Top 5 Reasons Noah’s Flood Probably Happened?

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It took me 30 years to leave Creationism. The indoctrination is real. 😞


As a geologist, I found you did a great job at explaining some of these basic concepts!


As a skeptic, I've never really felt, "Yeah, but where did the omnipotent creator of the cosmos get all that water?" is a relevant objection. Clearly such a being is perfectly capable of magicing up some water. I think it's more relevant to ask, "Why bother with the water? Just poof the undesirable humans out of existence."


This guy tried to equate hundreds of millions of years' worth of fossil records to one flood.


"This sounds reasonable as long as you don't think too hard about it."

best jab ever.


I find your posts fascinating, Dan. Honest, educated, erudite critique without recouse to being patronising. One of my favourite creators on any platform.


Thank you Dan, it was almost painful listening to the rather simplistic arguments you were debunking, but as usual you countered them even handedly and succinctly.


Alternate theory for the ice age: long, long ago people made lots and lots of Italian Ice but nobody bought it because it wasn't flavored. The vendors kept piling it up and voila! The glaciers. 😉😁😏


My mans is criminally underrated. Finding I watch him now more than any other creator. His wealth of biblical knowledge is invaluable and captivating.


On the fossils, I would have included the fact all these fossils are found at different layers in the geological record. In order to be evidence of a single, global flood they would all need to found at the exact same layer regardless of where in the world you are.


#1: But it’s worst than that! If the flood happened as described in the Bible there COULDN’T have been been cultural stories. Who would have been left to record them?


It should be no surprise that flood myths are common among civilizations all over the world. People like to build cities and towns near rivers and oceans. Places near rivers and oceans often get flooded. Floods are big memorable events and can have catastrophic consequences for people living in the flooded areas, so if a big one comes through, people would tell stories about them. Stories get passed on to children, eventually you have a legend.


Dan, your content is thoroughly addictive, educational, and fascinating.


Wait, they're saying there are records of the global flood in all cultures - which were wiped out by the flood?

I'd be hard pressed to refute the story if there were Aztec and Chinese and Kenyan myths which all reported that they came from Ararat and that their grandpa's name was Noah. Otherwise how could anyone think this was convincing?


The flood myth was a reimagining of an older creation myth in which a bird brings up the first land from the primeval ocean. In the flood myth this bird brings the first evidence of the land that is no longer submerged beneath the floodwaters.


The creator is appropriately wearing a Star Wars t-shirt as the global flood is just as real as Darth Vadar.


Noah's flood probably happened.. It was likely a version of a story that was handed down from a real event.. The event was likely a case of where a famer lived in the region of what is now the Black Sea, but before the Bosporus broke. The Black sea at that time was much smaller. A cataclysmic event occurred where the natural dam of Bosporus broke and allowed the Mediterranean Sea to pour into what's now the Black Sea. Had you been living in the valley, you would experience water levels rising with out fully understanding why.. You might be too far from the Bosporus to see the break.. Thus your experience is the waters simply rising from everywhere.. especially if this event occurs simultaneously with a meteorically event like a rain storm that lasts longer than usual. You might associate the catastrophic flooding to be caused by the rain, when it in fact is simply the Med pouring into the valley.

In ancient times, peoples "World" was that which they can see.. I.e. to the horizon. Since your a living in the context of stone aged man, you have no concept of a planet. if you were living in that valley, from your stone aged perspective, your entire world was flooded, even if your world wasn't the entire planet. Perhaps this farmer had some inspiration that he felt was from God, that told him to prepare for some cataclysmic flood, so he built a barge of sorts too save his family and livestock.. his neighbors all perished, and as his barge floated and came to rest on the shores of the black sea, know today as the mountains of Ararat in Armenia. The story of his survival gets passed down.. and embellished.. with religious meaning attached. It probably is passed on to be the genesis of traditions in the region.. like the Gilgamesh epic and the Jewish stories of Noah that our found in Genesis.


"What we learn in elementary school". Nailed it.

The Bible is NOT a science book nor a history book.


Well, that was underwhelming. 🤦🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️
Young earth creationists arguments are ridiculous. 🤦🏻‍♂️


When I started questioning my Christian upbringing I was declared a non believer which I took as a compliment. As i delved into the contradictions and gymnastics required to remain in belief and NOT in knowledge, I abandoned faith for reason. Your channel is clear and concise and a breath of fresh air.
