Behind The Massive Cover Up of the Phoenix Lights | UFO Witness

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Ben Hansen meets up with Dr Lynne Kitei, one of the many witnesses to the Phoenix Lights. He discovers that US Air Force may have covered up this UFO sighting with a very unbelievable explanation.

From Season 1 Episode 3

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I worked for the MoD in England for 34 years doing optical measurements of the behavioral characteristics of ammunition fired from guns out to sea. There were 5 OPs (observation posts) generally used for this purpose, plus battery OP. In May of 1973 we all observed a spinning disc on or near the horizon whist we were ready to observe a firing. This looked like a ballerina doing a pirouette, with coloured lights flashing as it spun around. We are all trained, experienced observers and all saw the same thing simultaneously. There were two people to each OP and one on battery, totalling 11 individuals. We reported this event to our superiors at the time. I am still waiting for an acknowledgement 50 years later.


I'm in this episode of UFO WITNESS season 1 episode 5. I'm the guy that was 30 feet under the craft that they did the recreation of. The craft was huge, silent, odorless. I was so close to it. Life changing event for me


I was living in Phoenix, during the 1997, Phoenix lights. I was sitting at the top of South Mountain, with a group of friends, when we all saw the Phoenix lights.


1997 was the year after I graduated high school. I remember this being on TV constantly.


I was flying that evening and observed this very large UFO. And I know it was solid because a good friend of mine was underneath it while transporting a patient from the Gila Bend Clinic to Phoenix. And he could not see any starlight straight up! Only past the edges. That's how he determined the huge shape of this thing. Amazing stuff, and very sad attempt at a cover up 😢 Poor leadership at that time as well.


I was in Phoenix with a GF during the Phoenix lights. We pulled over along with probably 200 other cars on the I-17 going towards Flagstaff. Lights were overhead. We sat on my hood watching for almost a half an hour along with all the other drivers....Flares lol. They all swooped up one by one and disappeared. Flares lol.


My mom and I saw 10 lights in Tucson, AZ in about 1976, all moving in synchronization. spaced equally apart, moving from north to south. Then all of a sudden, one by one, they darted upward and disappeared. The local PD nor DMAF base knew anything about it. Almost like what was seen in Phx.


I lived in the Phoenix area when this happened. I saw the lights and they were changing from amber to green. Also there were millions of stars and you could see the blackness between each light.


It’s so sad to think that our government believes we are that dumb. When do the lies end. We need to know what government knows!


All files need to be digitized & put onto a central website


It's terrifying to think that people in high places are either idiots or fricken liars, and that the same people could make decisions about nuclear retaliations etc, should that need arise.


I'm in the suburbs of Detroit and had a sighting 5 years ago. It was about 7 pm in August still daylight. I was standing on the porch and two cop cars went down the street at a high rate of speed. I stepped out the sidewalk to see what was going on. The cop cars pulled into the parking lot. They were seeing what I was. There were 8 glowing orbs that were orange. I couldn't tell the distance maybe a half mile away and they were high in the sky. They were there for a good 5 minutes. Then they blinked out one at a time in succession. They repapered in another part of the sky seconds later. Then they disappeared. 10 minutes later 2 f-16's flew overhead. I thought it was going to be all over the local news but not a word of it in the media. To me the orbs were unlike anything I've ever seen. They weren't in a formation and they were making 90 degree maneuvers around each other.


It was NOT flares at 8:30pm when we and many others seen the craft. Flares were dropped at around 10:00pm that night but they were over the Barry Goldwater Range which is 35 miles west of the city. Flares are not dropped over the city. We are not even allowed to launch fireworks here in Phoenix because it’s a major fire hazard. We do live in a desert and things catch fire here very easily. This was a massive solid craft not flares


Hynek admitted in his book "The UFO Experience" that he was under pressure to explain sightings away and that he regretted the bogus swamp gas explanation. He complied with the Air Force's ridiculous explanations so that he would still have access to the latest ufo cases. He never thought there was a cover-up, just incompetence.


Flares fall and the light from them flickers and dims out as its gets closer to the ground.


People don't understand how flexible swamp gas is:
it can come in a variety of colors, red, green, blue, silver ...
It can flash, move across the sky at tremendous speed, stop suddenly, and perform outrageous aerial manouvers.
Once seen, swamp gas is rarely forgotten


When I lived in Vegas I seen lights hovering right outside my house and I got that same quiet and eeriely feeling like time stopped it's hard to explain unless you experience it


Don't forget about the f16 jets from Luke AFB radio call with even them kinda of freaking out saying they can't figure out what they are.


We saw them at the farm, but close, 150 yards or so over one of our pastures . In daylight. We felt privileged after the fight or flight subsided.


It's amazing how clear her photos are (NOT).
