God Is Refining You Through Your Relationships - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church

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Bill Johnson teaches how God uses our relationships to refine us and make us more like Jesus. It is tempting to step away from the relationships that cause us friction or pain, but as iron sharpens iron, to insulate ourselves from that relationship is often to prolong the refining process. It is through relationships and learning to be yoked to one another in the unity of the Spirit that we learn to love like Christ, laying down our lives for one another. God cares about our achievements, but even more so, He desires to make us like Jesus and unify us as the Body of Christ.

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Scripture References:
Matthew 11
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Ephesians 5: 21

Originally shared at Bethel Church, Redding California, on August 25, 2019.

Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. He is senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and is passionate about seeing Revival and God’s Kingdom established and revealed in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Bill’s teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven, hosting the Presence, and the renewed mind has helped thousands around the world to step into their true identity in Christ, God given purpose, and walk in a supernatural lifestyle displaying both purity and power.

#BillJohnson #BethelChurch #Relationship #Conflict
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Praise God! I received a breakthrough while listening to this message. I need oral surgery to remove six teeth. It was going to cost me income and put absences on my work record that I can not afford. I thought, I need to hear from The Lord through Bill. I gave my situation to the Lord, and halfway through the sermon, I got the news that I have a short-term health benefit that will cover my income and my time missed will not be counted as any absences. God is good, and I related so much to what Bill said in the message. I have always tried to be understanding when I am around difficult people. I used to take on responsibility for their behavior, but I've gotten past that, because it filled me with bad feelings about myself and shame. That was a lie from the Evil One! I'm not responsible for others attitudes and I don't have to hide away from them. I'm God's girl, and I can look at them through the eyes of the Lord. I'm not perfect at this, but I'm growing in the Lord.

God Bless You Personally, Bill


In Saudi Arabia listening to
a life transforming message .
Thank you Bill 😊


I also have 9 kids. I get comments all the time. Not all are friendly, but it doesn't matter to me. God has blessed me and I am thankful!!


I watched this on May 18, 2024 now June 1, 2024 God gave a breakthrough in promotion. He gave me grace not to give up and leave church because of offense, disappointments.


Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough until I finally see what God is working out behind the scenes. It pulls the strength out of me...


This message is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today... wow!


This sermon is coming as an answer to questions I asked in prayer this morning. Thank you for sharing!


Really helped me. Instead of giving up because of pain a fellow believer made I need to let God to readjust the Yoke. Got the point!


THANK YOU!! This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning! Bless you. ❤


Best teaching on yokes that I have heard to date.


I was doing this very thing today trying to figure out why I feel
The way I feel when I have mostly had a deep love of Christ. I sat with God He showed me 1 John and then led me to this. He showed me I’m angry at my sister and that has been hurting me. Thanks for this message Bill. I love her deeply I’m just so frustrated on how to love her accordingly while she chooses to ignore the hurt she is causing us. I know that’s not up to me. I needed this reminder… ❤God is doing a new thing…


"I intentionally keep people of pain in my life"


I agree. In the body but not the ones that the enemy uses. But. God will part red seas make crooked ways straight for me. He will remove the enemies from me. Not my brothers and. Sisters in. Christ 😊


If I don't fear God in you, then I don't see you for who you are!!

There are millions of people that will take your biggest problem, as long as they can have your greatest blessing!!


Can you believe it? That came in sinc to the minute on what I was trying to realize about my present situation.


🎯💥another great message! We are the Body of Christ and we do need each other, be it to refine, buildup, or just be there. My prayers for your well-being and the abounding grace of God upon your life have been ongoing and will continue. Thank you for continuing to mightily proclaim the Word of the Lord. You are His faithful friend. 😊


Thanks for such teaching of God’s heart I was truly blessed and empowered 🙏❤️


Amen!! Yes! What a good word. I receive this, Lord.


🤯 such a great way to view relationships. Especially compared to what the world says to do.


😅we Always thinking is the others fault 😂 I Great life’s lesson
Blessings pastor Bill.
