Unlock Your Ear (The Most Effective Ear-Training Drill I Know)

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It's scary how fast this began to unlock my ear and made life so much easier when it came to figuring out songs, riffs, and leads.
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I honestly didnt learn a thing till i literally spent 5 hours a night playing along to every song on my itunes playlists. Then i started listening to music and humming like crazy. I not only learned how to play guitar but to sing and play piano. Its amazing. I literally find myself automatically gravitating to pitches. Its wierd. The humming is what I think finally locked everything together. Within a span of a month(after 5 years of unfocused dabbling with tabs and theory) i was able to discern intervals and ever the qualities of tones in a scale. I can totally hear maj 7ths and extentions, tonal changes etc. Honestly i saw this video and couldnt believe it because everything in here I picked up in bits and pieces. The drone notes, the humming. I hope people watch this and realize this is the "one big secret" video. I wish you had made this 5 years ago, but honestly figuring it out myself is probably what made me successful.


Started learning by ear a week ago after playing guitar for a year and damn does it feel amazing when you figure out a song and then go back to the tabs just to see that you are absolutely wrong, but NOT actually because the notes sounds the same you are just playing them abother place on the fretboard.
It's absolutely amazing and motivating


Ear training was my reason for getting out of bed this past Spring, tbh. It was the first thing I did every morning, for 45 minutes, five days a week for two months. It was fun to see my progress day by day, and the results were crazy! Do it at least 15-20 minutes a day for at least a month, and you will play music differently, hear music differently, sing music differently, and write music differently.


Protip: Do this exercise while practicing inversions and learn to pick out the root 3rd and fifth in different positions down the neck. Sing the note as well


I like Mike's videos the most, honestly this guy simply starts his videos not by seeking for subscriptions or notifications, he just starts. One of the few guys I don't really mind having the "patreons" :D


I'd just like to say that your video that's should be everyone's first guitar lesson made me have the confidence to start guitar I bought my first guitar a couple weeks ago and I'm having a blast with it


I've been playing guitar for over ten years now, always complaining about my bad ear. All I do is improvise, having fun and it works great too, i can solo for hours, but i never could identify chords or single tones very well. This is exactly what i needed. Feels easy, natural even. To be fair i know i have been training my ear without knowing, but i now i know exactly how. Thank you so much.


I have been studying ear Training for so long and this, by far, is the best method. Awesome lesson as usual.


One of my ear training exercises is just tuning by ear


You just blew my mind dude. It's like I was blind my whole life and now I can see.


Was trying to learn the solo to La Villa Strangiato by ear today, I got a good chunk through, however it really opened my eyes to how bad my ears were.


Yes! Needed this like 30 years ago, but this'll have to do, lol! Totally hearing it.

P.S. For pollen allergies: the stuff builds up in the back of your throat then works it way into the sinuses. The key is drinking, not for hydration, but to keep washing the pollen down so it doesn't build up.


A tip for this that I found to help is if your having trouble hearing the note you want, play all 3 notes and mute the other notes by the bridge with your picking hand, you’ll be able to realize if your hearing the correct note or not because it will now be the only one left ringing.


This is honestly the easiest way I've ever heard learning ear training explained. Thank you


Brother... I've played for over 40 years, but could NEVER sing. My wife even bought me voice lessons from a local college with an excellent music dept for Christmas one year... the instructor, at the end of a couple months, told me to just stick with guitar...lol But this... kind of embarrassed after playing so long, was brilliant... thanks.


I just want to say thank you so much. Every single video of ear training they just say that you should try and figure out song. But this. This is diffrent


Hey, this is a great exercise to train your ear. I'm going to use it on guitar and piano since fretted notes on the guitar are slightly off-pitch because the guitar uses equal temperament.


I have dyslexia and how I learned drums growing up was training my music ears because I couldn't read notes. Now as an adult I can learn songs by listening to them and figure out chords pretty easily.


I would always humm the solos to songs or instrumentals, my friends and band mates thought it was weird but now I’m realizing how important that really is.


I do this with chord books it really fun I love ear training it my favourite practice I feel more close to my guitar thanks for the tip
