our miscarriage story | couple things with shawn and andrew

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Today in episode 30 of Couple Things with Shawn and Andrew, we’re bringing you a little something different – a mini series all about our relationship! Today, we’re starting with trying to get pregnant and our miscarriage.


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I've had 4 miscarriages, & battled infertility for 10 yrs before finally having my son. Now I'm 33 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child. Miracles do happen! Never lose hope! Thank you for sharing your story! There's so many people who need to hear encouraging stories!❤️🙏


“I felt like I lost a child.” You did mama, you did. No matter how long you held that baby in your belly, that baby existed and that baby was yours. 💜 hugs from another mama of an angel baby 👶🏼


I'm currently going through a miscarriage and it is truly such a painful experience physically and emotionally. Watching other people speak about their experience is the only thing bringing me comfort right now and I appreciate it so much.


I miscarried 5weeks ago and I was 5weeks along. So much of what you're saying Shawn is exactly the same as what I've been feeling. The heart will heal, slowly, but hearing another couple's story helps.Thank you both for sharing. I've also found a lot of healing in sharing and talking about it with people.


I have had 3 miscarriages - I know exactly what you mean by “knowing” it’s gone, even when everyone around you wants to give you hope. Thanks for sharing your story - I love your YouTube channel!


I'm so impressed that you posted this. I hope it helps many people. I had a miscarriage, with my first pregnancy, at 13 weeks. We had just told our families and friends. I now have a 24 and 25 year old.


My very first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Our stories are very similar. All of the emotions you felt I felt. It was the most emotionally painful experience I have lived through. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️. Today is actually the due date of my angel. He or she would be 8. Many blessings to your family.


I love how Andrew holds her hand every time.


I literally have to pause in the middle of this. I am 13 weeks pregnant with my husband... (wasn’t trying, wasn’t not trying).. I’ve been so emotional and felt alone trying to understand why I had these exact fears and emotions as a new mom/parent...to a point I didn’t even think my emotional stress would allow the baby to be healthy and make it. (Luckily we are both doing well) but I’m almost in tears hearing that I’m not alone. I’ve felt guilty anytime sharing it with my husband but I’m so glad you guys have made this podcast and shared your sensitive and happy moments. I’m sorry that this happened to you but continuing to see how strong of a couple you are and now with your beautiful Drew is such Couple freakin goals! I love you guys and your openness💞 thanks for sharing.


Just had my miscarriage on July 7th of this year. Thanks for sharing your story. We can all get through this and get our rainbow baby 💛💛


My husband and I have been trying for over a year now with fertility drugs, testing, surgery, and being diagnosed with PCOS. It sucks. I appreciate you guys being so open. Please keep praying for those of us who can't get pregnant and who are trying as we pray for your family.


This video is EVERYTHING I went through a miscarriage in May and still trying for another. Everything you said in this video and your original I can relate to and some things haven't said out loud but I so appreciate hearing someone else say some of those darker thoughts we may have. Thank you for sharing ! <3


Literally 5 Minutes in and I’m bawling. Having a. Rough time. Just the words you in praying for you. Thank you.


omg, Andrew you made cry at the end. Such honest, heartfelt, loving words you shared with Shawn. I've watched you guys go and grow through all of this - as much as you let us see at any rate - and I truly admire you. I forget that you guys are athletes that have been in the limelight. You sharing your daily lives with us show that you are just like the rest of us. Hugs.


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had a miscarriage in 2015, and hearing your story has validated all those feelings I've had for years. I delivered my rainbow baby November 5th, 2019. Your pregnancy videos were hilarious and so helpful since I was just as pregnant! Please know how much your story means to everyone watching. Keep doing what you are doing!


Thank you for being so open and honest! I have had several miscarriages as well...and I know how hard it is to talk about it!! Thanking God for my 2 rainbow babies!!


I just went through this experience a few days ago. For the second time. First time in 2016, then I had my daughter in 2017, and now I’ve had my second miscarriage in 2020. Thank you for talking so openly about this, it has made me feel less alone during each miscarriage I’ve had❤️


Thank you for sharing your story of miscarriage! I had miscarried earlier in 2017 and watched your story as you shared it. Your thoughts echoed mine so much and helped me heal. I think one important part about these life struggles is that it teaches us how to relate to each other. That’s what your channel is for me, relatable. Thanks!


I've been following yalls journey from the very beginning and I love how transparent you guys have been about everything!


I remember watching your video shortly after my own miscarriage.. and I felt it so deeply. I just wanted to reach out and hug you both. I am so glad you posted that video years ago because it NEEDS to be talked about.
