Do This To Prepare Yourself For The Kind of Love That HEALS

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You may have been conditioned to believe that relations are only icing on the cake, but provide no healing. While we all have to take responsibility for our happiness and our healing, it's plain to see that being in a good relationships can be a strong and positive catalyst and support for healing. Good relationships don't tend to happen when you're still hurting with unhealed trauma. In this video I teach the aspects of healing that prepare you to find real, healing love.

I've got lots of info and links for you below. But first, PLEASE READ:

I am not a therapist or physician. My videos are for educational purposes only. Information provided on this channel is not intended to be a substitute for in-person professional medical advice. It is not intended to replace the services of a therapist, physician, or other qualified professional, nor does it constitute a therapist-client physician or quasi-physician relationship. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.


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I swear you are a God send! I was just thinking the other day that perhaps a part of completing this healing process is preparing myself to enter a healthy relationship. I have been wanting to be in a relationship since I was a teenager but I always seem to get in my own head about it. Maybe it's time that I start being intentional about that intimacy that I so crave.


I don’t understand why when it’s clear that toxic relationships destroy us, people still have a hard time accepting that healthy relationships totally have the potential to heal. Why are we so quick to accept the negative but reluctant to acknowledge the positive?


I’m a CPSTD survivor. I’m blessed by God with a loving committed marriage. It itself has brought so much healing and joy. I still struggle but now I don’t struggle alone. He stands up for me and loves me when I can’t do these things for myself. I still have healing to do, but I won’t do that alone either! Thank you for what you do!


There is nothing in life like a happy loving committed relationship ❤


a healing relationship, he supports you, he wants to support you.
He sees you, listens you, caring you.
Make you feel more energy and want to be a better person.
You feel someone is there for you even you’re not together.
His appearance eases the bad experience and your bad parents away.


What an incredible video! I met an amazing man, went on one date but. I didn't see red flags with him, I saw them in myself. I felt like I wasnt good enough for him and I didn’t want to hurt him. I wanted to keep working on myself- hence why I’m here.


BAD RELATIONSHIPS WRECK YOUR SPARKLE, they squash your confidence.


Being respected and nurtured is healthy for an individual.
Who knew 😅


Went no contact with a man who had been hurting me emotionally and physically
I was able to do that thanks to daily practice, Mindfulness, and lots of hours listening to the teachings I needed on toxic and healthy relationships.
I just met today a greenlight kind, wise and stable man
When I got home from the first date, he had left me a message- he said" I want to thank you for a delightful afternoon and looking forward to seeing you again., " 😊


I am a therapist and someone with CPTSD and I cannot agree more! my husband helped me heal so much. He called me on my BS and taught me love could be safe.


My therapist tells me this all the time. I grew up in a VERY toxic family and have yet to find a relationship that lasts more than a year. I will preserve and find a way to connect, there is no need to live life without love.


I love hearing of happy marriages in the comments it gives me HOPE. Blessing your marriages.


Im in one. It's conflicting because my triggers flare up, but knowing his patience and love is here, as well as our aligned values and dreams is just- I dont know, something supreme.


There's no person that guided me and confronted my own bullshit as much as my man. Before i was chaotic, on a bunch of ADHD meds and eating nothing all day except some crackers when the meds wore off. Now I'm eating 3 healthy meals a day, no caffeine no drugs no alcohol. Ur daily practice now added The missing piece to the routine he helped me build!


I am a therapist and I have decided that I am not going to agree with people when they say they have a "broken picker." I am single and in my 50's and at this point in my life, I can see that the pickings are not good. They just are not. I don't want my clients (especially women) to believe there is something wrong with them. I know very few couples that I actually wish I was like them. I have not seen anything that I feel l am missing out on. But, I do love your channel and I send most of my clients to your content. Thank you!


I am blessed with a healing relationship. It was a long long road to get here. The short story is been through all of it. But with lots and lots of work and a partner doing lots and lots of work we found healing. True honest to goodness healing.


I’ve been out of my dysfunctional heterosexual relationship for 10 years now. Have had no luck finding the lesbian love of my life. Needless to say it’s very isolating…. But one things for sure.. I am living authentically and in peace until that magic moment arrives!


I'm in my first healthy relationship and its taken me over a year to realise that I am actually safe and that he's not going anywhere. I honestly keep thinking I'm just not good enough for love like this and it terrifies me. You're such an inspiration to me, Anna. Thank you!


I used to want marriage.
At 63, I'm exhausted from the battle. Today all I want is a one night stand.


I keep being told I have bad taste in partners.
"No, I have great taste. I just can't tell the fake from the Fendi, and by the time I do I'm sentimental about the particular bag"
