RANKING the N.E.L Master Striker's AS COACHES! | Blue Lock Manga Breakdown

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00:00 - Intro
00:41 - (5) Lavinho
02:29 - (4) Julian Loki
04:29 - (3) Marc Snuffy
06:13 - (2) Chris Prince
08:38 - (1) Noel Noa
10:54 - Outro
Music credits : @MaskOfficial1 @axelavixmusic
#bluelockseason2 #bluelock273 #bluelockanime #animasu
blue lock,blue lock manga,blue lock anime,isagi yoichi,marc snuffy,bastard munchen,italys ubers,neo egoist league,barou,alexis ness backstory,kaiser backstory,shidou ryusei,nagi,reo,kiyora jin,itoshi rin,kaiser,blue lock 269,blue lock 270,blue lock season 2,blue lock 272,blue lock 273,blue lock season 2,blue lock anime,noel noa,marc snuffy,chris prince,julian loki,lavinho
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Chris Prince: identified each players attributes. Gave them each individual programs to improve their attributes and scoring potential. Made special concessions for the genius within the team that did not hinder the growth of the other players.

No other coach has given the WHOLE TEAM as good a platform to succeed as individuals.

Honourable mention: Snuffy. He is the most intelligent and best footballing mind however once he annointed barou as the sole striker every blue lockers path to becoming a striker was closed, even in victory.


How each Blue Lock Coach chooses their players.

Noel Noah: Show me what you can do physically and mentally.
Lavinho: Do wyw Idc.
Chris Prince: Muscle is the key. No muscle no play.
Snuffy: Just defend and counter with your weapons.
Loki: I care about utilizing each player to the max.


While I do personally disagree with your order I do agree with your criticisms for each team. Lavinho is absolutely the worst, no question as you hit that on the head perfectly. Noel Noa, Chris Prince and Loki all vary somewhere between 2nd and 4th on my list but considering how long it would take to explain my reasoning it just comes down to the personal development of the players. I do understand the criticism for Snuffy as while he makes amazing plans, they do fall into repition that some of the more analytical players like Isagi or Kaiser could break down, but even Noel Noa said that BM just had to sit there and take it as the best striker in the world couldn't find any way to break Ubers approach. Overall loved your analysis video, definitely agree with your criticisms and love the points you made!


Hope u continue to upload these vids 😄🙏🏾


What I think will happen is Rin's berserker mode failing, and him not scoring. This would serve 2 plots in my opinion.

First: it would show Rin he needs to let go of his obsession with Isaegi (see what I did there?) to evolve to his next stage. As much as Rin hates it, he has become dependent on others.

-Second: It would show Rin's trio has failed, dragging Tokimitsu and Nanase down. Nanase did say that "they can't celebrate" when Shidou scored, cause their value is tied to Rin.
It would get rid of 2 characters who we like, but realistically speaking, don't have the blue lock mentality.
Nanase sold himself out to Rin and Tokimitsu is constantly afraid. They don't have an ego, unlike Zantetsu who's shown his ego multiple times.

Also, this would mean Kiyora makes it (heavily focused as the borderliner so it makes sense) as well as Fukaku (second goalkeeper). These are 2 characters who're relatively unexplored, so the author could work with them to develop them in new types of characters.

(Also for Tokimitsu, it seems his weapon "unlimited stamina" has been given to almost litterly everyone. And although I love Nanase, his weapon of being ambidextrous is worthless due to his individual skill with both legs paling in comparison to the single leg of other characters)

Also L munk


2:08 I want to point out that otoya has always been able to link up with other high quality players as the shadow like karasu and chigiri and lavinho even points out in like chapter 166 or 167 that otoya is the shadow that makes the light shine so without him barcha would go goaless against ubers lol


I feel like a new tier list has to be madr


I'd put Snuffy above Prince as a coach. Thought Snuffy is rigid he gives equal importance to physical as well as mental stats. Prince on the other hand is only hooked on having a body capable of achieving ur ideals.


Hot take: I’m taking lavi as a coach over Loki cuz he’s prob more likely out of all the other coaches to let a random cook as long as they have the creativity to try


Honestly, while I do disagree with your opinion and think Snuffy and Prince should be the top 2(with Prince in 1st), I do very much agree with most of your points, very good video!


My ranking:
1- Marc Snuffy
2- Noel Noa
3- Chris Prince
4-Julian Loki
5- Lavinho


I love all the master strikers and their seperate ways of leading their teams to victory

But my personal favourite is Snuffy


Prince is the best coach bc he brings out the best in his team individually.
Snuffy if the best at strategies, although at the cost of personal growth
Noah is carried by Isagi(even his way of thinking was disapproved by Isagi excelling… which is due to a contract forcing him to play the hero of BL)


put me up there and I’m carrying the team I coach in the NEL🔥🔥🗣️


1. 👑
2. Snuffy
3. Noah
4. Loki
5. Lavinho


noa as the best coach is truly a take of all time


I'd say:



Although I do love ur channel, no way u put Noa over Snuffy


I’ve said this before noa is the best master because he will leads his players to where they need to be but doesn’t give them the answers but let the figure cuz if u figure it out that means u understand it which is what u need to succeed u can know something but not understand it


Chris Prince' coaching is good but still agree Noa is the best. (Sadly Chris always ends in 2nd best)