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A new guitar theory that will rattle you to your core.
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The thing that keeps all musicians going is that we secretly believe that there is an even further point along the line where you get so good that you go beyond these mortal players, beyond space and time, to another dimension and beat literally everyone else who even stares at you with your skill and everyone will like your music and most amazing of all... you actually make some money.


i remember playing a broken version of the crazy train riff for my in-laws and everyone loved it, year after that i played a bunch of solos and shredding and literally everyone ignored me and started playing ed sheeran really loud on a blue tooth speaker


What I've noticed as a long-time hobbyist guitar player is that people are impressed when you play something they know and like. I guess it's just human nature to respond positively to familiar things. And I'm like that too; I'm most impressed by other guitarists who can play things that I know and have found to be difficult.


The thing is, you gotta play for yourself. I want to be good because I want to be good, not to impress anyone. Hell, I haven't even played infront or my parents or any friends in years.


"that's only if you can sing" straight through the gut 💀


I've been playing for 40 years and teaching for 30, and literally nothing impresses me any more. I mean, there are some superb players out there who are way better than me on a technical level, and I love watching them do stuff I can't do, but it doesn't "impress" me. Because after a while, you realize anyone can do anything as long as they practice it for long enough. And that's really all there is to it. Nobody is born knowing how to play, and nobody is born with skills that other players can't attain. If you practice anything for long enough, no matter what it is, you'll eventually do that. And I know that's true, because there used to be all this material I thought I'd never be able to play, but eventually I learned it all, and now I regularly practice things without thinking about whether I "can" play it or not - I know that I *will* play it, once I get the practice in. So, there's nothing to be "impressed" by, because it's all just a matter of practice. So now I tell my students: stop being impressed and worshiping players you admire, and instead realize you can play just like them, you just have to put in the time. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


The amount of guitarists I've played with that can do flashy things but can't maintain a basic chord progression when we jam/practice is hilarious.

*EDIT:* This comment really blew up lol. Funny to see how many relate and those that are butthurt by it, you may want to consider if you are that band member 😉


I played as a lounge pianist for years. I played all kinds of music; classical, jazz, classic-rock, and some very technical pieces.

But if I busted out some Legend of Zelda songs it would blow people's minds. They absolutely loved it.


You basically just described having good songwriting chops as being the most important thing which i think everyone can agree with


I think you can both play very skillful guitar and also produce good songs. They’re not mutually exclusive. But there is certainly a tendency for ppl with high technicality to make music that’s harder to listen to.

One thing to consider though is that some genres and styles of music require you to develop the “palette” to listen to and appreciate them. Doesn’t make them worse or bad. It just takes time to understand your own ability to enjoy it.

I think it’s annoying when the hyper technical guitar wizards shit on simple things because it isn’t “hard to play”, but it’s also annoying when people that haven’t put as much time into their instrument shit on the hyper technical as just being “noise” and produced “only to flex”.

Bottom line being: you can be hyper-technical, produce enjoyable music, do BOTH, or neither.


100% solid analysis. Competitive guitar is EXHAUSTING. The solo from More Than Words by Extreme is really easy, and when you can play that, most people think you're an absolute god. And all the people who are better than you will probably enjoy it too, because it's awesome.


I've been playing guitar for 25 years now, but when I first started learning guitar on my own and I started jamming with other musicians, I always had this anxiety. I asked my dad, who was also a guitar player, "What if I am playing live and I mess up?" He said, "They won't know unless they are also guitarists, and even in that case they still might not know you messed up." That kind of put my mind at ease and that made me feel more relaxed when I played, which helped me to become a better guitarist!


Screw the average person. Shred because you were born to.


This is absolutely brilliant. And the sad truth is that most musicians will ever be able to impress themselves, hoping the pursuit of technical perfection will one day bring them the fulfillment they're looking for. If you play guitar, take a moment and think of what specific song or riff inspired you to pick up the instrument in the first place. Can you play it now? If you can, you should be impressed. Now it's time to ignore everyone else and have some fun.


If you enjoy playing guitar without anyone watching your are automatically above this chart


I think that artists like Ichika Nito are the ones that are just at the peak of the Skill/Sounds good graph. His (especially older) music is extremely pleasant to listen to and still is very hard to play. (New) Polyphia on the other hand has crossed that maximum already and is way more focused on skill. I still listen to polyphia, but for a different reason to ichika. One is because the music pleases the soul, the other is because it goes damn hard and I know I won't be able to play their songs without years and years of practice


Bro is just mad that he still struggling with bar chords


you're not really supposed to play music to impress, but rather to express


Basically play for YOURSELF because you can't please everybody. But you can always be better than you were yesterday


I am a beginner guitarist (2 months in so I don't even know if I even deserve that title yet). Anyway. I was really impressed with super technical players about a month ago but I realized I can't watch them play for any longer than forty seconds or so.

Now I'm more impressed with guitarist that know what a l-ii-IV-V is and how to play different voicings of that and what filler chords bring about what feeling to go back to your l. Those guys make beautiful music!!!
