So You Wanna Make Games?? | Episode 2: Concept Art

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Check out this video to learn a bit about a concept artist's role on a game team, from establishing constraints and preparing to design a concept, to narrowing in on an idea and rallying the team around it.

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Riot: "The sketches don't have to look perfect" Also Riot: *drawing sketches better than any of my fully rendered art*


3 out of the 4 artists are left handed? now I know the secret to becoming pro


"I'm just gonna draw the weirdest shit"

Yup that about sums it up.


its funny because this advices about concept art apply on all the fields of creating something, may be an art, an app, literally any project.


"Concept art isn't about beautiful looking drawings. Concept art is about solving visual problems."


thanks riot for sharing these! i’m a student pursuing game art as a career and these are exactly what i needed. ♥️


Thanks much for making this!!! I want to get into game design even more now! :D


it took me about 3 jobs to figure out that concept art isnt about painting beautiful stuff T-T


Just found these videos and never has the YT Algorithm been so useful. I love these and I hope you all find the time to do many more past the initial 10.


them said concept art ≠ beautiful art work but all the art their show was beautiful, kill meeee


Man this is such cool advice, I originally wanted to be a comic illustrator for monthly series, but after realizing how painstaking it is I decided not to and drop it, instead I want to become now a concept artist I have at least 3 years of art experience I know how to paint and I know how to use digital art that's not necessarily perfect but I can get my hands around things and I have pretty good ideas of course during this whole quarantine I haven't been able to do much of anything cuz I'm constantly bored and drained but I always try to make an effort to do something at least my goal is, to go to Florida because I live on a tiny island called Puerto Rico and they want to move to the state so I can get into a good college, and I want to learn at Ringling college of art and design it's quite expensive but I'm saving up money for that but before I actually do decide going there I have to check out my options around other areas because I don't want to you know just stay on one track cuz I always got to have plan B's always, but I want to study illustration and maybe a little bit of fine art and when I get my degree I can finally go into a company that designs video games I know this is quite a stretch but I kind of want to work for Sony interactive entertainment like PlayStation because they're the biggest gaming industry right now and well I love video games and I love creating, it's a good mix

Now I know I'm going to have to practice a crap ton but it's all worth it and hopefully I land a job at PlayStation or a good video game company and then I can do all of the concept work and work with a good team that we all agree on and create something cool

I'm taking advice from videos like this cuz I really need to immerse myself into these kinds of things before I go head first

And to any new artist out there I have some advice you can draw everyday but there's a consequence, it will drain you instead why don't you draw from time to time whenever you really feel like it, rather than constantly trying to get better when really your beginning and it's ok to mess up and not be perfect

That's what art is all about

Art is never perfect and it never will be

But it's up to you to make it better than it was

We don't reach a certain point and be like "oh well that's enough'

Even the most experienced artist can still go on and learn


My final message

Go out there and create to your hearts content

No matter what comes out

Always know your striving and getting better

There's no shame in messing up

Anyway that's a small story of mine lol

TLDR: am 16 year old boyo who want to go make le art at United States and get in a good coompany like play stashion or something similar

And create le concept art for video games :D


I love that the artists come off as encouraging, too many people sometimes talk about these things in a discouraging way or that its impossible for the average person.


Wow, when they sketch fast they sketch really polished, I pretty much look like I’m murdering the paper when I sketch, it turns out good though, just more messy.


This series is fantastic! I've been looking for something like this especially since I am learning a lot of things independently before going to university to study games art. Thank you so much!


This series is gonna be really helpful for aspiring game artists


Wow, this is very well made and you absolutely understood how a beginner (like me) would think. Answered pretty much all my questions and gave plenty of useful advice. Thanks for this video!


That 2:17Dark Souls Dubstep part killed me AHAHHAHA


these series are the best thing that i watched my hole life on youtube.


4:28 Dude looks and sounds like a discount Ryan Reynolds


Yeeees! Thank you for this series! As an aspiring production artist, peeks behind the scene like this are AMAZING
