Shop Talk - Choosing The Right Water Management Solution

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Over the last decade, there has been an important increase in the addition of aquatic solutions to municipal parks. These water attractions are highly beneficial for early childhood development, and for encouraging movement and socialization within communities with increasingly sedentary lifestyles. A well-chosen water management system is a crucial part of every aquatic solution, as it ensures water quality, community health, safety and sustainability.
We have invited Mike McGilbra, Sales Executive at Vortex Aquatic Structures International to share his industry knowledge and expertise in aquatic systems through a series of discussions. For our second session we asked Mike to explore the different types of water management systems and the important role they play in the health, safety and welfare of families and communities.
Participants will:
1. Determine whether a splashpad needs a filtration system or a flow through system
2. Choose the right type of housing for a specific project
3. Become aware of the requirements for the installation of different systems
4. Understand and communicate the pros and cons of each system to advise clients on the optimal choice for their specific site and objectives
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