#53 Laravel 11 Tutorial with MongoDB | Convert HTML Template to Laravel | Laravel Website Home Page

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This is Part 53 of the Laravel 11 Tutorial in which we are building the e-commerce website with Laravel as the front end and MongoDB as the back end.
In this part, we will convert the e-commerce template to our Laravel website that we can download free after taking few simple steps.
Please take the below simple steps to get the HTML template file for the Laravel E-commerce Website:
3) Install the SiteMakers App on your Android Mobile or iPhone/iPad/MAC:
In the process of conversion, we will copy HTML pages, images, JS, and CSS files into the Laravel structure.
And we will also create a route, controller, and function for the index page and set its design as well.
1) Copy CSS, SCSS, JS, Images and Webfonts:-
First of all, we will copy CSS, SCSS, JS, Images and Webfonts from the HTML template to our Laravel file structure.
Before making further changes to this file, we will also create the below files under the layout Folder:-
3) Create IndexController :-
php artisan make:controller Front/IndexController
We will keep all Front Controllers separate from Admin Controllers which will help us to separate the front and admin codes.
4) Create Route:-
use App\Http\Controllers\Front\IndexController;
5) Create index function:-
You can check now in the video; the home page of our multi-vendor eCommerce website will come but without any CSS and images that we will set now by using url and asset functions of Laravel.
From the next video, we are going to start making the home page dynamic. First, we are going to make home page banners dynamic and after that, we will update the header menu, left menu, featured products, and new arrival products.
Thanks for watching :)
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