The Last English King to Die in Battle: The Evidence (Richard III Documentary)

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It was beneath an unassuming car park in the summer of 2012 in the heart of the city of Leicester that one of the most important historical discoveries of the last 500 years was made. In a long forgotten grave was found the battle scarred and broken skeleton of a long dead man, none other than Richard III, King of England.

But what exactly happened to him? How did he end up buried beneath a car park and what can that remarkable discovery tell us about Shakespear’s infamous villain, the last English King to die in battle. In this video, using the latest technology, archeological evidence and historic testimony, we’ll uncover the true story of the Final Days of Richard III.

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General Sources:
• Google Earth Pro & Web Versions
• Maptiler Pro (Desktop Version)


Richard III – Injuries To the Remains (University of Leicester):

Richard III – Identifying the Remains (University of Leicester):

Queen's Lecture 2016 by Dr Turi King | King Richard III - the resolution of a 500-year-old mystery (Via British Council Germany):

Richard III - Uncovering the Church of the Friars Minor Leicester (University of Leicester):

Richard III - The Archaeological Dig (University of Leicester):

Written References:

• Research & Script: Alex Owen and Dan Hill
• Narration: Dan Hill
• Editing: Shane Greer
• Thumbnail Design: Linus Klassen
• Music & Sound Effects: Shane Greer
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Creating these videos is a lot of work, and it would not be possible without your support. If you like our work, you can help us with a regular or one time payment:
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Popular joke at the time he was found:
The next time you find yourself getting angry because you’re stuck in traffic, just remember. It took Richard III 500 years to get out of the car park!


Interesting fact. Richard's coffin was made by Michael Ibsen, one of the descendants of his family line used to confirm the body was Richard's.


If you're ever in Leicester take the time to visit the museum dedicated to the finding of his grave and the associated history. It's very much worth a visit. Very informative.


At least this king was man enough to stand with his troops and face battle unlike the cowards of today that command from the safety being hundreds if not thousands of miles away leading men to their deaths. Much respect for the kings of the past.


I really enjoyed the program where they found a man who had a similar deformity and had him set up with armor and tested out if such a person would be effective in a battle. Thanks for bringing up this detail on the actual battle. Charles


It is always said that Shakespeare villianised Richard III, but it was Tudor propaganda that started this years before Shakespeare. It was in Henry VII best interests to have Richard III seen as the evildoer. Shakespeare’s story telling aided in giving Richard III horns and a tail…


Out of all the history channels I watch, you guys are by far my most sincerely favorite.


When I visited England a few years ago I visited Richard111 tomb. It was so moving, made me cry. I was always an admirer of his because he was well beloved in the north and was a wise lawmaker.


Superb video! I like how this video had both military history and mystery (just like a true crime show/documentary about how a victim died). I did not know much about King Richard and learned more from this video. Kudos to the Battle Guide team! 😊 Have a nice day!


Outstanding presentation, subscribed. Excellent video that emphasizes the extreme brutality of medieval wars where the vanquished were shown no mercy, their bodies mutilated and unceremoniously thrown into an unmarked shallow grave. Such is history.


Nowhere in history, has the phrase "History is written by the winners" been more true than when describing the life, career and death of Richard III. At least his actual death in battle and it's exact manner has been confirmed by the finding of his remains which have now been given a funeral more befitting of his station.

It now seems likely that the "Princes in the Tower", that he was accused of murdering, outlived Richard himself by several years and died in separate, unsuccessful attempts to wrest the crown from Henry, who, of course, dictated what history would say, both to Shakespeare, a late Tudor playwright and this 1960s schoolboy.


I've always wondered how some buildings managed to be intact how they were when it was first built and how others got leveled and rebuilt to "current" styling and architecture throughout history.
Thank you patreon supporters for making these incredible stories come to life, and to the battle guide team: keep up the phenomenal presentations with incredible graphics and overlay of the maps and terrain; absolutely love seeing the event maps overlaid the current landscape


My ex wife used to park on the car park spot where they found him when she used to go to Social Services with her son who has Cerebral Palsy.
When they discovered Richard’s remains she was amazed.


Really, really appreciate the voiceover in Spanish, and not in a crappy robotic-totally-non-human voice. I enjoyed so much the video in my mother tongue. ❤


According to many sources of the day Richard was popular. I don't think we can take Shakespeare's word on anything


Very entertaining and educational! Thanks for the details on Richard III's death as well as on my 15th great-grandfather, John Howard, Duke of Northfolk.


There's compelling entrance that his 2 nephews where not murdered in the tower but survived and tried to retake the thrown when they were old enough, there's a great doc. on channel 4


Relying on Shakespeare as a source is like relying on GRRM for a history of Europe during the Middle Ages.


"A horse a horse, my kingdom for a horse" Richard III, Shakespear .

He was aledgedly to eager to enter the fray and rushed in like a wild man, ultimately getting trapped in the mud to far away from his back up, it didn't end well .
Edit : Great naration and well researched, subbed 👊
