Weird GUITAR Techniques (Tier List)

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Most people think there are two main ways to play guitar: With a pick, or by fingerpicking.

Turns out, there are infinite techniques that you can use on the guitar to make noise in ways that you can't even imagine. Some of them sound great, and others sound... different.

Today we're looking into some of the more popular extended techniques on guitar and evaluating their usefulness AND their coolness.

Whether you're a beginner guitarist or advanced, I can guarantee that you'll see the guitar used like you never have before.

Thanks for watching,
Enjoy :)

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thanks for sticking around everyone :) new videos coming more frequently starting... NOW!


I think if we lock a bunch of 6 year olds in a music room with no supervision, We will discover dozens, if not hundreds, more of these Extended Techniques


Doing the pick scrape dirty. So simple. So awesome. Boo for not including Paul Gilbert's power drill.


1:47 The hammered dulcimer is a stringed instrument that's designed to be hit with wooden mallets. It has a similar sound, but lacks the fretability of a drumsticked guitar.


1:19 I play both the guitar and the viola so I've tried to use my bow on the guitar of course. To say it ruins your strings is an understatement. You'll never get rid of the resin so unless you can afford to hire a roadie to change your string for you, get a second guitar for bowing (preferably an archtop with a floating bridge) or learn how to use an eBow.

2:00 You can get a much better crossed string snare drum effect if you dampen the strings a bit and play a downstroke with another finger, not the thumb. If you know how to play rasgueado or a very fast single finger back-and-forth strumming, you can get a really convincing drum roll. It's usually better to put the A string on top of the E string than the other way round and where you fret the crossed strings make a huge difference to the sound. Don't worry about breaking the strings, you have to be very careless for that to happen. You may need to tune the guitar afterwards though.

2:26 I use the B and G strings for this. It works on an acoustic guitar too if you're careful how you fret and strike. A third crossed strings efect is to use the top two strings and just thrash it - sounds absolutely horrible but in a cool way. ^_^

2:42 Steve Hackett wears a steel ring on his little finger to create a slightly different string scraping effect. It's become one of this trademarks and really worth trying.

3:17 Nice pronounciation, don't worry! ^_^

4:22 Here's another really cool prepared guitar effect: Take a peace of thin metal wire (a straightened out paperclip will do but ideally you want somthing slightly softer and thinner). Weave it around the strings close to the bridge (above the 6th string, under the 5th, above the 4th etc). Gives a really cool steel drum like sound. The closer you can get the wire to the bridge the better the intonation will be but it will always sound a bit out of tune.

Oh, and two more paperclip tricks:
1. Put a paperclip on a string and make sure it doesn't tocuh any other strings. Gives a really eerie chime/gong sound.
2. Out a paperclip on one string and let touch lightly a neighbor string. Strike the string the paperclip is attached to and fret the one it touches. If you do it right, you get a really nice although very soft tremolo effect.


Tony Levin uses the drumstick technique on bass, he even made a specialized version for it called the funk fingers. Two sticks that strap to your fingers. Works better with bass in general and sounds really cool when done correctly


Love your videos. Please keep making them. And then don't forget to upload the videos you make. Thanks I love you.


Jimmy Page (of Led Zeppelin) using the Violin bow is very cool and mysterious sounding! And to add, a cool example of "Pick Scraping" done in a cool way is the very beginning of the song "Stargazer" by Rainbow (guitarist of Deep Purple)


after pickslides got robbed, my brain stopped processing what you were saying so i don’t remember most of this video

10/10 existential crisis, will absolutely watch again later with my brain turned on


Man this dude is back Keep doing what your doin man ur a great help to all guitarist out there


Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead used a bow on his 70's Fender Starcaster, notably on "Pyramid Song". On the KID AMNESIA box set released in 2021, there's a track called "Pyramid Strings" where you can hear it very clearly.

Jimmy Page is famous for using his bow in the middle of "Dazed and Confused" as well as "How Many More Times".


So if you do slide guitar in an electric but turn the distortion to max you can a really cool racecar sound effect


Me, a bassist, looking down at what those guitarist have to do just to reach a fraction of our slap


0:06 "Holdd the note and strum it" **Sad Fingerstyle Noises**


Love your videos man keep it up :)
Also thank you for telling me about Justin, i just searched "how to learn guitar online" like when i first picked up a guitar and your video said Justin. If it wasn't for you i'd be completely lost


I cant tell you how much I hated that tapping open string acoustic guitar stuff.
It was huge back in the day and I feel like it was something that got SO much attention for being a neat trick that it helped usher us into an era where a lot of guitar is just neat things on instagram for 30 seconds of content other than actual songs.


Welcome back my friend, Brazil loves you


Asturias made me fall in love with those nylon strings


threading a wire between strings either near the bottom or over wherever you want harmonics is also a very cool prepared guitar technique. look up michael chorney prepared guitar if you wanna see


Pick slide be playing:

My eardrums: bye bye 🫠😪😢
