Why Christianity Is The TRUTH.

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Hi guys,

So among all the religions and philosophies, how do we know Christianity is true? While there are many ways to address the question, let's begin by saying that Christianity makes sense of the world around us. In other words, it presents the most correct worldview based on the world in which we live.

So why Christianity? The answer is three-fold.

* First, Christianity is only as true as the person of Jesus Christ. He fulfilled prophecies, claimed to be God in flesh, performed many miracles, died, and physically rose from the dead. Christianity is about Jesus, His claims, and His deeds. It is based on Him and it is only as true as He is true.

* Second, Christianity is consistent with reason, facts, and shows evidence of God's inspiration in the Bible.

* Third, all other religious systems are either unverifiable or irrational in their teachings.

In this video I will address each topic more in depth. Enjoy and please like and subscribe.



Background music by:
Composer: Vlado Hudec
Publisher: SI Publishing
Anthem To The Fallen
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Lord Jesus is the way, the truth and life.


Knowing what God did through Jesus to show how much he loves us always brings me into tears. He knew he would suffer so much yet he still chose the cross to free us from sin. Hallelujah what an awesome God we serve🥺❤💕


Yes, christianity has the truth. Jesus christ is alive, the saints are in heaven. I say this because of our experiences ( great miracles to be exact)


Science is just we humans discovering beautiful and wonderful creation of God. We name his creations and name whatever whatever, it's sad that we humans fill our pride too much and go beyond and revolting and blaming evolution of knowledge and nomenclature. All God ever wanted was to acknowledge him and live in harmony and follow his given orders and rules. God is good, alive and real. As Gravity, if you believe in science, it's just God's creation, you don't actually know what it is but it is there so. Appreciate life, know God, pray in name of Jesus, may God bless you all..


All of this does actually make sense and some might just not admit that. People who try to find evidences against Jesus are basically lying to themselves.
This was a great video and I'm sure it made some people think.
God bless you and keep up the great work👍😇


❤️Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life ❤️


I want to thank you for posting this fact-based, educational video about the most important topic that has ever existed.

As a Christian, I have struggled with the many skeptics and atheists who claim that Christianity is not logical and therefore can’t be true. They have been very quick to bring forward “evidence” and good-sounding arguments that seem to disprove the validity of the Bible.

And then I have struggled with the many Christians who stand at the opposite end of the spectrum, who when asked about evidence for their faith, they always answer with the same response: “this doesn’t have an explanation, just accept it and have faith.” (There is nothing wrong with using faith, the Bible teaches that is essential to a person who wants salvation. But I’m referring to those people who use the faith argument on every question I raise).

But this video is based on facts and evidence that God is real and that Christianity is the best description of how to really live, which is by salvation through Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your work. God bless you.


Great video! All praise to Jesus Christ! Who saved me out of the false new age, and eastern beliefs a little more than 6 month ago. There is no love like his love. I have been searching for the Truth for more than 10 years, unable to find any true fulfillment in all the different beliefs I studied. I never thought to look into Christianity because the world doesn't exactly portray the true Christianity in a good light, but of course they won't, we live in the beast system. However, Jesus had mercy and grace on me and showed me his light as I was about to commit myself to kundalini yoga (serpent energy yoga). I write in my journal that i knew this yoga was probably bad. I knew enough about Christianity to know that the serpent was evil, but I wrote in my journal that I will do this if it meant i will find the truth. I wrote that I didnt care about any of the special powers it could grant me, like seeing into the future, seeing auras, reading minds, etc. I wrote that I didnt care about any of that because you can do all that, but still not know the Truth, I just wanted the Truth! Before I committed myself to this evil yoga, which leads to demon possession, videos about Jesus started to show up in my youtube recommended videos. I watched them and somehow this time I knew this was the Truth. It made too much sense, and it spoke to my heart. My whole world was shaken up in that span of 1 week, because i realized if the Bible is true, and Jesus Christ is who he said he was, then everything i have been doing my whole life has been against him. I realized that although I had good intentions, good intentions that is not of God, not of Jesus, is not good intentions at all. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I realized that my whole worldview had to change if I want to accept Jesus. And I did change my whole worldview! I gave up all my old beliefs, and put my faith in Jesus and in him alone. He is all that I want, all that I need! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes unto the Father but by him. I repented and is now born again! Praise the Lord! Jesus said seek and you will find. I sought for the Truth, and he showed me the Truth. The Truth is not an idea, but a person, the person Jesus Christ. Who is faithful and just to forgive us our sins if we confess our sins. My sins are washed away by his blood, and finally after all this searching, I have found peace and joy in Jesus Christ. I know that I know that I know whom I am trusting in, and I have complete faith in him that he will keep all the promises he has made to us. Its not about going to church, its not about doing good works, its not about just knowing the bible like secular professors, its not even about being a pastor, its about knowing Jesus. Do you know Jesus?
Believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ, repent and be born again. Believe that we are sinners, and sin has been in humans since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And know that since the beginning, God had a redemption plan for us. That redemption plan would be Jesus Christ, his only begotten son that lived on the Earth around 2000 years ago. Who was God manifested in the flesh, born of a virgin, lived a sinless and perfect life, and died on the cross as a propitiation for all of our sins. A just God must judge. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23. The judgement for sin was paid for on that cross by Jesus Christ, he made a way for us to be able to be reconciled to God. "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them..." 2 Corinthians 5:19. We have redemption through Jesus and we can only have redemption through him alone. There is nothing we can do of our own that will bring us to God. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9. God loves us, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9. God created such a simple way to be saved, all we have to do is trust in Jesus Christ and what he did for us. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9. And anyone can be saved, there is no sin too big for God to forgive you in this age of grace. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13. There is nothing greater than being born again, washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
Praise the Lord!


Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, repent for your sins and be saved.


another great video. Praise to the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit


I love the quote from C.S. Lewis at 3:27. Excellent video sir. Thank you. Glory be to God All Mighty! In The Lord Jesus’ name.


Jesus is the way the truth and the life 🙏🙏❤


As far as "all-in-one" apologetics videos go, this is the best i've seen. Very well done! Hard to make a good video on such a wide-ranging topic


Faith without works is dead, not works of the law so that any man can boast, but faith brings forth works of love. You’ll love your neighbor and strangers and widowed and fatherless.


I fear you're leaving out something, other religions do worship spiritual beings.(Created spiritual beings who have fallen)
I choose to worship the one true creator of all in Christianity.
God Bless.


The LORD bless you thanks be to God for such an informative, helpful video.


This video is fantastic 👏👏🙌🙌 thank you for the teachings and information .. Blessings for you, on you, to you and for your family in the name of Jesus amen.


Jesus is My God 💪🏻❤ He is the Truth and the Life, Divine, Holy Holy Holy.


I just recently started watching your videos and I have to say that it's one of the best channels out there. Love your videos, thanks for sharing real knowledge and keep them coming. God bless


Everyone here is debating about religion but this is what we should realy be debating about
Should people who think pineapples on pizza be hanged, burned or be forgiven for the evil the person thought
