Lec-2 I Unit-1 I Atomic and Molecular Structure I Engg.Chemistry I B.Tech I-Year I Neeraj Tomar mam

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Atomic and Molecular Structure: Molecular orbital’s of diatomic molecules, Bond Order,
Magnetic characters and numerical problems.
Chemistry of Advanced Materials:
Liquid Crystals; Introduction, Types and Applications of liquid crystals, Industrially
important materials used as liquid crystals.
Graphite and Fullerene; Introduction, Structure and applications.
Nanomaterials; Introduction, Preparation, characteristics of nanomaterials and applications
of nanomaterials, Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT),
Green Chemistry: Introduction, 12 principles and importance of green Synthesis, Green
Chemicals, Synthesis of typical organic compounds by conventional and Green route (Adipic
acid and Paracetamol), Environmental impact of Green chemistry on society.
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Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
AKTU B.Tech First Year
Atomic and Molecular Structure: Molecular orbital’s of diatomic molecules, Bond Order,
Magnetic characters and numerical problems.
Chemistry of Advanced Materials:
Liquid Crystals; Introduction, Types and Applications of liquid crystals, Industrially
important materials used as liquid crystals.
Graphite and Fullerene; Introduction, Structure and applications.
Nanomaterials; Introduction, Preparation, characteristics of nanomaterials and applications
of nanomaterials, Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT),
Green Chemistry: Introduction, 12 principles and importance of green Synthesis, Green
Chemicals, Synthesis of typical organic compounds by conventional and Green route (Adipic
acid and Paracetamol), Environmental impact of Green chemistry on society.