How HARD Should You Train? (Response To Jeff Nippard's Video)

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Jeff Nippard's Original Video:
"How HARD Should You Train To Build Muscle? (The Truth)"


How HARD Should You Workout? (Response To Jeff Nippard Video)

In today's video I'm giving my thoughts to a recent video posted by Jeff Nippard entitled "How Hard Should You Train To Build Muscle (The Truth)".

In that video Jeff Nippard interviews 5 other top experts in the field: Mike Israetel (Renaissance Periodization), Jon Meadows, Stefi Cohen, Eric Helms (3DMJ) and Greg Nuckols (Stronger By Science).

The interviews are centered around this one fundamental question: just how hard should you workout to build muscle optimally?

Should you train to failure? Is it better to leave reps in the tank? How hard should you train exactly in terms of RIR (reps in reserve) and RPE (rating of perceived exertion)?

Greg Doucette also did a response video ("How Hard Should You Train??? || HARDER THAN LAST TIME!!!") in which he gives his thoughts on the issue of training intensity as well.

In my video I'll be going through the various responses given by each expert and will be giving my own commentary, and then I'll finish off with my own answer to the question of how hard you should workout to build muscle.

You can also watch Jeff Nippard's complete video using the link above.

If you've been asking the question "how intense should I workout?" then I think you'll find today's video helpful.
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Now being 50, my main goal/philosophy is to do what I can and not get injured.


_"The minimum level of effort you should be training at is..."_



Great breakdown! Enjoyed hearing the balanced viewpoint on your end. I've found that adding an AMRAP set to an exercise every few months can also help re-calibrate the perceived Reps in Reserve as it does get tricky to estimate sometimes. Of course, this has to be done with good technique and with all safety precautions in place.


Honestly for me it would just feel weird to stop before getting 1-2 reps close to failure


“HARDER THAN LAST TIME” insert Greg doucette voice


I use to do 3x full body workout per week. But when i pushed myself, i didn't recuperate within 48h.
So unconsciously, i was reducing my intensity to be ready for for my next workout.
Once i passed to 2x per week with 1 rep to failure, i got a lot more result in strength, with 3 or 4 days to get back to 100%.
You dont need to live at the gym to have results. But you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable


Sean is, as always, the King of common sense and realism.


I’ve been looking for this video. You and Jeff are my two favorite fitness content creators. I love the combination of true science backed by studies and bottom line, straightforward advice. Both of your advice has been immensely helpful for me as a beginner lifter


Sean, I can't thank you enough for your influence. I found your content 5 years ago (in my mid 30s). I wish I'd had better resources when I started my training, but now both my son's are starting to train and I feel like I have good information to pass along to them.


I listened to Jeff’s podcast which included all of these interviews in full. It was quite complicated, and some parts seemed contradictory, so this summary is actually very helpful. I’ve listened to a lot of Sean’s content recently and, along with a couple of others, I think it’s among the best, most balanced and most useable advise out there. Thanks Sean.


"It might be a soft J".

Love the Anchorman reference 🤣


As always, thank you Sean. You've made me feel so much better about my guitar playing and my training.


I'm so glad you so what you do. I've been trying to get my head around this fitness and muscle building thing since I changed my lifestyle and lost 120 pounds. Everyone seems to either be full of shit or have an agenda or refuses to give anything without money. You've helped me more than anyone else on the internet ever came close to.


The “face” at end of set and anxiety you should feel before the exercise are so relatable and important!


Love all of your videos, seriously, never disliked anything you’ve ever put out. I also play guitar so I enjoyed your guitar playing analogy. At the tender age of 47 I just enjoy both lifting, training, sport specificity, and guitar playing. This was a very welcome video to watch while eating a huge dinner on the night after Halloween.


Too be fair, Jeff is the CEO of making things more complicated than they need to be, but to me that is what makes much of his stuff so interesting. I get that it's not for everyone. He and Greg have quite a different type of audience. But I think Sean's answer here is both simple and nuanced enough to work from!


How do people even measure 5 reps in reserve? No beginner ever would be able to know that.


Really liked this one. Echoed my thoughts exactly, especially how "harder than last time" works when referring to progressive overload rather than effort


Bench presses without a spotter always forces me to complete the set with at least one RIR😀
