so, you wanna make games.

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We are CozyCat Games, a team of four women creating a cozy baking game~ Madame Fifi's Bakery!

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Cozygames, cozy gaming, game devlog, indie game, cozy gaming community, cat games, indie gaming, game development, devlogging, programming, steam, nintendo switch, mobile game, independent, cozy gamer, lets play, cooking, cooking game, women made games, madame fifis bakery, cozycat games, cozy cat games
Рекомендации по теме

I’ve always said that games were the epitome of art, I’m glad someone else agrees!


as a consumer of games who is constantly searching for fun games to play, youtube is the number 1 best source for recommendations. Even the youtube recommendations are pretty good at times for finding niche games that you otherwise would never find or even get a solid recommendation from your favourite youtuber.


This has no right to be this inspirational 😭 I've honestly been tossing around this game idea I've had for a while so starting this video I was like omg maybe I could actually make it... but then I reached the part where you said not to make my ideal game as my first game and I was like oh. LMAO but it makes so much sense when I think about it. Will definitely keep these tips in mind, tysm ❤


Tonya brush. The woman version of Thomas brush 😂
Great video. Just reminds me of watching one of his.


"The thing with AAA games is they often don't have a soul"


I think games are the best medium to tell stories in (also the most challenging) because you are actively being immersed in the story and have to engage with it. Awesome video and great advice! Good luck with your game Helena, to you and your team


Heck I can't even get myself to create Kirby in Blender.


I first started playing video games on the N64 and even way back then as a kid I always wanted to make my own games and would come up with ideas all the time and write them all down. I’ve gone through so many hobbies and interests over the years but the interest in game dev never left me. I have learned and started projects in unity, godot, and unreal and even learned how to use blender. But I’ve never gotten far from the fear that I won’t be able to do it. But it’s been a life long dream so I don’t want to give up.


5:55 You can also use Blueprints which is a visual programming language, so don't be discouraged to use Unreal.


Found your channel and I subbed. Real inspirational stuff. I'm not into making games right now, but I really like watching people talk about the development. looking forward to your next video.


Creating a 3D game is super hard especially when do it alone. I can do 3D low poly, texturing, rendering, art direction, story telling, special FX, optimizing, but not coding, & animation. In the end im just a normal human not super human

I wish i had money, which i will spend to people who can do coding & animation


Solid advice. Most of it is out there, but it's nice having it together and nicely presented.
By the way, if that girl isn't gifted I don't know who is. Passionate, fast talking spewing lots of info and having tried many things. Quite positive that she has stuck with gamedev for while. Many gifted "master" one thing then move on to the next, never even being close to the top of the field. Unfortunately with creative endeavors 1% makes the big bucks, the top can get by and the rest can only do it as a hobby. That Fifi's game looks very clean and attractive so it holds a lot of promise. Looking forward to the game that might be when experience combines with that raw talent. Just don't let that passion burn you out.


The positivity from the Indie Game Dev community that she's referring to I believe is completely built on the foundations of a combination of two thing:

1st is the same kind of mentality that the original makes of DOOM from ID software presented within works of art, feats of engineering then later expanded on that to become the well-known Quake Engine giving its users the capabilities to Mod the Game which leads into the second point.

2nd is the spirit of the Modding Community itself which is similar to that of the DIY - Homebrew Communities.


Making games should be an hobby, not a profession.


That positive energy actually motivated me to finish my first shitty game, thanks :D


there is also a really good argument to be made to write your own game engine. that's what I'm going to do, and the reasons are plenty but the most important of which to me is that I want to learn everything from the ground up. I want to know memory management, the math behind the transformations, the actual guts of everything.


My biggest advice for what kind of game to start, look at what is needed as far as assets and animations. Animations are what takes the most time. For example, take a tower defense game with 10 levels, 10 towers and 10 enemies. Allocate 1 week for each and you're at 30 weeks already. Add in 2 upgrades per tower (can do both in one week) and you're at 40 weeks. This is without the actual game code, the pathfinding, the various screens (main screen, config, victory and defeat screen, main hud, menus, dialogs, etc.). So you're easily well over 1 year.

Start with something small that will take about 3 months. This means you need to be able to do the assets and animations in 6 to 8 weeks and the game code in 2 to 4 weeks. That means about a dozen assets and animations tops. It's not a whole lot. So don't be afraid to license assets and get the free assets of the months on the Epic store every month. There's a lot of free audio out there and cheap humble bundles. Also, rogue likes are often chosen to start because you can generate a new map every game. This keeps the game fresh with less time spent on manually creating levels. Then, when you have a plan and settled on what you'll be doing in your 12 weeks, cut your plan in half and plan for 4 or 5 months.

And don't build your own engine unless you don't plan on releasing a game before two to five years from now.


I clicked on this video, because I got into programming thanks to finding a good professor who turned into a friend in college back in 207 onward. Then I dabbled learning basic JavaScript, which lead me to learning Css/html, then basic python with pygame to enter gamedev during 2020-2022 on and off. Now in 2023-24 era coding me. I've been learning basics of Godot now through a fun udemy course to learn the basics of this engine to expand more from. Also I am loving your power of narration gives me Thomas Brush vibes which I'm sure ya get a lot by this point which I am all for. i hope when I do end up towards on making decent games. to make enough to move out and use my first small sized apartment as the start of my own indie/studio in the upcoming future. Genres I aim to specialize in right now, have been platformers, arcades, and in the future point n click adventure titles. :)


Just made a modest pledge. Good luck with the rest of your Kickstarter!


quick tangent to poop on AAA games, I love it lol
