Guideline to finding a functional snowboard stance width

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Snowboard stance width is one of those hot topics.... Everybody has an opinion and many of them contradict each other. Finding what works for you is quite important, but where to start?
A good stance width offers a happy medium between stability and mobility, because we need both of those things for good balance! But this happy medium changes with your riding style: sliding down rails requires a different kind of balance than carving turns on fresh corduroy...
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10 months in, 29.000 views later this video has seemingly helped many people to get a better picture about their stance width.
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The nidecker method opened my mind to trying a much more narrow stance and I love it. I go a little wider when i need to really force the tail around in tight situations.


Great tip. I had been riding at the reference stance but decided to measure my knee to foot and saw I could/should be riding a narrower stance. Tried bringing my stance in from 22 to 21 inches and things felt more fluid and a little easier with my feet closer together.


For me, personaly, as I have very bad flexibility, it's much more difficult to squat the bigger the stance. When I passed to minimum stance (stance minus 5cm - my knee is at 55cm and I ride with 50cm stance) I imediatly increased the riding level a lot as I gained a lot of mobility up/down and fwd/aft and edge to edge. More over, as the feet are conected to the board, I would say that the forward/backwards stability isn't at all diminished... The feet are still pulling/pushing on the board so the platform is practically the same, with a little bit of flex variation, but not much. But the gain in mobility was huge for my very inflexible body. As you said, stance is a very very personal isue.


Thanks for this great info video. Snowboarding for 35 years already but today I learned about the kneecap to heel method. Immediately measured mine and checked my board. I am a double positive and like carving. In the past I have changed and experimented a lot just like you advise. This way I now have my stance almost exactly to the kneecap, heel method without knowing it. I really like the way you explain all the pro’s and con’s and give a lot of very valuable information. I immediately subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to more of your videos. Thanks.


Hey Lars, just thought I'd drop you a comment to say thanks. I changed my 30/9 stance to 30/12 and got to try it out over the last few days and I have to say it's been a game changer for me. I was really struggling to get my back knee in properly, which was leaving the tail of the board loose but the extra 3 degrees has made a huge difference!! Thanks again and keep it on the edge!! 👍


Been researching a lot the past year and your way of explaining makes it all come together. This is so much more valuable than the typical "this board is perfect at all conditions" or " this is the perfect stance" bs you find on most channels 🙃


I’ve been snowboarding for 20+ years. I still kick around on a skateboard. I started with a super wide duck footed stance, over the years I have slowly narrowed my stance and changed to double positive stance. I laugh at myself because I am constantly playing with binding angle and lean. Can you believe I have never measured my stance width. I would bet I’m still a bit wide. I’m intrigued to try the nidecker method. I have realized I can access more pop from my boards with a narrower stance but I like the comfort of the wide stance. Yet when I compare to a skateboard stance it is way narrower than what my snowboard stance generally is.
Great video thanks you!


Great video. As an intermediate advanced curious snowboarder I recomend getting a screw driver (not even necessary, you can find them on ski tracks) and trying different widths to feel and find your best. As general rule, too wide, more stability but less mobility, too narrow, you gain mobility but you loose stability and when you go fast the board will try to spin a little in curves. So conclusion, its very easy yo change the width stance youself, try out and find your best one. Cheers from Argentina!


Once again, you are right on Lars ! Keep these great presentations coming !


Great info again. Like so many other aspects in snowboarding - it’s not about what’s right or wrong, but more about the outcomes / consequences to different set-up’s and the feeling a you want to feel on your board! 👍🏻


I always just went reference on 156-157 boards. Then I got a 159 and ref was too wide. Edge to edge was sluggish. You just have to play around with your stance and figure it out. Bring a screwdriver with you and adjust your stance every run or so.


Thank you

I have noticed that being in the narrower side of stance width is generally the most comfortable for me, even though I am focused on all mountain freestyle.

My hips/pelvis are *narrow* and my knees are unusual as well.


Just this weekend I change my stance width for just 2 cm, I have set it shorter. What I noticed is that board became more responsible for turns. At the first turn I did after that change I felt that I needed much less force to make tighter turn (was riding a lot of moguls this weekend :( ). So yes, we should all play with different stance width and angles to find what we like the most and also to adjust to conditions on the slope. Another great video Lars :)


I started using the Nidecker method during last season and it made a big difference for me. I am 193cm (6’4”), so I am getting towards the margins of the height range and other methods were less helpful. I love that the method makes it easy to understand how your stance width affects your riding.

Thanks for adding your take to it!


I'm starting to get more knowledge than practice haha. Just moved to the french Alps and bought my gear, I've never used my board yet but I've changed the stance width 3 times lol.
Your channel is a real gem to understand the discipline and make thoughtful choices. As future video suggestions, I would be interested to hear your advices regarding boards length as well as board profiles (rocker/camber/flat...)


You rock Lars thank you! I used to assume wider was better and rode that way for decades. Last season I decided to narrow it down a bit and am noticing improvements in my ability to spin off jumps as well as carve quicker. Went from 23” to 21” (I’m 5’11 170lb) and might even drop down to 20” to play with.


I actually learned the kneecap to heel when I was first snowboard instructing @ Jay Peak. Now I say to people: "show me a comfortable athletic stance is for you?"


Hey Lars, awesome to watch all your technical vids, I love this kind of snowboard nerding out. One thing I wanted to mention is that in addition to shin length, and hip width, there is also the "femorotibial ratio" - the ratio of femur to tibia lengths. Someone with shorter femurs relative to their tibia has a much easier time of keeping their center of mass over their board when they are in a squat position. Someone with longer femurs finds it harder, and therefore a wider stance - and maybe slightly more external rotation can help to keep that center over the board.


I think your video regarding binding angles and stance width is quite the hot take and should be mentioned here.
I never heard that anywhere before.
