Inside the $13 BILLION US Navy Amphibious Assault Ship KITCHEN

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Ever wondered how the US Navy ensures that its billion-dollar amphibious assault ships are well-fed during months-long sea deployments? Join us on a fascinating journey into the culinary world of these incredible vessels as we explore the intricacies of provisioning food for the crew and embarked personnel.

The US Navy operates a formidable fleet of amphibious assault ships like the USS Bataan and USS Tripoli, which serve as mobile bases for Marine Corps operations. These ships are equipped with advanced facilities and can carry aircraft, troops, and vehicles, all while serving as hubs for amphibious assaults and humanitarian missions. But what about feeding the hundreds on board? With a crew of around 1,200 sailors and Marines, along with over 1,800 Marines and their equipment during amphibious operations, food provision becomes a critical logistical challenge.

In this video, we'll delve into the world of galley operations, where chefs and kitchen staff work tirelessly to provide balanced and nutritious meals that cater to diverse tastes and dietary needs. We'll explore the procurement process, bulk food purchasing, efficient storage, and customization stations that allow personalization.#usnavy #amphibiousassaultship #aircraftcarrier

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In the comments, share your experience with onboard dining on a Navy Ship. Let us know what you think. If you've never been on board, would you prefer dining at a Michelin-star restaurant or on a Navy ship? 😆👇💙


Cooks and galley staff work very hard to provide meals to thousands of people on the ship 3 times a day. They are the unsung heroes.


As a Marine I had the privilege of eating in the galleys of the USS Frederick, USS Guam, USS Trenton, USS Denver, and USS New Orleans during my years on active duty. I never had a bad meal. The chow was always good and plenty if it. I salute the guys who made that possible. Semper Fi.


I was an MS back in the 80s one of the toughest jobs you try cooking in 20 ft seas, 18 hour days 24 /7 when you’re out to sea . You make it sound glamorous it’s not but it is the best food you’ll get in the military. Thanks to all the veterans and those serving now God Bless 😊


I ship off for navy Bootcamp in august, I already feel so much appreciation for the CS on board. Go navy 🇺🇸


I served on the USS Haverfield DER393 during the Vietnam conflict. All in all, the food was OK but did have glitches. I remember one specific time cookie meant to order 10 cases of pineapple but slipped a digit and ordered 100 cases. I specifically remember pineapple scrambled eggs in the morning, pineapple beef something for lunch and pineapple pork chops for dinner. That was the downside. I also remember going down to get coffee on mid watch and getting to eat a fresh loaf of bread with melted butter. Heaven never saw it so good.


My daughter is a Petty officer on the Bataan and has been for a couple of years. She loves the Navy.


My Dad served on the USS Tripoli in the 1960/1970s ...he is supposed to have designed the Ships Insignia, I remember seeing his drawings.
Support those who serve 💯


I served aboard the U.S.S John C. Stennis aircraft carrier based in Norfolk Virginia. 94-97. The food was always good. Christmas dinner rivaled grandmas. Wow. Strawberry pie


They are expensive and are worth every penny
Thank you for your service to keep us safe and secure


i was a navy cook from 1999 to 2005 and based on my experience this video looks so animated. Working in the galley is so much stress!!!!


I'm glad our military men & women have good food to eat while protecting our nation.


I served with 4th MEB aboard USS Nassau LHA4 during Desert Shield/Storm. We complained like hell all the time about the chow, but looking back, it was actually pretty good if not nutritious. As much as I hated the UNREP details that used to go underway every 2-3 weeks, they were prime examples of Naval operational efficiency and were absolutely necessary to keep us supplied and fed. As an old man looking back, it was an honor to serve aboard her.


Take all you want but eat all you take. Old school Navy.


I NEVER should of gotten out !!! If you're in, stay in... you don't know how good ya got it !!!


I served on USS Semmes DDG 18 1983-84, USS Cape Cod AD 43 1984-86, USS Kinkaid DD 965 1987-89, USS Whidbey Island LSD 41 1993-96 and USS Wasp LHD 1 2000-03. USS Cape Cod had the best galley in my opinion. Had numerous choices of entres and salad bar for early 1980s ships.


Was in the Canadian Navy and have much respect for the cooks, they always put forth the best no matter how low our stocks were or difficult the supply chain in foreign country's. BZ


Im a Retired US Marine and I floated to Norway on the USS Whidbey Island and did a Med Float on the USS Wasp as well as a few other ships. Always looked forward to chow


my dads retired, deceased navy. ty for your videos, he passed away one month before i was 8 in 98. he was the best cook i knew, i cook now for a big hospital in my area


I was a Marine for 30 years (1970-2000) and I had a great pleasure of being on a couple of Navy ships and I would say that the chow was nothing short of Maybe I should have joined the Navy instead.
