How Jamie Lost 31 Pounds with PCOS | Learn Her Method!

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Introducing Jamie, a fellow cyster who lost 31lbs with PCOS after using our Cysterhood App and following The PCOS Weight Loss Method!


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In this video we explore Jamie's incredible journey with losing weight with PCOS and how YOU can start your journey to PCOS weight loss!


I found your channel last year right after my diagnosis and the start of fertility tests. I immediately tried gluten and dairy-free and got my period back the next month. The next month I was finally pregnant! I had gone over a year without success and was about to start a bunch of expensive testing and ended up not needing it. Thanks so much❤


thank you for sharing this insightful video on stress management techniques! the topic really resonated with me as i recently faced work-induced stress that led to weight gain. i found it challenging to balance work and self-care, but through personalized strategies similar to Aspect Health services, i managed to regain balance and shed the extra pounds. its incredible how addressing stress and making simple dietary adjustments can make such a difference. your video reaffirmed the importance of prioritizing mental and physical well-being amidst a demanding work life.


This channel helps me a lot. Life update Im currently breastfeeding my baby. Thank you so much for inspiring me to be healthy and fight PCOS. You’re absolutely big part of my pcos journey. After watching your videos I start eating healthy and enroll to a gym. My goal was to be physically fit yet the Lord has other plan for me. 😂❤❤


Hi tallene, really many thanks for u. You helpt me alot
I was diagnosed with pcos 4 years ago, just after getting married, after a year I got pregnant while undergoing medical follow-up and taking clomid, because I no longer had my periods. 5 months ago I saw your YouTube channel because excessive weight and the loss of my periods were causing me problems. I started the dairy-free and gluten-free diet and it worked. My periods came back at the end of the month. I wanted to get pregnant again but after 3 months of trying I didn't get pregnant. I went to see my gynecologist and in the ultrasound he saw that I no longer have an ovarian cyst and that everything is perfect, he prescribed me Letrazol to help me get pregnant. In my conscience I told myself that maybe my diet and my physical activity were enough for me. because I lost 10kilos with this diet over 2 months. your tallene advice will be useful to me. God bless you sister


Hi so I had my cortisol tested and my DHEA-s was very high, how do I lower that? It is due to PCOS


Thank you very much for the video but 30 dollar a month for the app is sadly nothing i can afford.


If you go gluten and dairy free for 30 days, are there any negative effects to your body if you want to go back to gluten or dairy later?
Developing an intolerance?


I just went to see the endocrinologist and she gave me metformin, and sent me to surgery for gallstones removal. I dont want to do it. She also gave me a med to increase metabolism. I hope it helps but she alsp suggested the gastric sleeve. 😢


Is it possible to lose more than just 30 poubds though?


Thank you so much, I'm so greatful that I found you♥️. From the time my period started I used to have really heavy periods that sometimes would last for even 2 months! Then I went to different doctors and started using pills which balanced my periods for 1 year and now after a year, It's been 3 months past my last period. I really don't know what to do, do you have any suggestions?
My facial hair and body hairs is also annoying me so much!


Will you go over macros for PCOS. I know you said 35 gr. Protein in the a.m. 1/2 veggies, 1/4 of each carbs and protein for lunch and dinner.


How do I sign up for the app I never registered before but yet it saying my email ID already exists then I say forgot password and it says my email not registered


Hii Tallene, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, it's always super informative!!!❤
And I have a question: can I do low intensity cardio or body weight training if I do really like it?


I was just watching your other videos and this just dropped 😁 watching now!!


Hi m from India (Tripura)
Was following your channel since long back but couldn't the order the product given in your discrimination.. kindly help me out how to order the product


Hi, is the apple cider vinegar be taken before or after a meal? Is it also every after or before a meal? Thank you in advance. ☺️


I have bought all these supplements you have told us for pcos but now I am more confused about when to take them and can we take them all in one day


I just found your channel.
I have subscribed here. But this video was so informative!
I was diagnosed with PCOS around 37. I'm pretty sure I had it the majority of my adult life.
In 2021, I had a complete hysterectomy. We were fearing cancer but thank God, got an all clear. The doctor initially thought we were overreacting. But when the pathology report came back, I could tell he too was relieved.
But now I still have trouble with the insulin resistance. And was recently told that I am firmly in a pre-diabetic state.
I have been trying to eat more healthy. But I was wondering if these diet recommendations would also be helpful in my situation?
I will be 44 soon. And while, menopause has not been much fun, and my hysterectomy didn't really take care of all the issues I was hoping it would, I am grateful that it was caught before it was a real real problem.


Can i eat rice?? Or skip it?? And wheat???
