Fedora 36 Flagship Linux: Top 5 (and more) things you must do!

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Fedora 36 is a leading Linux distribution, but it's no fun if you have a case of bit rot! For the best experience here are some of the most important things I always do after a Fedora installation while getting great performance and long term stability.

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Great work Stephen you have taken my understanding of Fedora up a notch


I really appreciate your videos on Fedora. Being new to the OS it has been great. Thanks!!


Thanks Stephen, always learn something new from your videos.


I'm an AI developer and can't spend much time experimenting linux features specifically fedora, your videos have been a great help for me to maintain my os and learn about essential features on linux. Keep up the good work and thanks


I have the same mindset with updates on the system in Fedora. Nice review Stephen!


Hello Stephen! Very timely video I just finished installing Fedora 36 KDE after using 36 beta to determine all my hardware worked. Running this on an Asus G733QS laptop and using Asusctl have keyboard back-lighting and thermal control working beautifully. The only thing I see is the arbt-applet coughs occasionally. I do notice that Grub-customizer does not show anything other than the Windows and UEFI entries (I prefer to have Windows as the first entry listed) not a show stopper but otherwise 36 is very smooth. Thank for your insights and commentary!


just upgraded it ! went good !, nice video....


Thank you. I got the Mate spin so most of this is not exacty relevant to me.
I have wrestled with multi-media in the past. This time I installed the good old Totem, which is in the default repo, and that took care of most of my g-streamers and codecs and things. Installing VLC is a bit of a wrestle but if you just use Totem it's pretty simple. Beyond that, I'm sorry to say that's a lot of detail about gnome things in gnome that add gnome boxes and gnome widgets and gnome dark-mode and about a hundred other things that I don't use.
I will say about #36, it seems to be a lot more polished and error free, inside a VirtualBox, than #35 was. For one, I don't think I had to get kernel-headers and gcc and build-essential and everything, because the VirtualBox guest additions are in there by default, and they work, not just to give full screen resolution but to allow cut n paste and dragon-drop and all the important things too. Pipewire works, even in a virtual machine, which was a bit touch and go with the first version.
I'm not about to abandon my love Linux-Mint + Mate and shift to Fedora, as a HOST, but it is much closer to a useable system out of the box than the previous one was.
Previous experience and preconceptions? Well, I had a copy of Redhat in a VMware box on NT4 in '97, and I tried (and failed) to compile a custom kernel for RH on bare metal in about '99 or '00... I have never used Fedora / RHEL as my daily, but I have a passing acquaintence with it that goes back 25 years... it wasn't the first Linux I ever saw or used, but it was the first one I ever installed.


Another fantastic video. Thank you. By chance, would you consider covering custom BIOS/UEFI at some point? Cheers.


"thanks for watching"? Thank you for the video.


Stephen's Tech Talks you basically made a better cinnamon desktop


How is Fedora different from Manjaro Linux?


Installing on a VM is just pure crap and not a real test.... thumbs down
