Lec#01: Ch#02: Atomic Structure: What is an atom? Explanatory lecture

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Atomic Structure
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One of the best and amazing lecture
Really explained in a proper way
I have no words to subribe you. Sirrrr


Sir I’m the student of first semester of botany in Balochistan university my name is Abid khan ❤ love you sir


Mashallah sir you are the great teacher


Thank you 💕 sir courging us in the best way of teaching


respected sir you one of the best teacher in the world ❤


Mashallah May Allah Almighty bless you always happy


Sir please app firtz year and 2nd year Ka course utube Pai complete karwae ...hum acadmey afford nahe karsakty


thank you sir you must upload more lectures you are one of the best teacher of us
God keep you best always AAMEEN


Thanks sir ag class may jaga nahi ta may ne Hadar say lecture complete kaya hay ❤❤❤


Asalam alikum sir mashallah ap. Bhot acha pidatya hai... 👌👌👌👏👏👏👏✍️✍️


One of my best teacher may allah give you long life may allah give you a lot happiness i have no words to explain you❤❤


Nice explain sir outstanding I have no word your teaching


Sr ap ne bohar atomic model ka video nh bnaya


Sir g thank you very and very good lecture allah ap ko khush bash raky


Sir you missed the applications of Bohr's model.. !


Electron . Proton . Neutron matter or not ???
