How The Egoist Four Are Becoming The New Master Strikers

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Now today we are going to be talking about how the egoist four are taking over as the new master strikers. Now i dont mean that they are just replacing them now but all four of them are shaping into the four master strikers of loki,noel noa,chris prince and lavinho.

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Isagi - Vision
Bachira - Dribble
Chigiri - Speed
Kunigami - Physicality
They will definitly be great Master Strikers


I wonder how Chigiri and Zantetsu reacted to Loki during the world 5 match


Another connection between Kunigami and Chris Prince : the random shot. During the first selection Kunigami showed a slow but unpredictable shot that made the ball wobble midair and during bm vs mc Chris Prince showed his irrational weapon to beat Noa which was the worlds most random shot


for kunigami/chris prince, another connection is how OG kunigami wanted to be a hero and chris prince is the “perfect hero”


Hear me out, but these are my choices for the world class successors.

Isagi - Ego Jinpachi
Even Noa explains that Isagi is just like ego, playstyle, etc.

Chigiri - loki
Self explanatory

Bachira - Lavinho
Also self explanatory

Kunigami - Noel Noa
It’s a hot take but with the fact revealing that Ego was once a player and rival to Noa + the wild card treatment, I think it’s best for Kunigami to fit this spot. Noa even states that Isagi was just like Ego.

Reo - Chris Prince
Hear me out, Chris is practically the ideal Reo. Reo in the series is known as an all rounder footballer, Chris is just him but ten times better as he had S class stats in everything, Reo is even in manshine so what more else can I say.

Aiku - Snuffy
Somewhat self explanatory, Aiku was once a striker too. Niko is also a possible choice.


Isagi will prob be his own type of person since he is the MC so i agree with all of it even the Chris Prince connection maybe Kunigami will end up like Noa because if anything Isagi will be more like Ego or the actual embodiment of the philosophy of “EGO” and “Devouring Your Opponent “.


I think Kunigami will be like Noah and Isagi end up being like someone else...maybe ego himself.
I can see Kunigami also being comparable to prince.


Extremely hot take but maybe Raichi will be the next Snuffy, considering he’s being built up for his defense just like Snuffy and he’s on the current volume cover. Also an og team Z member


Honestly no matter what anyone else says I still think Nagi will be Isagi’s last “opponent“ to being number 1 since he will now actually start to learn about football and even if he works with Reo again I still think Chris Prince and Reo will push him to be a more creative and proactive player.
And if the Manshine City game was only a tease of future possibilities for Nagi he could be one of the most perfect physical and technical players in the future but probably will unfortunately be beaten by the by then probably near perfect intellect and all rounded when it comes to striker abilities Isagi Yoichi who obviously is the maincharacter(but I wouldn’t be surprised if Blue Lock would be the first manga to actually not make the MC the best at the end).


I'm pretty sure that Chigiri won't catch up to Loki

1. They're about the same age so time will actually be more of a downside to Chigiri because of his leg

2. Loki isn't going to stop getting faster

3. 👴They're naturally faster


Isagi - Snuffy
Bachira - Lavinho
Chigiri - Loki
Kunigami - Noa
Aiku - Chris


I have a theory, now it could be a stretch but hear me out. I think that it’s possible that ego has an ulterior motive. I think that this motive is finding his rival we have not yet seen if his capabilities on the soccer field are not adequate enough to play on the same playing field as the others, however we know that Noel Noa had stated that he being ego “his rival”. Maybe just maybe ego never saw Noel Noah as his rival and he’s been searching the entire time which would be his ultimate motive for creating blue lock. Food for thought.


0:33 I think Niko or Aiku would have a similar playstyle, they are the ones I find closest to being like him.


I feel like ego when I learn anything interesting and new about blue lock so sincerely thank u. This vid was def Intresting there evolution into them and possibly beyond them shall be entertaining to watch 👆😈🎉⚡✨


I heard a theory I kinda forgot but it was how since kunigami has Noel Noa's Physique and isagi acts the most Ike ego and ego was rivals with Noa isagi will become ego and kunigami will become Noa.
Tho I Ike this more even if I forgot most of the shit on the other one.


5:41well Maybe not optimly developed, but tokimitsu has the most developed physique, and when he awakes his ego, he is goint to be so op


i like how the series is managing to pull off realistic growth, i like that there are moments like noel noa vs chris prince where no one could intervene😊


I have the sensation that Isagi would be more similar to Snuffy, he also looks a veey strategic person


I'm just happy to see my favorite ojou-sama chigiri in the egoist four, I was pretty scared he would fall further and further into the role of a background character C:


My Master Striker would be

Isagi - Ego

Noel Noah stated in one of the manga chapters that Isagi thinks just like Ego and how Ego was his former rival. Isagi also shares physicality problems just like Ego, and even Ego himself chose him when Anri didn't want to. So Isagi might have the ego that Ego himselfs shares by adapting to his mentality.

Kunigami - Chris

But I only see this IF Kunigami reverts back to being a Hero. Maybe once he gets his revenge unto Shidou and realize that he needs to change and revert back in order to beat him. Since Chris is -The Perfect Hero", would be ironic if he stays as a villain.

Bachira - Lavinho
Self explanatory, bros' brazillian

Chigiri - Loki
Also self-explanatory, he's fast

Aiku - Snuffy
Cause I read a theory that Aiku might have 2 egos, his left eye for defending, while his right eye for being a striker. He's an ex striker after all, plus, we also got a glimpse of his flowstate where tactical, logical, and calculative numbers starts showing up during the U - 20 game

Noel Noah - Isagi as well but might be Rin too (Hear me out on the Rin part)

For Isagi, we got the panel of Isagi using his lefty shot. Which alone is a clear sign of him being able to score with both legs just like Noel Noah. There's also a light novel showcasing Isagi being a scoring monster on the field, since as a kid he aspires to be like Noel Noah and even tried cooying him. Which could explain why he's lefty shot makes sense.

For Rin, It's just a theory/guess, beause Rins' dominant leg is his right foot which was stated in the manga, while his older brother, Itoshi Saes' dominant leg is his left foot. We even saw a panel of Rin trying to copy Saes' goal using his non dominant leg (Right leg). So it could be like a foreshadow of Rin trying to be like his older brother forcing Rin to become Ambidextrous so that in their next match up, he'll pull up a lefty accurate shot against Itoshi Sae.
