Walmart Assessment Test 2024 - All You Need to Pass the Test

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If you apply for a job at Walmart, there is a 100% chance you will be taking a pre-employment assessment test. Walmart's stone-cold hiring policy dictates that if you score poorly in even one of your test sections, you will be immediately eliminated, and will be allowed to retest only in 6 months' time!

Therefore, get to know the tests in advance and prepare for them properly before taking them
Below are Walmart's various test sections, which we'll be going through in this video. Each position will require you to go successfully pass some combination of these tests to be eligible for the next stage:

- Work With Associates / Handle Work Challenges – Presents you with work scenarios you’ll typically encounter as a Walmart employee, and you will be requested to respond.

- Tell Us Your Story – A biodata questionnaire that also assesses your personality traits.

- Describe Your Approach – A personality profiling questionnaire, requiring you to self-assess your abilities and preferences.

- Handle Customer/Member Transactions – Will assess your ability to quickly calculate and distribute change.

- Manage Your Area / Manage Your Day - These sections highly resemble the type of decision making you’ll do on the real job, and they include task prioritization, working with data and numbers, and more.

- Run Your Business – Present you with different types of information, such as tables and financial data, to figure out what’s happening in your facility.

- Check Your Pallet – Will assess your math and counting skills.

- Work with Information – Will assess your ability to quickly and accurately detect errors.

To jump to only what you need to know on this video, here are the video's different sections:
00:00 - Watch This Video Before Applying!
00:27 - Walmart Application and Assessment Test
00:53 - Behind the Scenes Scores
01:31 - Most Common Sections
01:40 - Work with Associates (+Sample)
02:34 - Tell Us Your Story (+Sample)
03:05 - A Few Important Tips
03:20 - #1 Right and Wrong Answers
03:45 - #2 Personality Has to Make Sense
04:09 - #3 Give Balanced Answers
04:40 - Describe Your Approach (+Sample)
05:49 - More Specific Test Sections
06:00 - Retail Associate Assessment
06:33 - Handle Customer & Member Transactions
07:13 - Walmart TEA & SEA
07:45 - Manage Your Area & Day (+Sample)
08:22 - Manager Employment Assessment
09:00 - Run Your Business Section
09:31 - Supply Chain Associate VJT
09:50 - Check Your Pallet & Work with Information
10:29 - Freight Handle Assessment Sections
10:52 - More Guidance and Practice

To find out more about the various assessment for Walmart (and more), check out the following pages:

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I just want to say thank you for making this video and the packets. I just finished the video and haven't gotten to the prep pack yet but the video itself was very helpful so I'm sure the packets are definitely going to be helpful. I've taken it two times already and I was stressing about taking it again but now that I see this video exists I feel more confident that I can pass it this time. Anyways I just wanted to genuinely thank you, this is definitely a game-changer. Thank you so much. Keep making helpful videos like this, please


After seeing the people that work at Walmart, it's very discouraging that I couldn't pass the assessment exceptionally.


very disappointed in my experience with the assessment. Gave honest, good answers, and am positive that my work ethic is better than people i’ve seen at stores who look like they don’t want to be there..


I've seen employees at Walmart that walk around like zombies and they work there; meanwhile, I'm struggling to pass these assessments.
I failed all 4 already. I'm done with Walmart, it's terrible.


I'm a college graduate and apparently I'm not even fit enough to be a cart pusher at a grocery store. I already have low self-esteem, and constantly being rejected by places like Walmart doesn't help. It makes me feel so small.


How To Pass After Failing Twice
- Don't be in the middle ( Pick 2-3 answers that in the middle, don't be to perfect)
- You never call out in your life and you work for 1-2 years ( You a perfect attendance ass person, Don't contradict yourself)
- Don't rat to the manager, chose least likely
- Know your traits, you work good under pressure & stress, very completive, strive for greatness (Again don't contradict yourself)
- Finish before require time

Basically be perfect, Even if you the laziest person in the world stick to the story and DON'T CONTRADICT YOURSELF and you'll pass


This test was the reason why I’m going to start lying about myself when doing these type of things, I was honest and look where it got me :(


The assessment is just a major waste of time. Too many measures are needed to do a simple job nowadays. If I can do the job, then keep me on, if not, then fire me. Basic logic.


While at Walmart recently, I noticed quite a few workers clearly over 60 years of age. I asked my cashier if she took an assessment test and she said yes. She did not pass her assessment and felt really bad about herself. She contacted HR and begged for a job as a cashier and was granted employment. She worked in a factory for decades and hadn't taken a test in decades. She pointed out how dependable she was in comparison to her younger colleagues. These test are unfair and a total waste!


You know it's ironic that most Walmart's are; hiring all the time, understaffed, and, they need help badly. Yet one has to take an assessment test, just to get hired. I mean, come on Walmart! You need the workers, just hire people! People need work, you need help! How is this not a win-win?
Besides, the assessment test is based on personality, and trust me, a lot of your associates got some kind of personality alright, in which, most of them don't even abide by the assessment test.
Majority of them seem like they don't want to be there, no smile, customer service, yeah right.
What ever happened to old school ways where; company really needs workers, sign the application, they tell you start Monday or tomorrow? Company needed workers person needs work, win-win. It's a no-brainer.


I passed the first time I got hired and failed the 2nd time after quiting and waiting 6 months. A lot of questions involved getting a manager or handling other employees by yourself and each time I picked the manager if available for the best way to handle things and thats where i think i got it all wrong. I blame the company for my new way of thinking. As a regular employee it wasn't my position to tell others what to do and was taught to always get a manager but I guess they don't want those answers.


So I have to lie, and hit all the right answers, got it Walmart 🤝


I just got a 1300 on the SAT two weeks ago but failed the Walmart Assessment Test. What a blow lol. Really wish I'd seen this video before I took it.


I passed the test mostly by lying, just act like you are an obedient and hard worker who is always happy to do a lot of work. Also say that you would report your coworkers to your supervisors instead of the other options


I PASSED I PASSED!😂😂 Omg I basically made it seem like I was a hard worker I would stop my task to help someone else I am DEFINITELY not competitive. Basically I was kissing Walmart’s ass. “I follow Walmart regulations closely” I have great customer service skills. I’ll do anything: talk to angry customers pick up other people’s work. And I picked most likely and always strongly agree. And then when they ask for the review and would u recommend (kiss their ass some more😭 and say you would recommend them to someone else and it was a great easy test😂) And yea I passed the assessment ☺️💕 but googles most of the answers 😂😂


So I can run a successful California company for 15 years, work for biggies like Motorola for another half dozen years, but can't pass a Walmart assessment? I'm pretty sure that I know how to prioritize, how to manage all sorts of personalities and still make solid choices in a changing environment. An "assessment" that forces you to pick one of four (often competing) choices cannot, in any universe, offer real insight about a potential employee. Very competent people are lost to these artificial filters.


I find it funny that this company has an assessment test for applying to the job and yet I still see many rude associates working in those places.


" need to have in mind the character you would like to project to Walmart."

Basically. Lie. Lie out of your ass.


Can't believe I failed the test . I was totally honest. 1st test I've ever failed.😂


I've always lied on these tests and have either not gotten the job or been miserable trying to keep up the image of being someone who enjoys getting taken advantage of at work. That's not anyone! I want to be happy and comfortable at work and if they just employee liars then maybe it's a good thing I failed the assessment.
