The Simple Way To Feel More Comfortable with Yourself Right Now

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Feeling comfortable with yourself and confident in who you are is not always easy. It's all to easy to get stuck in thinking that we're not good enough in some way, or think other people are thinking negative things about us, or even, truly believe that we're fundamentally flawed in some way, and the only way to feel comfortable with ourselves is to become something or someone else. But the truth is, becoming more comfortable with yourself is not about changing who you are, it's about accepting who you are from the inside out. Here I'll teach you how to do this with one simple, but very powerful tool to become more comfortable with yourself right now.


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This is exactly me! I’m in agony right now because of the struggle to like myself. The second guessing, criticizing, the replaying, the fear, worried about being judged, my low self esteem! Yes, you might as we’ll be talking to me except me reaching out and me experiencing joy! I’m in a new job and I must rise to the occasion and show them and myself I can shine ! I’m a shifter, hopefully I’m not embarrassing myself… I will take it to the Shift Society to discuss, thank you Julia!


If you care about what everyone thinks of you you be stuck in doors all day doing nothing. Usually people are only thinking about themselves ❤❤


Julia, You continue to keep me inspired. It’s One Day At A Time… A thankful Shifter…


You hit all my feelings right from the start of this video. There needs to be more content on self esteem and social anxiety. Thank you🎉


Love your videos and practical advice. Why do we care so much about what goes on in the minds of others? for me it's a feeling that has always been with me as long as I can remember - that everyone else has more right to be here than me. Which is obviously total nonsense. i have managed to overcome it to a great extent by challenging myself in small ways to be and do and say anything I feel like as often as possible. And yes sometimes I do raise eyebrows - and I have come to enjoy that. And getting to love and accept myself more and more.


I love it! Also for me, one of the things that liberated me from the fear of judgement is that even IF people are judging me… it is a reflection of themselves and their own insecurities, and they are just projecting fears onto someone else as they haven’t healed it within ❤


When I had bad social anxiety, I did comfort zone challenges like lying down in street, and one thing i learnt from doing that is most people are so wrapped up in their own lives and focused on themselves, they barely even notice all the things you over analyse about yourself. I remember lying on the pavement in a busy street doing that comfort zone challenge, and 80% of people didn't even look, the rest just glanced over and carried on walking. We're all focused on ourselves for the most part, the day we have ahead of us, our problems and insecurities etc. You could run through your nearest city center dressed as bigfoot and 90% of people will of forgotten by the time they get home. So when you're feeling insecure about being yourself in public and you're judging everything you do, chances are you're the only one doing that to you, everyone else is probably doing it to themselves, or thinking about work or problems they're facing at the moment, and so on. It helped me to realise that, i hope it helps someone here too.


I'm crying because this is exactly what I'm going through right now and it's so hard to just allow myself to be me. But the good thing is, the inner turmoil comes from me really trying. I've been going out of my comfort zone these past few months. I am improving and I am afraid. It's going to be okay.


I sometimes fear even walking by myself outside. If I am walking in a safe distance behind a women I tend to fear if they think I am stalking her. I noticed I had been judging myself by thinking she will think I am a bad person by her thinking about me a certain way. Even if they did stop and ask "are you following me?" I know I am not and I can ask back "what made you think that?"


All I want is an ignorance pill. The sh*t that ruminates through my head is why I'm absolutely miserable in life.


Good morning! TY for this video. I really need it today!
Also, I love your hair longer!!


I've been a subscriber for a few years now and I really enjoy your content / advice. Plus, I appreciate the stylish black and white colour presentation choice!!


For me it's in my body, I freeze, I can't do it even thinking about the eyes on me and the judgement is too much. Then again I've had a life of ridicule, judgement, being different. Doing those things might give me joy, but others reaction can lead to feelings of rejection which is certainly not joy. Logically I understand, It's just hard at this point to break out of that shell.


Good observations Julia! You are doing terrific work and helping lots of people, thank you!
The End of Uncomfortableness
My journey is unique and beyond comparison.
I act from my own values, unconcerned with how others might judge me.
I cooperate with others, without competing with others.
I value authenticity, integrity and liberty.
I value honesty, equality and happiness.
My purpose in life to be exactly as I am, and to love and to accept myself exactly as I am.
I dont need to control situations, people or outcomes.
I have no complaints, because I expect the unexpected, and I am never dissappointed.
I allow myself to take risks, to make mistakes and to be imperfect.
I have always done the best I could under difficult circumstances.
I am proud of myself and I feel good about myself.
I am on the right path, moving steadily in the right direction.
I am grateful to all of the people who are showing me the way!

an affirmation poem by The Alien Overlord Proponent.


I stay in the house way too much because of my social anxiety worrying what everyone thinks of my when I go anywhere, I been putting on makeup more often which makes me feel better in the moment. As soon as I leave the house any Public place I go I have that social anxiety that don't go away. I even looked in the mirror tonight and told myself I look good but I still feel that anxiety around people, idk how I can just learn to be comfortable with social settings 😢


When I tell people that I’m struggling to feel confident, they always assume I’m talking about my looks. I have struggled with accepting my personality for years, and worry so much about being judged. Thank you for this validation and amazing advice as usual Julia 💕


Someone might be thinking "Wow! what a cool idea. I'm going to try that too!"


Beautiful insights. stay blessed. Mmule for South Africa


I think usually I tell myself I need to act a certain way to protect myself in different crowds. I don't want to come off being vulnerable or a easy target. Now I feel that maybe I can be myself and still be watchful, alert or should I only be myself in situations/places in my life that can respect it?? Idk.


Julia, we've got to think of what to do because someone u love may not understand u and stay away from u, leaving u for good.
