find command with examples in linux ubuntu [ explained ]

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Find Commands :-
Find is used to search the data anywhere in system :

#find / -name passwd {Command will search file named passwd in / , remember this command will exactly match the case of search value, you have entered}

#find / -name *.jpg {command will search all the files in your system having extension .jpg}

#find / -iname passwd {Command will search the value "passwd" in capital or small letters in whole system, including all mounted partitions}

#find / -user username {command will search all the data belongs to username user in whole system }

#find / -size +10M {Command will search all the files in system those are greater then 10 MB in size in whole system, you can search in K,M,G}

#find / -size -10M {Command will search all the files in system those are smaller then 10 MB in size, This command is practically not usable as maximum files in system is below 10M}

#find / -size 10M {Command will search the files of exact 10 MB}

#find /home -ctime +3 {Command will search the data "created" before then last 3 days}

#find /home -atime -3 {Command will search the data "accessed" within last 3 days}

#find /home -mtime 3 {Command will search the data "modified" exactly 3 days before}


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