(Quadratic Residues) - Computing the Legendre Symbol - (713/1009) - {Example 1}

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Jesus Christ is NOT white. Jesus Christ CANNOT be white, it is a matter of biblical evidence. Jesus said don't image worship. Beyond this, images of white Jesus are not just blasphemous and criminal, white Jesus is from Satan ( the imposter.) Why? Let's look at what Satan does:
1) He is incredibly narcissistic and promotes himself shamelessly.
2) He misleads and confuses.
3) He pushes people away from Jesus Christ God, the Holy Trinity, the one and only messiah. White Jesus does all three of the above and more -- matching the ways of Satan.

Statues of Christ are equally offensive to God the Christ. While money is the biggest idol, Jesus spoke sufficiently against carved images.

You can also find me on Tik Tok @reuslovesmath and @polarpiny

In this video, I show you how to compute the Legendre Symbol (a/p) for a large a and a large p.
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Thank you, this really helped me with understanding this topic!


I would love to thank you for such a fantastic explanation and for the free education that you delivered on a professional level!


Hi, I’m a Portuguese maths student and this helped me so much for my exam! Thank you!


Thank you so much. It really helped me, before this I was very confused.


Absolutely love your videos! I really like how you quickly lasso, select and erase things on-screen to keep things clear and uncluttered! What is your whiteboard & pen input software and setup?


Great video. Its helps me so much. Greetings from mexico.


Sir i have solved it in another way, but i get -1 as answer, will u elaborate me, where i have did a mistake! And kindly tell me can we solve in this way as i had,
= (1009/713) bcz 713=1(m4)....i
=(296/713) bcz 1009=296 (m713)
=(713/296) again ising (i)
=(121/296) bcz 713=121(m296)
=(296/121) bcz 121=1
=(54/121) bcz 296=54 (m121)
=(121/54) using (ii)
=(13/54) bcz 121=13 (m54)
=(54/13) bcz 13=1 (m4)
=(2/13) bcz 54=2 (m13)
= -1 bcz 13= -3 mod 8
Where bcz means beacuse!
Where did i mistake sir g kindly tell me? And kindly tell me is this process is true or wrong? If wrong then why??


how would i know if a large number like 1009 is prime?
