Proof Of Noah's Global Flood?! Atheist Reaction.

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Did the global flood actually happen? YEC Scientist, Dr Timothy Clarey, gives us some of the proof that the global flood was indeed global, which in turn demonstrates the truth of a gods word. I give you my reaction as I see this video unfold... so I'm sorry if there are inaccuracies... most of my videos are saying what I'm thinking out loud... which, in turn, also seems to be what most others are thinking too!


*Everything in this video is just an opinion, and should be treated as such - though it is important to ask questions. Any humour or sarcasm is aimed towards the words and actions of the individuals, and not intended to be a personal attack on any individual themselves, under the act of free speech*

Title - Proof Of Noah's Global Flood?! Atheist Reaction.
TAGS - bible,noahs ark,noah's ark,atheist response,global flood,proof of global flood,proof of noahs ark,did the global flood happen,Is noahs ark real,is noah's ark real,was there a global flood,was there a biblical flood,biblical flood,gods word,proof,proof of god,proof of gods word,atheism,atheist reacts,atheist reaction,noahs ark found,ark experience,ark encounter,dinosaurs on the ark,the ark story is wrong,Noahs ark didn't happen,did noahs ark happen
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"It rained 40 days and nights." In Finland we call that summer.


Cross my heart, Noah's Ark is the story that lifted the blinders from my eyes. Not from what these guys are talking about, but that god made a rainbow to promise he wouldn't kill again. I realized--that's not a loving caretaker, that's an abusive relationship! This is god saying, "Come back, baby! I can change!"


I’ve never heard a creationist explain how other cultures thrived throughout the time of the supposed flood.


The way that guy does this reminds me of how I like to fill plot holes of shows and films that I love with explanations that I made up for them. The difference is, I realize that the authors just didn't care about those flaws, and the whole show or film is a fantasy.


Having a degree in geology myself, it's particularly painful to listen to this "geologist". It was my fascination with earth sciences, geology in particular, that effectively closed the door on any belief in supernatural explanations for the earth. I was in high school when the theory of plate tectonics was finally accepted, and I remember thinking what a wonderful system the explanation for continental drift turned out to be.


Just as you are not convinced that the Ark was a real thing, I too am not convinced that his doctorate was a real thing...


"Isn't it amazing how when I start with the idea that the bible is true, all the evidence I find can be rationalized to match up with the bible?"

Really highlights how stupid this whole idea is, letting it spew out of their own mouths.


AronRa has an excellent series debunking this tale of genocide.


One yec explained that the ark was built over 120 years by Noah and his family. Ken Ham built a replica (albeit non watertight) in 4 years with a couple of hundred fully trained tradesman with modern tools, cranes, lumber from sawmills etc. Noah would have have bronze age tools, no cranes, he would have needed to fell the trees, trim and split the trunks into planks using bronze age tools and put them together.

The ark is reportedly over 500 ft long (say 170 metres). For comparison HMS Victory is 185 ft so roughly half the size, records state it needed 100 acres of oak forest to build so the ark would need at least double that of whatever gopher wood is. Cutting and splitting 200 acres of trees into ark shaped bits would take more time or resources than he had available. Then you have the problem that the keel and ribs would be exposed to the elements for about 100 of the 120 years it takes to put it together. Wood rot and termites would make sure the ark fell apart long before it floated.

Assuming all this magically worked and the ark floated, think about the sea conditions Noah would have faced. With the earth a ball of water the fetch would be infinite, waves would just go around the earth with nothing to stop them. The sun still shines, the atmosphere exists so the system of highs and lows will still give winds regimes only there is no land to stop the waves. Think the southern ocean on steroids waves would be greater than 50 metres continuously wwashing around the globe. 

On these seas you have an ark without any means of propulsion, or steering. It would broach and be battered to matchwood in the first few hours.

Yeah the story works.


Noah sent a dove out who found an olive branch after the flood. Where would it get any vegetation from if the flood was so violent that it formed canyons and mountain ranges? There would be nothing left or nothing but plants that live in saltwater. No olive trees.


The only reason I can't confidently say that this is the most unbelievable, cruel and stupid story in the bible, is because it's so full of them.

And, the water background is a nice touch.


How does that guy say most of that and keep a straight face? I was waiting for him to start smiling and say "It's so easy to just make this shit up".


The only reason this flooding event has been discussed is because it’s mentioned in one fictional book right?


“There’s water on Earth, and that’s all the evidence I need to prove the Moon is made of cheese…” -Yecs.


One time, my toilet almost flooded, that toilet is my whole world sometimes. I made an ark out of a pack of toilet paper and took 2 of every hand towel variety with me. It was harrowing. Could have lasted maybe 5 minutes until I unclogged it, or a whole year, almost the same.


That is very interesting that flood legends tend to come about in areas that is prone to flooding. Like in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers routinely jump their banks and caused major flooding on average every 10 years until we start building dams like O'Shaughnessy Dam and Griggs Reservoir. The deadliest flood in Columbus, Ohio take place in the year 1913. It completely swallowed up the whole near Westside of Columbus an area known as The Bottom because it's basically a floodplain. Between 93 and 106 people died. Native American avoided building villages in that area because they knew it was prone to flooding.


Skeptick, just your voice helps me calm down in these dystopian days. Knowing there's at least one intelligent, rational person left is very comforting.


If it covered mt Everest how did they breathe?


I found Trey Bowling...he has a degree from Dallas Baptist University in Digital Media Content Developer...gee no wonder
he knows so much about geology. This is your go-to guy for real world science in the real world. (I did find a Trey Bowling at IRC so I believe this to be the right guy)


So.... How many times have creationists claimed they found the arc? Like has it been 5 times already?
