As Russia Intensifies Attack on Ukraine's Donbas, Volunteers Try to Help Civilians in Leveled Cities

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We get an update on the Donbas region of Ukraine, where Russian forces are now focused. Russia has backed a separatist movement in the Donbas since 2014 and used protecting the Russian-speaking population there as a justification for its invasion in February. We speak with Brian Milakovsky, who lived in the Donbas town of Severodonetsk before he evacuated to Croatia in January and is now fundraising for people trying to flee Russian attacks. The Russian obsession with annexing the Donbas region is part of a "fanatical belief that the East really must be actually a part of Russia," says Milakovsky. "They're leveling these cities," and "it's not really clear for what purpose except for bolstering their own narrative," he adds.


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Patrick Lancaster has the real story in Maripol.


Hey Amy, where was the news on the missing journalist Gonzalo Lira? He was taken by the SBU in Kharkov for speaking the truth about what the situation is there on the ground.. missing for a week... why is there no news here about Gonzalo Lira ?


The oil embargo would push oil to 180 per barrel. If Russia could sell their Oil on the black market for 150 and still make money.

Why don’t people understand that International Law is a joke


So, this guy gets to deliver his lies about what happened after the fascist coup in 2014, completely unopposed. Not a single critical question. Amy, Amy, Amy. This just won't do. What about the 14000 dead? What about the shelling and missile strikes on civilian targets in Donetsk and Luhansk for 8 years?


This is a poor excuse for democracy, might as well have watched cnn


Patrick Lancaster look him up on YouTube
He a real journalist in maruipoli Ukraine exposing the truth
I'm gonna leave it here
You will be shocked


I guess it's too hard to imagine liberating people in WWII from the German Nazis, building them huge, Soviet style apartment houses and then watching them join a military alliance like NATO to put you down.


Did anyone besides me hear, "I don't know, I lived in a government area". Social hierarchy?


Well Ukraine leaders should have listened to the complaints of Russia 🇷🇺


Donbas is not part of Ukraine any more. "Ukraine's Donbas" is a misnomer.


Brian is Ukrainian government employee he must know a lot what was going on prior to this operation, it's only 3, 500 civilian killed even no war during those years, ONLY.


And, what a beautiful, Mediterranean sea, paradise-like tourist resort area is in Omish, Croatia. I envy anyone who spends any time there.


Sir this is what happens when you sleep with American led nato dogs you get fleas and these fleas bite hard and deep


How did women a d children get into the Azavstal plant?


You could have prevented the whole crisis…. you have had 8 years to implement, what you’re signed.
But you followed the US order, not to fulfill you’re obligation.
Now you got, what you deserve.


Vem hjälper de som inte anses vara Ukrainare i området ?


Are there kittens and dogs in the there as well? The British will airlift them out then 😛


Video game scenarios can become reality as he said and happem any where


Level that shit Russia 🇷🇺. You warned them


𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗮-𝗨𝗸𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝗿: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗕𝗼𝘅 𝗶𝘀 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻
The ramifications of this war run much deeper than the impact it will cause to those directly involved in the conflict. It will reshape the world, as it is likely that other latent frictions between countries and territories will be activated as a consequence of the Russia-Ukraine situation. This war just opened an era of wars, small and large, between different peoples.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently said that this war could easily become "the biggest war in Europe since 1945", and I agree. If countries with similar backgrounds cannot reach agreement between them, then how much more likely it is that several countries that have big differences and ancient conflicts may easily slip into war for no apparent justifiable reason.
On a personal level, it saddens me to see how fate turns around and once again we find ourselves at war. I am sorry and restless since I have many students in Russia and Ukraine who are under threat and feel how the deteriorating situation is affecting them and the whole world. In Israel, too, I have many students who follow with concern what is happening in Eastern Europe, anxious about the fate of their family members and friends.
My hope is that the manifestations of hatred between the Russians and the Ukrainians will stop soon, two peoples who have lived side by side throughout history. If it were still possible, I would give everything I could to silence, calm down, avoid the escalation, but this is impossible for now.
There is not much that we can do at this stage. We can only long for peace and a ceasefire, talk about all parties showing restraint. The parties in conflict could follow the example of the Native American tribes who buried their hostility in a ceremony during which previously warring tribes agreed to settle their differences and live in harmony, and sealed their agreement by the chief of each tribe burying a war hatchet in the ground.
Such a scenario does not look realistic under the current circumstances. Thus, above the forces of hostility, above the egoism and control as the driving forces of all the conflicts in the world, we can only raise a global prayer for peace, asking that we all get along with everyone. Because only in the power of connection and in the connection between our hearts, can a great positive force arise, a force that is able to unite all parties, to reconcile the haters, to awaken the truth in us all that we all belong to one soul. As it is written, “He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us…” (The Book of Job, 25:2)
