Interactive and Dynamic Power BI Dashboard | How to create Power BI Dashboard from the scratch

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The following are the ingredients of a good dashboard:
1. Correlated color palette
2. Shapes
3. Icons
4. Choice of fonts
5. Images
6. Well formatted background template
7. Minimal information per page
8. Hide and show functionalities to keep the dashboard clean with fewer filters
9. Chart selections (You need to know what chart to use)

How do I get better at Data Visualization?
The very first step you need to take to get better and create an interactive and well-formatted dynamic dashboard is consistency.

According to Ryan Mitchell Rios and Mark Atalla, consistency in your efforts leads to self-discipline, teaches you self-control, improves your overall personality, and builds momentum.

If you can repeat what people you look up to have done repeatedly, you will defiantly start thinking like them and in no time you would have greater results than usual.

Recreation is one of the best ways to achieve success in technology. To get better and become a master in data visualization you will need to recreate what others had done.

My first recommendation on recreation is to go to YouTube and watch good channels with good content on Dashboard creations, get the dataset used and do the same as the creator had done.

If you want a full Power BI Dashboards step-by-step class to help you with your designs try this: Advanced Power BI Clean Dashboards class.
The power BI dashboard class is a full project class, 100% project with lots of dashboards. The dashboard includes financial and non-financial dashboards.

To practice what you have learned we include some datasets to try all the logics and design patterns you have learned from the classes.
To get more out of the class, I have included some data challenges links you can take part in.

With data challenges, you will have more pressure to work and show your skill by joining hundreds of other data analysts all over the world.
One of the beautiful things about data challenges is that you can win some amazing prices like hundreds of dollars and scholarships.

Another advantage is that you will learn a lot from other analysts, like their design patterns and the logic behind the dashboards.
You can follow my analytics journey on my YouTube channel
Thanks for reading, keep learning tech, the new oil of all time.

I went through some POWER BI dashboards challenges I had taken part in and won some.

As soon as you complete this course, you can apply for a Power BI job with no fear. Take part in data challenges and show them what you got.

Are you ready now? If you are, sign up for the course.

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Рекомендации по теме

This is a unique dashboard that i have ever come across 😅


Magical course, thank you a lot brother


@Data with Decision is your course open for enrollment presently?


Which course I need to join for this which platform ?


please, can you share the dataset for this dashboard with me?
