My Favourite Sunbreak Monster To Fight

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Hey Everyone!! My Favourite Sunbreak Monster To Fight, In todays video its exactly as the title says, going to do my favourite fight in monster hunter rise sunbreak. Hope You Enjoy

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This game is just stacked with enjoyable fights both Malzenos, Both magnamalos, both espinas’s, nargacuga, hazard Luna, rathian, rathalos, Risen chamy, risen kushala, magmadron, amatsu, diablos and if gaismagorm got a hazard he would probably be up there aswell also I personally like Ibushi and narwas fights and I think everyone can agree them with certain weapons is really fun.


Those special investigations are hard!! Such a great game❤❤❤


Yoo love your vids :D Started learning Gunlance cuz of them, thank you!


Rathian is like, right in the middle between the heavy telegraphed moves of early monsters and the more quick burst of some of the later ones. Guess that's why hunting her can be so much fun


Your rathian kill count is crazy.
Can you show your guild card, I think it would be interesting to see your weapon usage and monster killcount


Love the run, but I'm not quite getting how Redirection works. I'm no gunlance main ofc. Would like to be educated, if anyone would like to chime in.


does rise really have that bad of hitboxes? I've been going back and playing world to finish the game up before wilds and like... the hitboxes in that game are fucking awful
at least, just as awful as every other game in the series
I don't really feel like rise stands out for it is what I'm saying
