How Insurance Companies Use Medicare & Medicaid to STEAL From YOU

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"A new analysis released Monday shows that insurance giants are benefiting hugely from the accelerating privatization of Medicare and Medicaid, which for-profit companies have infiltrated via government programs such as Medicare Advantage.

According to the report from Wendell Potter, a former insurance executive who now advocates for systemic healthcare reform, government programs are now the source of roughly 90% of the health plan revenues of Humana, Centene, and Molina.

Over the past decade, Potter found, the seven top for-profit insurance companies in the U.S.—the three mentioned above plus UnitedHealth, Cigna, CVS/Aetna, and Elevance—have seen their combined revenues from taxpayer-backed programs soar by 500%, reaching $577 billion in 2022 compared to $116.3 billion in 2012."


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I'm going through hell, through this program! They made me go to a "Primary Care Dr", and they give referrals to Drs, treatments and medications, which I am denied, over and over! It's not the people, ripping off the system. It's the insurance companies and medical facilities. They get paid, and I am still sick and can't get the treatment I need. It really sucks!


I am disabled for over 20 years and have been on Regular Medicare through the Federal Government. Every year from September until December I get many phone calls from these insurance thieves trying to get me to switch or get there supplements policies and after doing the math every which way possible the only ones benefiting from these policies are the insurance companies… Then every time I go to a new doctor or the hospital they always are asking me “do you have a secondary?” I’ve come to realize the other people who benefit are the doctors and the hospitals not me… I agree with you Anna it is one big giant scam… I also make too much money on SSD to qualify for any assistance at all…


I have been on Traditional Medicare since 2012 and love it. My sister fell for United Healthcare's line and has been with them for almost 10 years now. It's horrid. The older she is getting, the more procedures they seem to deny. I told her way back when not to give up her Medicare for that private insurance crap. She didn't listen to me and she's sorry now. And, it is next to impossible to ever get off Advantage plans once you see the light, too.

I love my Traditional Medicare and I can see any doctors I want to. I don't have to pick a doctor in an insurance company's plan. I can choose any doctor, anywhere. I have never paid a co-pay either. I have also not been denied by Medicare for anything my primary doc or another doc has recommended.

"Medicare" Advantage is an out and out scam and this is why the government is making these insurance companies take the name "Medicare" OFF their so-called Advantage plans. They try to trick you into believing they are connected to Medicare but I know different so the tons of their mailings go straight into my shredder as they come in.


no TV-based media company or corporation will ever call out big pharma because they'd lose too much ad revenue. i visited family in NJ and was shocked at how many drug commercials there were.


As a medical doctor in the US, this is extreme national humiliation. Our Healthcare system is a massive embarrassment. And thanks to our media, we accept the worst care possible for the biggest price possible.


90% of my 20+ spam calls/a day are from private insurers selling "MediGap" or " Medicare Advantage". I refuse all offers, block calls, etc. They just call from their bank of new numbers. 20+ calls/a day. I'm 70 yrs old.


Too bad no one listens to Ralph Nader. He’s been talking about this for years.


Yep. This is what corruption gets you.


There's no end to the evil of companies. Why doesn't the government run its own health care programmes? This would employ people and save tax-payers money.


Name the federal Members of Congress accepting insurance industry Campaign Contributions, those $MM are why our “federal Govt does nothing to regulate”


Again I am appalled by this government's lack of self-governing. This is for the sake of the mighty dollar. The greed is just a super smash melee on us citizens. 😕


Traditional Medicare for all. Now. End the grift. End the corruption.


We need Medicare For All here in the U.S.! What's more "pro-life" than ensuring that every person living here has guaranteed affordable healthcare regardless of their job? If we all had access to basic healthcare, we would have the "freedom" to live long lives & rarely have to worry about medical bankruptcies. Taxes will go up, but the overall costs will go down. If some of us need additional healthcare, then we have the "choice" to get additional insurance. If every other developed country (Canada, Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, Japan, S.K., H.K., Singapore, Australia, & N.Z.) can implement this system & save money, then why can't we do the same to help "Make America Great Again" for everybody at least on the issue of healthcare? If American citizens die from lacking access to affordable health insurance then we are failing our country's promise of defending "life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness" for its citizens as well as "promoting the general welfare" of everyone living here.


End campaign financing from corporate donors - oil and gas, military contractors, drug companies, etc. Problem solved.


In my opinion. It’s simple government 101. If you give the money to corrupt companies, con men, grifters, crooks, and swindlers you’ll eventually have a BAD government ❗️If you give money to hard workers, honest, and decent people you will have a GOOD government ❗️


I said it before and I'll say it again. Greed is going to tear this country, and very likely the world, apart.


Republicans have said for years that private companies run everything more efficiently than the government does. This is true when they are making profits, the problem is that government isn't a for profit entity. Anytime they bring in private companies to run things taxpayers get ripped off. Look at privately run prisons who keep inmates locked up for years longer than their sentences imposed. I saw the same thing when I was a building maintenance supervisor. I never argued about our cleaning or lawn services being bid out, because those are quantifiable, but I fought for years to stop mechanical maintenance going to bids. Eventually the repubs pushed it through though. The county saved money the first year, the second-year costs were right back where they were, and the third-year cost twice as much as the second. All while our buildings were falling apart. Everything except basic maintenance was not covered, such as light ballasts, replacing switches and outlets (or anything electric), painting, carpentry, boiler repair, roofing, you name it. You had to submit a work order and hope they wouldn't deny it. Everything they denied had to be farmed out to contractors. After I left, it took years for them to admit they were wrong and go back, but we lost all the workers that knew what they were doing, including me.


Medicare for all! The time is long overdue.


Private for profit health insurance needs to go the way of the dodo. Interesting how literally no other modern western nation is clamoring to copy our system. Some have fully public systems and some have highly regulated private systems. But none have the unregulated, profits-over-people free for all we have in the US.


I am on a Medicare advantage plan. If Mwdicare covered the extras like glasses, hearing aids, mental health at a reasonable rate, it would be worth taking. Medicare for all.
