Importing FBX and OBJ into 3DS Max

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This tutorial focuses on the beginning of the process to get objects into Real Flight Simulator. This shows how to import FBX and OBJ files into 3DS Max.
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fbx file import but i cant show matrial


How to import OBJ with material to max? I have no material, also changed the map direction name in .MTL file.


I followed your instructions but the import fbx table doesn’t show up


Thank you! You saved me!
Also fix your volume.. it's too low


I need a little help and hopefully you could answer me. So i was watching a tutorial on how to customize a 3D model for a game I like to play. The guy takes his FBX file and imports it, and when he does the 3D Model car has all its textures and color and all. When I import my FBX file of the same thing, it shows up as a white car with no color or anything but just has things such as the wheels and interior of the model and all. I cant figure out how to get the textures/ materials to actually show up for me!! Googled for an hour or two and cant find anything! (Edit: Even when importing the FBX it clearly says at the end “47 Textures” so i know the textures are embedded within the file and are showing up in the editor, I just cant see them in the perspective window when viewing the object. I had the same issue in blender but in there all you had to do was turn on the option to see materials before rendering and everything showed up)
