How does a Russian nuclear missile work? The most advanced nuclear bomb in the world SARMAT SATAN 2

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This Sarmat is the most advanced nuclear missile in the world. Its Warheads are impossible to intercept. This Sarmat is the most advanced nuclear missile in the world. Its Warheads are impossible to intercept.

The fact is that this is the first missile in the world that can strike the territory of a probable enemy through the South Pole. For NATO and Canada, this was an unpleasant surprise: the main missile defense force - the NORAD system is designed to intercept missiles that are launched through the North Pole.
On the southern side, the U.S. has no warning systems or missile defense systems. Therefore, U.S. satellites can detect a Sarmat launch, calculate its trajectory, but will not be able to defend themselves.

Some of the missiles are based at a missile range in the Kaluga region. These are the so-called "Nuclear Glades".

According to the tests conducted, the time of approach of the missile to London will be about eight minutes, to New York about 20 minutes.

The range of firing sarmat is 18 thousand kilometers or more than 11 thousand miles. This is enough to fly around the planet one and a half times.

The maximum speed in the atmosphere is 17,982 kilometers per hour or more than 11,000 miles.

The exact number of warheads is classified, but there is information that the missile can carry on board up to 15 warheads with a power of 750 Kt each. If that many landed on New York, it would look like this:

In addition to warheads, a substantial weight limit would be set aside for traditional missile defense overcoming systems such as decoys. These are decoys that look like warheads but carry no nuclear charge. They are needed to fool the missile defense system.

The missile is also capable of overcoming the missile defense system by giving the engines almost as much power as is needed to put the warheads into a circular orbit. The missile can attack the territory of the enemy country not by the shortest, but by any direction, including through the South Pole, bypassing the deployed missile defenses designed for the trajectories of conventional ICBMs launched from Eurasia through the North Pole, which would require the enemy country to costly deploy not fragmentary, but "circular missile defense.

Russia may have between 60 and 100 silos in which to mount this new missile. This number is enough to wipe out several major European countries. France and the United Kingdom, for example.

"Sarmat" is essentially a revival of the "Universal Missile" concept. In other words, any "orbital bombardment" ICBM can launch not only warheads, but also satellites into orbit - so most likely the decommissioning of the Sarmat ICBM at the end of its service life will be through civilian space launches. The opportunity to recoup the large investment made in silo ICBMs, while also profiting from commercial launches of satellites using end-of-life ICBMs, is very important from an economic point of view and is being seriously considered by the Russian government.

Despite the power and strength of this missile Experts at the Pentagon and the UK Ministry of Defense saw no point in further escalating the means of attack or retaliation. "Russia and other nuclear powers have had enough resources to turn each other to ashes since the days of nuclear bombers. That is, for over 60 years," said Julian Lewis, chairman of the British Parliament's defense committee.

Remember friends, these are weapons, and we are the people against whom they are made. And we are better off living in peace and giving each other good emotions, not missiles.
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Its Amazing what you can do with fridge components.


But the West claims that Russia has only shovels to fight 😁


Their Patriot can't even stop Iskander M, how their anti ballistic system will stop this monster?


The graphic was a grose understatement. There would be no NY anymore.


For your reference the Hiroshima bomb was only 15 kilotons, and this one is 11250 kilotons.. so nothing would be left of NYC and probably the NY state, I’m sure the casualty numbers would be much more devastating.


Let’s say Russia launches a Satan-2 over the north horizon (shortest route) armed with 15 750 kilotons warheads. Let’s say each target gets only 1 warhead. They could theoretically drop 1 at our sub base in Maine, another at Boston, then Groton, continuing to NY/Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, Norfolk, 2nd MarDiv at Jacksonville, NC, Ft. Bragg, sub base at Georgia, Atlanta, Tampa, and Miami with multiple independently-targetable reentry vehicles! A hell of a lot of damage with only 1 missile! Shouldn’t we try not to anger them?


I am Russian. Just leave us alone. Believe me, nothing more is required.


the russian sources claim one sarmat icbm can totally destroy an area the size of france.


I do not know what weapons the third World war will be fought with, but the fourth one will be with sticks and stones.“ A.Einstein


No to nuclear war we dont want it ever all of our hard work as humans would be for absolutely nothing i feel getting along would be easier


Почему все просто не могут оставить Россию в покое? Нам просто нужны наши законные границы 1913 плюс Калининград и Курилы.


I better get to know what is going to drop on my head soon.


A range of 18000 km is enough to circle the earth one and a half time...? Well...


Просто уберите NATO от границ России и будет мир. После развала Варшавского договора NATO прет и прет вперед на Россию. Достали


Судя по видео, Сармат одноступенчатая ракета, а это не так!


It’s most likely made of paper and wood


Naive ukrainians and liberals would say that this is russian 'pRoPAgAnDa'.


America failed too:

"On November 1, 2023, the U.S. Air Force destroyed a Minuteman III missile over the Pacific Ocean after a post-launch anomaly was detected. The Air Force said it would form a launch analysis group to investigate the incident"


Does it have a stolen Ukranian toilet and cistern onboard? ):-)


I really hope that I will not find those times when this weapon will be used.
