Scams in voiceover booths - Save your money - These do not work

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This is a video talking about the biggest scams in voiceover booths. Things that cost more than they should. Things that don't do diddly squat. And things that you really shouldn't spend your hard-earned cash on.
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So using a bunch of blankets, quilts, and pillows will sound better than filling my room with a bunch of foam?


I recently tried positioning my mic stand in my bedroom closet and draping a moving blanket over the top with the door slightly open forming a V with the door frame. It’s the best vocal I’ve ever recorded to date.


I subscribed to you, because you provided facts and I was surprised, given the number of youtubers who use soundproofing to make me believe. I even asked the microphone salesman that you need soundproofing foam until the whole room is full. it's like a mandatory thing that must be in your background when you become a youtuber.


💯 Been saying this for years! People don´t listen, even professionals which I admire. I place a cheap bed mattress behind me and have the back of the mic as far as possible from the wall, aimed at the corner of the room where ideally there is curtains. That´s it, good on you for exposing this scam Dracomies!


I would only mount the acoustic foam on thicker panels to suppress the high frequencies. Otherwise, I think it is better to build a frame out of wood, fill it with rock wool and wrap it in fabric. If you have too much time, you can drill holes in the wooden frame and pull the covering fabric over it. A little cotton wool doesn't hurt in this regard either.

And yes, you can also take it to the extreme by adding one or two layers of cotton wool in front of the rock wool panels and yes, you could of course add a rubber mat made of recycled rubber behind the rock wool elements and, as mentioned above, you could stick a few foam panels in front of the whole thing. But in my opinion that is more overkill and only a possible solution if there are existing problems with high frequencies, otherwise I see such foam panels more as a possible visual enhancement (of course it is a matter of taste and also depends on the panels and colors used).

I can see another application for such acoustic foam panels, for example, if you buy high-density foam in sufficient thickness (10+ cm) as sheet goods and then cover these with inexpensive acoustic foam panels to improve the appearance.

I would personally prefer the first version, as it certainly has better properties than the acoustic foam panels and is also certainly more durable than foam.


Well said...the best example was the guy speaking through the acoustic panel...and yes I find moving blankets at harbor freight much more effective... And better on the wallet 😉


Moving blankets are amazing. My 3rd floor attic office has no doors, and my fiancés office is on the second floor right in front of the stairwell entrance to mine. Her voice was very clearly bleeding up into my office and becoming a huge distraction for me while I worked. I got some moving blankets off amazon and got them sewn to fit on curtain rods. I put two at the bottom of the stairwell and two at the top. Now I can't hear her working at all as long as I keep my headset on!


all those isolation boxes are comb filtering nightmares


but i need that soundproofing foam in the background of my youtube videos


I agree with almost everything in this video, except and I an eyeball and it works really well. to be fair, I'm in a untreated basement with a furnace near me so I need max room deadening, but after I record I just eq a bit and throw on some OTT and it sounds great. I think the super dry recording is actually really good to mix with. I'll admit tho I had to add reverb to the headphones cause my artists didn't like hearing their voice so dry while they were singing.


I have no idea if anything that you said was true, but you said it with such confidence that I am forced to believe every word you say. It also helps that you sound good.


Foam boxes do suck, realized that after trying a couple and being honest with myself lol. I DIY'd some window plugs and BAM huge difference in outside noise as well as reflections.


Thank you for your great, informative review!


kaotica eyeball definitely makes audio recordings a tad boomy and muffled, but in my experience if you're in a completed untreated room its sounds much better than without (just have to do some more eq in post) and +1 on moving blankets also i have a few big ones i put grommets in and had hung up in my home studio then i put my old cheap foam panels in the corners of my room and over closet door for extra sound-better-ness (didn't want them to rot in storage)


Acoustic foam is not intended to isolate voices, it is to control the acoustics of the room to monitor the audio


it would've been nice to include some of the videos you showed in the description, i wanted to see more about the pvc booth


I got one of those cheap dressing booths and used that as a frame.


My plan was to line my closet with rockwool and then cover it with the cheap foam to make it look a little better.


Woah what the heck? I was about to spend my money on acoustic foam and corner dampeners, when all i needed was pillows?

Dracomies is always saving my life!


rockwool and blankets! rockwool and blankets! yes yes yes
