FUTURE MEMORIES: Remember the Future

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What if we could remember the Future?
Click the link below to watch Future Memories (Part 2)

When we start to become more conscious it is then we are able to shift our interaction with time.

Everything that has happened and everything that will happen is occurring right now as time is positioned in space.

If we were to “look down” on the universe, we would see time and events spread out in all directions. This would mean that time is not linear, as we have come to believe, but rather everything is ever present.

The whole concept of present, past, and future only shows up in relationship to consciousness. Without consciousness, what we call the future could just as easily be called the past, since time-flow has no meaning nor measurement outside of the experience of it.

Future memories in my experience are series or sequence of events that have already occurred, they are not a premonition, they are a lived experience, a reality, much like remembering the past.

Life is filled with unlimited possibilities and probabilities - What if fate and free will are the same?

In this episode of Luisa TV, I discuss my Future Memories

You truly all have this capability to embrace Future Memories. Here is my advice from my experiences...

When we follow our intuition, we are able to open doors to portals of possibilities and alternate timelines.

When you trust and surrender to a vision that you can’t fully see, choosing love not fear – this will offer you great freedom.

When we realize that we are the ones that create the story and that fear and our internal conflicts are all experiences of the soul, we allow something else to take its place, joy, hope, even love.

At every stage of life, we make decisions that profoundly influence the lives of the people we will become.

Magic is there is you believe in it, if you wish to bring the magic to form as miracles you must just believe.

Nurture relationships and value those who journey alongside you and don’t be afraid to tell them what they mean to you…often.

The fundamental meaning of it all - of everything is - we are love and we come here for love and one day we will return to love.. This is the greatest power we have, love is all there is and, in each moment of connection - with ourselves and others there is the possibility of love – we are love in human form.

Until next time, bye for now

With Much Love
Luisa x

HOST: Luisa


#LuisaTV #Passionharvest
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Hi everyone! Please SUBSCRIBE and tap the Bell 🔔 to “ALL” to be notified when new episodes are released! The bell button is next to the subscribed button :)


Ive watched your show for some time and never left a comment. Your genuine loving nature is infectious. This show in particular. you are bursting with joy and excitement! Its wonderful to watch. Thanks for sharing/


Oh my gosh I can't wait for that episode with Edward. I was thinking earlier in the video, I wish Luisa could interview herself from another dimension/realm. Such a wonderful story. It was breath taking. Amazing. I want to know more. Can't wait to see Edward.


Luisa that was an amazing story. I felt like I was a little kid sitting on the floor spell bound listening to your amazing story. I can not wait to hear the enterview with Edward. My G bless you .


I just love when u share ur amazing experience's w/ us Luisa! I'm looking forward to Edward interviewing you! Enjoy yourself! I know I'm going to! Much love xo


Wow that blows your mind, can’t wait for the Edward interview. I’m soooo excited. I bet you are ecstatic Luisa


Thank you for sharing your life with us, Luisa. It is very important to me and your other viewers that you are so open, honest and, yes, passionate.


This is a strikingly beautiful message. Thank you Louisa ! 😊 👍


Thank you Luisa for sharing your beautiful and personal story of future and past memories with Edward. I really appreciate your honesty, vulnerability, and the lightness of your being.

It was fascinating and illuminating to hear more of your experiences of future memories with Edward, and to hear how you and Edward had been able to communicate freely, as you had in spirit form prior to incarnation, until the veil closed when he was about 6 months old. It was also striking to me that you likened the closing of Edward's veil to having a family member with Alzheimer's.

Last weekend I had the remarkable experience of suddenly realizing that someone I know today was an incredibly close friend in a past life. It was incredibly moving to remember that she and I had been like brothers in that lifetime, and to reconnect to aspects of myself that I had forgotten. Last weekend the exact same word came to my mind about the veil of forgetfulness: it is as if we walk through life with Alzheimer's! We have forgotten that the people in our lives are our dear loved one, whom we have known before and share such a rich history with!

I can't wait to hear more about your discoveries and experiences of Future Memories, and hear Edward interviewing YOU(!), in upcoming installments. I am amazed daily by the unfolding mystery of reality and truly appreciate how you stand by an open door and cheerfully welcome us all to walk through that door and step into the infinite, majestic, and magical vastness.


This was so beautiful Louisa♥️ Thank so much for sharing your intimate story with🙏🏼 I look forward to more ✨✨✨


Your enthusiasm and smile are down right infectious! I understand what you're saying - time is not linear!


Thank you, Louisa. This was so interesting. It’s all so exciting. As I get to the stage of waiting to “go back home”. Your talks are so welcoming. ❤️


"...and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13

That was amazing Luisa, now really looking forward to the interview with Edward.

...secret confession I love romance - not the trashy Hallmark or Mills and Boon stuff but REAL stories of the heart and its connection to others, God, his Son, and the angels and powers above.

Thank you for once again lifting my day, you amazing soul, you. 😊

Andy x


This was so deeply emotional, thank you so much for putting it out here and make us part of it!!! This was magical❤️!!! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart ❤️🙏🏻❤️


I loved what you shared, it helps me to open myself to our multimendionality!!Before it was just a word in my head!


Your explanation of the future in the 'now' tells us how time distorts the events of our lives. Thanks - it was really interesting and helpful.


Oh, Luisa, I turned to Passion Harvest, and you and Edward were! I am exhilarated with your profound spiritual connection, your easy laughter together. That you found each other! To say it is a learning for me is true, but so far beyond ordinary learning. Godspeed! Thank you for sharing. Too much to articulate how your trust carries the rest of us into trust.


Hi Luisa. While listening I kept thinking the cupboards were different lifetimes or dimensions. Amazing that Edward went to sleep in that dimension in order to find you. Beautiful story. And thanks for the reminder that we do have a choice to choose love over fear. I'm still working on that one!


Brilliant video! I’m trying to get my head around the non linear, past present and future all happening now 🤯!!! Your experiences sound amazing Luisa, the way you’re so passionate about your experiences is adorable! Can’t wait to see Edward interview ❤️ x x x


Wow what a lovely story (and brave honesty) this is truly great is Edward, your twin flame? We do play so many different roles with same souls... We all do love you Luisa.. Well done for being you.. Namaste 🙏 Xxx
