The 11 LEARN-TO-READ Apps for KIDS you need to CHECK OUT! Best Literacy APPS and Websites...

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If you are considering educational apps to support your child in his/her learn to read journey, then this is the video for you, because we'll reveal 11 fantastic learn-to-read apps and websites that you'd want to know about!

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00:00 - 02:27: Intro
2:28 - 04:08: App #1
04:09 - 07:42: App #2
07:43 - 09:23: App #3
09:24 - 11:43: App #4
11:44 - 12:45: App #5
12:46 - 14:01: App #6
14:02 - 15:54: App #7
15:55 - 16:46: App #8
16:47 - 17:55: App #9
17:56 - 19: 23: App #10
19:24 - 20:28: App #11

Even though technology should never be a replacement for human instruction, GOOD QUALITY (that’s key!) educational apps totally place their place, and we can use them to our advantage when it comes to learning to read.

Unfortunately, not all literacy apps are created equally.

After testing a whole bunch of apps, in this video you'll find our ranking of the best learn to read apps in 2022. If we discover more good-quality apps, don’t worry, we’ll keep getting you

However, a word of caution before anything else! None of these apps (no app in general) will magically teach your child to read. As mentioned before, they have their place, but they are always complimentary tools, never a substitute of reading instruction.

Some of these apps are free, some offer free trials, some others are paid apps.
Besides, some of these learn to read apps are for preschoolers are kindergarten kids, while others are more appropriate for more advanced readers, struggling readers, etc.

These apps use the Phonics approach to teaching reading, which has been proven to be the most effective way to teach children to read.
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