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A century ago, Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the nature of space, time and gravitation. His general theory of relativity predicts, in particular, the existence of black holes and gravitational waves. By sheer coincidence, the celebration of general relativity’s centennial also marked the first-ever observation, by the two ground-based LIGO interferometers, of gravitational waves emitted during the coalescence of two stellar-mass black holes. This was the first direct detection of gravitational waves, but also the first direct evidence for the existence of black holes.

This two-part lecture will provide an introduction to the blossoming field of gravitational-wave science. The first part of the lecture will address the following questions : what are gravitational waves ? How do they differ from electromagnetic waves ? How are they generated ? What are the expected astrophysical sources ? The second part of the lecture will explore the topic of gravitational wave detection : how do gravitational waves interact with matter ? What are the existing and future gravitational-wave detectors ? Finally, we will describe the key features of the two gravitational-wave signals detected during the fall of 2015, and explain how physicists can infer the nature of their sources and measure some of their physical properties.

►Conférence d'Alexandre Le Tiec organisée par le département de Physique le jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Alexandre Le Tiec est chargé de recherche au CNRS, il travaille au Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses Théories (LUTh) de l'Observatoire de Paris, au sein du groupe Relativité et Objets Compacts.

Ses activités de recherche portent principalement sur la théorie de la relativité générale d'Einstein, les trous noirs, les étoiles à neutrons et les ondes gravitationnelles. Il cherche à prédire la forme des ondes gravitationnelles émises par diverses sources astrophysiques, en particulier lors du spiralement et de la coalescence de deux astres compacts. Il travaille également sur le problème de la matière noire en astrophysique et en cosmologie.
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At Princeton they've got Light I. Gravitational O.


The exponential instantaneous modulation calculations of Time Duration Timing, ..the zero-infinite potential positioning number difference in the spacing of Pi bifurcation ratio i-reflection continuous creation connection containment in Act-tual Principle, is QM-TIMESPACE AM-FM communication mechanism of the holographic image projection drawing of amplitude and frequency perceived as the Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry in Spacetime, composed in the theoretical/narrative sum-of-all-histories Calculus/integration seen through the apature of this differentiation infinitesimal .dt, here-now-forever.

The Big Picture of WYSIWYG Eternity-now Superspin Superposition-point Singularity positioning Calculus differentiation-integration of axial-tangential orthogonality spacing naturally requires resonant constants of log/antilog "interference" relative timing connection rates in potential possibility. Einstein observed the correspondence between time Superspin universal connection e-Pi-i properties, and Calculus-Mathematics.., GR equivalence.

Numberness = field, the cause-effect of e-Pi-i resonance is Temporal Superposition-point Singularity positioning and so is superimposed as QM sequences, Spacetime properties, expressed (hyper-fluidity?) holographicly in the time-length eternal existence duration as spacing, so the relative connection fields of dimensionality condensed in/of time proceed quantum-logically from an apparent universal singularity, of infinite space and the omnidirectional-dimensional Origin throughout, from zero difference symmetrical unity-connection/eternity, to the macro-micro perspective positioning vanishing point distributed connection of modulated QM pulses of probabilities in potential possibilities of the Observable Universe.

1-2 in3D orthogonality spacing is/are the relationship properties of Conics and "Super" lensing of AM-FM relative connection communication mechanism of the Math in Newton and Einstein's physics. (And should be interpreted as an alternative path to the consequence of Henri Bergson's Observation, of relative rates of timing duration, and that is the equivalent of The Calculus)

Excellent lecture.
