City of Madison Community Bonds - Informational Presentation

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The City of Madison is selling community bonds from Oct. 3 – Oct. 9, 2018!

Community bonds are sold in denominations of $500.

Learn more about this program, and sign-up to invest!

COMMUNITY BOND DETAILS (page 8 and 9 of slideshow):

City of Madison

Issuance Name:
City of Madison, Wisconsin General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 2018-D (Community Bonds)

Par Amount:

$210,000* maturing annually 10/1/2019 through 10/1/2028.

Order Priority:
1. City of Madison retail/prorated retail
2. Dane County retail/prorated retail
3. State of Wisconsin retail/prorated retail
4. National retail/prorated retail

$500 or any integral multiple thereof

Maximum Order Size:
There is no maximum; for orders above $50,000, the amount of the order above $50,000 is subject to pro-rata allocation for any maturity of the issue that is oversubscribed. Pro-rata allocations may be adjusted to ensure that no bonds are issued in an amount that is not divisible by the minimum denomination of $500.

Interest Payable:
Semi-annually on Apr. 1 and Oct. 1, commencing Apr. 1, 2019, until maturity.

The Notes are not subject to redemption prior to their stated maturity date.

The Notes are being issued pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 67.12(12) and a resolution adopted by the City of Madison Common Council on Aug. 7 2018.

The Notes are general Notes of the City for which it pledges its full faith and credit and unlimited power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes without limit as to rate or amount. The City will make its first levy in the fall of 2018 for collection in 2019. Each year’s levy collections will be sufficient to pay the interest due on Apr. 1 and the principal and interest due on Oct. 1 of the year of collection.

Credit Ratings:
To be determined – prior General Obligation Notes issued by the City have been rated Aaa by Moody’s Investor Service.

Tax Status:
Interest is Federally tax-exempt, but NOT exempt from Wisconsin Income Taxes

Closing Date:
Nov. 7, 2018*

Preliminary Official Statement:

* Preliminary – subject to change.
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