15 Worst Military Disasters In History

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Napoleons invasion of Russia cant believe you missed that one


My suggestions would include
- Salamis/Plataea 450/479 BC
- Issos 333 BC
- Hattin 1187
- Crecy & Agincourt 1346 / 1415
- Siege of Malta 1565
- Trafalgar 1805
- Battle of France 1940
- Fall of Singapore 1941
- Midway 1942


The battle of pelennor fields was massive. Tens of thousands of orcs, oliphaunts and trolls led by the witch King were utterly defeated.


Little big horn is nothing compared with the fall of Singapore


You missed the Battle of Carrhae fought between the Roman Republic and Parthian Empire in 53 BC. Roughly 43, 000 Romans versus 10, 000 Parthians and it led to 30, 000 Romans being killed and another 10, 000 captured. Deaths included the commander Marcus Licinius Crassus which in turn ended the First Trimvirate eventually leading to clash between Caesar and Pompey for control of the Roman Republic. Way more important in history than The Battle of Little Big Horn.


You left of the battle of Tannenberg in WW1. That was the begining of the end for Imperial Russia in WW1.


The Battle 0f Midway might be on this list, also Agincourt.


Hastings doesn't qualify, it was a close run battle. You can't include every time a civilization is conquered or the whole list would just be Genghis Khan.


The French armys defending France was the Worst Military Disater.


Winter War of 1939? 300k strong Finnish army decimated a Soviet army twice that big. 70k Finn casualties vs 400k Soviet dead or wounded.


Greco-Italian war of 1941: 150k Greek army repels a 400k strong Italian invasion


I believe Augustus cried: "VARUS, GIVE ME BACK MY EAGLES!" Eagles topped the Roman armies' standards.


I wouldn't really count the Battle of the Little BigHorn, as it wasn't consequential in terms of the objectives of the battle, nor were a large number of people killed. Certainly a stunning loss, but hardly a major military disaster on the scale of the others.


Stalingrad was not Germany's first loss in WWII. The first loss was in Narvik, Norway 1940.


I hardly think the loss of eight lives counts as one of the worst disasters in military history.


Stock scenes from the film 'Zulu' (which was after Isandlwana) is one thing (should have used the prequel 'Zulu Dawn'), but a picture of some 19th century general or other and calling him Churchill quite another ....


Some of the greatest disasters in history occurred in World War II on the eastern front. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of casualties. On the western front in World War I you have the first day on the Somme where the British lost 19, 000 killed 30, 000 wounded. On the French side on August 23 you have the French losing 24, 000 killed


I'm suprised that you didn't mention the battle of Grunwald in 1410 and the total destruction of the Teutonic Order, which was the largest medieval battle. Next was the battle of Vienna 1683 and the defeat of the Ottoman forces, which halted Ottoman expansion into Europe, which then started the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Last but not least, which was the victory at Warsaw, where the Polish army defeated the numerically superior Bolshevik army of Russia in 1920. All of these battles were won because of involvement of Polish troops.


No. Custer’s entire command was not wiped out. 210 soldiers does not make a regiment. A regiment such as the 7th Cavalry was comprised of some 700 men. Only five of the twelve companies making up the 7th Cavalry Regiment were wiped out. Before the battle, Custer unwisely split his regiment into three forces. Only the force led by Custer was wiped out.


A defeat like the one suffered by General Custer with 210 dead soldiers cannot be considered one of the most disastrous defeats in history. It should not be included in this documentary. On the contrary, the defeat suffered by the British navy in its attempt to conquer the Spanish Cartagena de Indias in 1741 with 186 ships and 27, 600 men commanded by Admiral Edward Vernon (the largest fleet ever assembled until the Normandy landings), resulted in the loss of 50 ships and nearly 20, 000 British deaths. It would seem that whoever made the documentary perhaps preferred that the story not be known
