God has you in His refining fire.

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God is the one who refines us - hebrews 4:12-13
refinement is for purification - isaiah 1:18-19, 25-27
the refining comes with testing and the removal of things in us that are not of God - malachi 3:2-5
the boast of the trial is that is produces genuine faith - 1 peter 5:6-7
We must stay close to the Lord in our times of trial - Zechariah:13:9
be humble, alert and reliant on God in your times of testing - 1 peter 5:6-11


the prayer of salvation
“HEAVENLY FATHER, I come to you in the name of JESUS. I acknowledge to YOU that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; and I recognize that I need YOUR forgiveness.
I believe that YOU are the only begotten SON OF GOD, and that YOU shed YOUR PRECIOUS BLOOD on the cross of Calvary and died for my sins, were resurrected on the third day, and are seated at the right hand of GOD. I repent of my sins, and I turn to YOU.
YOU said in YOUR Word that if we confess with our mouth, and believe in our hearts that GOD raised JESUS from the dead, we shall be saved.
I ask YOU FATHER to forgive me of all my sins, and ask You to fill me with The HOLY SPIRIT. This very moment I accept JESUS CHRIST as my own personal LORD and SAVIOR and according to YOUR Word, right now I am saved. LORD have full control of my life and help me to serve YOU and glorify YOUR HOLY NAME and praise YOU forever. Amen.”

~ welcome, home

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refinement is an ongoing process! God is so good, He knows the plans He has for us. your vulnerability is commendable, thank you for letting God use you. i remember my refinement period, still going through it trying to become the man of God He sees me as and wants me to be. however, I was fighting Him off, still living and failing trial after trial. like Jonah He'll have His way😭but I'm thankful I just chose to run to Him to just be transformed. i see the difference whenever, memories pop up and even the people close to me see it. Glory to God and I pray that everyone receives the strength of the Lord to persevere through the trials and become a new creation!


“ in that process of true discomfort, the gold is made better for it because the impurities are lifted out” amen!


oh. my. Gosh. the Lord is so incredible 😭😭 i have not watched the video yet but i just want to share that these past two days, God has been speaking to me about fire and His refining fire specifically. it's too lengthy to get into detail but to make the long story short, i've been praying a lot about God putting me through His refining fire so that i may be made pure. i literally screamed and leapt for joy when i got the notication and read the title because WOW. the confirmation and the assurance is incredible. God's plan is so perfectly crafted.

GOD BLESS YOU! thank you for letting God use you in a platform like this. it's so incredible how God instructs and teaches His children in different wonderous ways, whether it be through His Word, or through someone all across the globe. God bless you and thank you!! all glory and praise to God alone! ❤🎉


Facts, im knowing that Yah is purging me at this moment. He showing me He really all i have and need. All praise to The Most High.


“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights. Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding;”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


_this conversation really is a point. Because I remember back then I was in a position that I was lacking control over emotios, and that was painful. But now i can pass through situations easily.


Everything about this Episode spoke to my heart ❤️‍🔥✝️🙏🏼 May God Continue to use you in spreading his word.


waow waow waow ! i have realized that God's been testing me in more ways than one. And I'm failing miserably tbh. I have been put on trial through circumstances and God's Word and it's looking like a guilty verdict 😭! I don't apply God's Word to myself like I should. I began to attribute the blessings in my life to myself and my own doing, and away from God. I haven't done my part in the inner work of myself. Then everything fell apart and I was like "Oh!" My gold is ridden with impurities deeply imbedded. God has me going through a mega crusher and sifter rn, and it is slow and painful. However, I've learned so much more and am gaining new perspectives. I'm a student in Wilderness Academy ™️ fr 😭

God bless you 🤍🫶🏾


Thank you for always being transparent and being vulnerable. Lots of people are ashamed and scared to talk about our struggles but sharing our testimonies can help free someone else❤️. I pray that God protects you and keeps using you to spread his word.


44:19 had me burst out laughing while driving


Thank you sister and May the Holy spirit bless you❤


It's a very beautiful thing Aaliyah Renee, reading through these comments and seeing the Fruit of the Spirit in the work of your life!


I thank God for placing this video on my feed and thank you sister God bless you🙏


Wow, thank you Lord for landing this video on my page. I have been going through this refinement process for the past couple of years. I see why I have felt “uncomfortable” in this season because He has been drawing out my impurities and sin that I was so comfortable in, to mold me into a valuable and strong woman of God. 💟🙏🏻


I'm so grateful that God has truly changed so much of your life and that He has called you to share it so that we can see just how much He has smelted you and has been removing the impurities. To be honest this concept of enjoying the trials through the Biblical analogy of the gold and silver purification has answered my question of why God loves gold so much and its just so beautiful to have a more stable understanding of why everyone in the Bible emphasises the importance of rejoicing when the trials come and to sing Gods praises because it truly shows that He is taking His precious time and actually for-filling the ask that many of us have, which is to be man that are after His own Heart and it takes a great amount of work for us to become like that because we lived so long without Him that He first needs to take away the seeds and plants that the devil has used to make us turn away from Him and turned in gold that is so hidden in the dirt and has been made impure, He needs to show us just how much work still needs to be done even when we think we are done and we have a good rep-ore with Him. He sees our hears and knows why we do, say and even act in the way we do and He wants us look at our way so we can come to him with humble hearts because He opposes that proud and give marcy to the humble, fr.


Funny thing is I feel like GOD is trying to refine me. He told me no social media of any kind and no Amazon for a whole year😅


As always a beautiful message that I needed for this period in my life. Your timing is so perfect it’s almost scary. 😭 🫶🏾
