this necessary?"


Problem is, books dont just come with a table of contents that outline the crucial 20% of it, and a lot of that 20% needs context from the other 80%


We have 5 fingers and the 20% (thumb) of them makes the 80% of the job done everyday


I got it! I studied today. Like 5 pages of drugs. I took those important things, rewrite it and come up with just half page. I can even discuss it but just using 1 letter for each section. Then I've been able to remember all those meds without memorize the entire 5 pages. Lol. Thank you. 💖


It also means that small groups can drastically influence larger audiences by simply having greater access to the means of communication.


About the book thing, maybe only 20% contains the important stuff, but you often need the other 80% of context and build up.


Pareto Principle kind of makes me think about decluttering a lot about my life, from the physical to the mental aspects of my day to day.


You can use in 80/20 rule in your study life. Some people think that studying for 20 hours straight will make them ace their exams. Nah, study says it's better to study for no more than an hour.. so you can study three hours a day, 1 hour each, with breaks and achieve the an A, than staying up 20 hours or studying for 20 hours straight and getting like a C or B- ... Besides, studying for long periods without breaks, drains your energy and eventually your focus will be drained too and you'll end up not getting the information.. So do more by doing less, by studying for an hour each time, with breaks and ace your exams. I will soon start a student series on my channel. Thanks for this video, it inspired me to.


What a great explanation. Thank you for this!


The trick is figuring out which 20% to concentrate on, or study, read, etc.


"20% of friends give you 80% fulfilment"
*Me counting through my 4 friends*
"Goddammit he's right"


20% of my girlfriends have produced 80% of my kids


I applied 80/20 rule to my sex life, 2 minutes is all you need.


Thank you for this simple analysis!

I use it as a training exercise with my staff to identify productive potential growth and avoid distractions of accepting non productive business activities.

It has become a core value of our operations. Understanding this principle and applying to all aspects of life increases the quality of life.

Our staff is now empowered to “Pink slip” or fire customers and we are SO MUCH more profitable as a result.
