How to Format an ebook for Kindle/Amazon Publishing in UNDER 10 Mins!

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Hi I am a Dr Jithendra a Psychologist, you really helped me a lot in publishing my very first book. Thank you !


You just saved my life! I have 39 books published on KDP and formatting always drives me insane. Now I can take a deep breath and relax.


If I may contribute some shortcuts: You can actually just Select All and hit fully justify instead of searching through and selecting each chapter. Also remember the Find/Replace feature to globally delete excess paragraph returns, etc. To find all the chapter titles at once and convert them to Heading 1 (or whichever style you want to assign), tell Word to find all text in that font (ensure you add bold if it is bold, etc.), then globally change to Heading 1.


Thanks so much for easing the whole process of self-publishing. I erased my hesitance right away, and finished formatting my first ever e-book in a couple of hours, thanks to you!


Wow thank you so much for sharing! I've paid people to format my Kindle ebooks and they all look a hot mess. I would even pay different people to fix it and they still will change all of my font and format completely. They would even lowercase some of my letters. It drove me crazy. I always wanted to do it myself but had no idea where to start. I figured I could do it because it seems like an easy job because it would get done quick. I'm pretty tech savvy so I knew I could one day figure it out. I'm incredibly thankful for your video! I was able to format my book this morning in just a few minutes. KDP even revealed my grammatical errors so I could easily fix them and not have to tiredly search. I'm so happy! Thank you!


Emeka, I'm only a few minutes into this video and you're already helping me. Thank you for doing this.


You are Brilliant! Reading tutorials, watching other videos - nothing helped me conquer that rotten clickable TOC till I found your video. You went step by step and didn't add in a lot of unnecessary talk. I've subscribed and will keep watching. Thanks so much.


Great Video.
Natural and relaxed presentation style.
Have done about a third of my book for kindle publishing.
I have Windows 2007 so will ASAP try to paste my .docx to KDP to see if the setup in KDP will receive my file.
Hate formatting, but now I see what the several necessary steps are, will try them out and get proficient.
Also like your idea of doing a second book.
Will make sure am not too exhausted after my first book.

.Thanks a million.


I liked that you came straight to the point and gave a thorough demonstration of exactly what you promised to do. Thank you!


This helped soooo much. Thank you so much!!!I I'm a novice author so being able to format my own ebook saves money in the process and makes me feel more confident and competent in knowing I have these basic skills to excel further. Again, thank you!


I remember paying to get my kindle book formatted for the first time. When I saw the simple stuff they did, I realized it wasn't something that people need to be hired for and used google to learn how to do the formatting in google docs. Glad you made a video letting other people know.


I don’t think I’ve ever made a comment on a YouTube video but I must confess, this saved me and I’m very grateful, thanks a lot.


I've published my first paper back on KDP. Manuscript was uploaded July 6. Just needed this little tip to upload manuscript to Kindle ebook. Thanks so much.


I am going to start my journey with Amazon KDP and am currently doing my research. You guidance was one more leap forward. I was baffled but now am confident. Thank you with my heart Emeka Ossai.


Hi Emeka! I am writing to this version of you (because the current you feels miles ahead already, though that's certainly where I wanna be as well). Thank you for this content. I just published my first ebook today, using your videos as guide... This video is a very helpful guide for formatting. Thank you so much!


It’s 5 years since you posted this information and I found this video to be SO helpful! Thank you.


Totally love your video as I want to be a self publishing author and release my book that I have now manuscript on Microsoft 365 Word and ready to put on Amazon Kindle KDP. Still have to get my ISBN numbers on Kindle. Just working on the eBook now and creating covers for both the soft paperback and hardcover book. Thank a ton for the priceless info. Create yourself a beautiful day, I know I will.


THANK YOU! your video saved me the biggest migraine. I couldn't figure out my formatting error until I watched your video. Brain cell saver lol! thanks again.


I just finished writing the text of my first book - about 6000 words. Wondering if I should do more research to make it longer. So far, I just wrote it off the top of my head. Now on to formatting! Thanks for these videos!


So happy for this video! Well done! It is easier than I thought and once your book is in manuscript formatting, it almost a done deal! I was searching for a simple example and you did it! Thank you.
