Kimberly EXPLODES At TJ! | 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way | TLC

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On this episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Kimberly reaches a breaking point. Amidst feelings of neglect and lack of support from TJ, Kim explodes in frustration! Where will the couple go from here?

From Season 5, Episode 21: "Stranger Things Have Happened"

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About 90 Day Fiancé: 90 Day Fiancé offers a unique look into the world of international dating and matrimony. Using a unique 90-day fiancé visa, the K-1 visa, foreigners will travel to the U.S. to live with their overseas partners for the first time. The couples must marry before their visas expire in 90 days, or the visiting partner will have to return home. They'll have to overcome language barriers, culture shock and skeptical friends and family—all with a clock that starts ticking the moment they step foot on U.S. soil.

The stakes are incredibly high as these couples are forced to make a life-altering decision: get married or send their international mate home!

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Kimberly EXPLODES At TJ! | 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way | TLC
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These two are not right for each other at all.


He’s literally telling you over and over again to leave. He does not want to be with you


She definitely could have handled this better but to be honest I know how she feels. To want emotional support from your partner only to be told “if you don’t like it, leave” is so incredibly frustrating.


As an Indian woman I have to say... I have no idea why a Western woman would come here in search of these clowns. Even we try to avoid these mama's boys at all costs. Just unbelievable!


Someone who is outspoken and strong willed like Kimberly should NOT marry into this culture..


He really wants to separate, he mentioned it like 6 times.. he just don’t wanna make first move bc it will make him look bad


When he said he would NEVER give her the hugs she asks for, that would be a sign for me to get out. Physical touch shows support and affirmation and goes a long way. I too would probably act dramatic.


she just wants a hug man. jeez. dont bring up your emotional sentiments when she is disturbed at that moment


She really needs to break it off with him. This man is draining her life and literally causing her to have mental breakdowns. The conversation started with her asking him to just to comfort or reassure her and already at that he was saying it's ok of she wants to seperate or go back to the US. He has given up on the relationship and clearly resents her, so no saving that.


“Don’t call me crazy” proceeds to stare into his soul with crazy eyes and let lose a crazy scream 😅😂


Even tho Kim seems to be the right one in this situation, I still think she is the reason TJ acts like this. She's been nothing but ungrateful, rude, horrible to him. That's all we see on camera so can you imagine what's going on behind the screen? I think TJ has had enough already and honestly his love for her is gone.


I'm 100% on Kim's side on this one. Homegirl is trying to communicate with her husband and he's telling her to separate. After all she's been through, I'd go nuts too.


This was the funniest argument ever I’m sorry🤦🏽‍♀️ “If you feel alone you can go back to the US!”😂😂😂


I have dated a Kimberly and absolutely hated it. Super emotional all the time, insanely hot-headed, and loud and snappy. That is no way to live. A man has to be provided peace coming home from work why is it hard for some women to get this ?? its not rocket science. Whats the point of going to a stressful place to make a living if the result is coming back to another stressful place??.


He's not wrong. That woman is absolutely and utterly insufferable.


My ex did the same thing to me and I literally screamed like Kim in the middle of the street. He told me I was crazy and continued to try and gaslight me smh thank God I left him


I can completely understand Kimberly's meltdown because I have been in her shoes before. Men from patriarchal societies are brought up with the expectation that women are here to serve everyone. They must be selfless and never need emotional support because it's the woman's duty to be the support for all. Men think marriage is about having a wife cook, clean, and raise the kids, and all he needs to do is bring in the money. Instead of understanding that Kimberly just needs emotional support, TJ interprets her as complaining, demeaning, and disrespecting him, his family, and his culture. He's getting defensive because he cannot understand that marriage is a partnership, not a list of gender-based duties. In his culture, Kimberly is expected to worship and cater to his family with a constant smile and never make any complaints. The whole family sees her as a drama queen and a problem that should leave their world since she doesn't follow their rules. They cannot understand, relate to, or empathize with her. The environment will always be toxic. T.J. and his family will never understand her. She cannot meet their expectations, and neither can they meet hers. She will completely melt down mentally and physically before she learns to either accept this and mold to their ways or leave. She cannot live there and maintain her own culture or boundaries. It won't work.


Nah Kimberly is problematic as hell. Shes been causing issues since day 1 and then asked tj for empathy whilst he’s drained. I’ve been in his spot before


I know TJ is not validating her feelings but Kimberly has the emotional maturity of a teenager. She is VERY immature for 30


Honestly that's even made me feel better. It had to come out. I understood it because unfortunately we ALL have a breaking point. That was healthy for her I feel.
