This deceptive doctrine must be avoided!

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In this video, we discuss a false doctrine that exalts spiritual gifts such as prophetic words and miracles over the true Gospel of Jesus. Thanks for watching!

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I became woke when I realized that I was mistaking God's patience for His permission.


I have a terminal illness and it never ceases to shock me when people tell me I must not be faithful enough or God would have healed me. They act like I haven't been sobbing on the floor and begging Him to cure me if it is His will. I can only conclude it isn't His will, but others see it as a lack of true faith on my part. You can't help but start to doubt yourself sometimes. Prayer and the Bible are always my refuge. I speak to God as though He is standing next to me much of the time. I never hear from Him in words but He has shown me works which I knew without a doubt were Him showing up and showing out after I had prayed. I go to Him in quiet prayer and I know He hears.


I am an older, supposedly mature Christian, and I feel as though I have been deceived by some of the pastors I thought were doing the will of God. I feel as though I'm coming out of a "cult." My son wisely counseled me and said, "Mom, go back to your Bible. Just keep reading and praying your Bible." I did as he said. Praise God. I am now in a church that is Bible based sermons. The Father saved me from going any deeper. After I repented of my sin (depending on a pastor) of not trusting God more fully, I know I am forgiven (His word tells me this truth) and I am now walking in faith and by the Spirit of God. Glory and honor to God the Father. Thank you for your video. Yes, I stayed till the very end. 🙂


It’s beautiful that you’re willing to share these personal things to teach a lesson. Thank you for taking your time out for us. You’re needed and appreciated, please never give up.


Many are chasing after spiritual experiences/feelings but do not know Jesus personally! ✝


"Pray in secret to your father who is in heaven, and he will openly reward you" He IS our reward! 😊


"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - Jesus
(John 8:32)


My wife and I had to leave a Church of God because there was an imbalance of spiritual gifts. Crazy stuff that was not of the Holy Spirit. We also left a Pentecostal Holiness church because they would not talk about sin or Hell. It's refreshing to hear someone see the balance of God's love and the need to have a broken repentant heart. Thank you!


It is wonderful to see someone actually telling the whole truth for a change. We must TRUST and OBEY!!!


You literally just described my experience. I was saved 10 years ago while attending a brethren church, where it was taught that the spiritual gifts had ceased at pentecost. I was suicidal at the time and the Lord spoke to me and brought me to a place of surrender. I submitted my will to him and gave him everything, where I was then flooded with the most incredible peace & joy that nothing in the world could match. After that I couldn't put my bible down and my eyes were completely opened. I realised everything was about Jesus! I started recognising the Lords voice and He completely changed my perspective, and I received the gift of tongues! I was so radically changed and wanted to seek fellowship with others who recognised the spiritual gifts and work of the Holy Spirit.
However, I was so naive & immature, with very little experience of the charismatic church that I didn't know there was deception on that side too. I went to a church that was hyper on that grace doctrine and never mentioned sin or obedience.
I went into spiritual turmoil because they went against everything the Lord had shown me, but they seemed to really understand the gifts. I was so confused and lonely that I didn't know where to go or what to do. I eventually left the church because deep down I knew something wasn't right, but I didn't understand what.
Then not long after there was a massive split in the church and the guy was exposed as a false teacher. He was into all sorts of mysticism stuff and new age stuff. Loads of people left and some even said they stopped believing in God (some of those people had been teachers/leaders in that church).
The Lord has since untangled so much of that stuff and revealed to me the truth, and a lot of my experience now makes sense.
The fear of the Lord is so beautiful and protects us!
He disciplines those he loves. Obedience is so important.

Proverbs 16:6b "by the fear of the Lord one turns away from evil".

The Lord is faithful and knows those who are his 🙏🏻🩷 he examines the heart and raises up the humble. Praise his Holy Name!


Thank you for your honestly. American Churches seem to focus more on the sinners outside the church rasther than the sinning inside the church. Holiness and obedience is a lost doctrine in many churches.


It's ALL about the FINISHED work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He accomplished the work completely


I will testify that He is using you brother! God is working in you and with regard to this particular video, it is right on time! Thank you Lord Jesus!


‘Emotional feeling = spiritual experience ‘ - so easy to get hooked on this. Well said young man


I grew up in a SB church that led me to believe that once saved, one is always saved - no matter what. You prayed the prayer, you’re good to go. However after reading my Bible straight through, I was very convicted! I was not living my life in surrender to Jesus/God. Praise God, He didn’t allow me to die before realizing and repenting. I fear there are many who are attending churches that are “tickling their ears” and their souls are in jeopardy. 😢


People get easily confused by what the fear of the Lord means. Its not about fearing God, for he want us to boldly come before him. The fear of the Lord is the fear of being without a relationship with him, for without him we are nothing and become plauged with wicknesses.


Adam, perfectly spoken from a heart that has walked this out, asking God along the way to guide you. This message was intended for such a time as this and thank you for your boldness.


I grew up like you as a "preacher's kid" and have had a journey like you. Accepted Christ at age 9 but as a young adult, got very rebellious. Rejected the "rules" and strict, fear- inducing, scary concept of God I had then. Eventually, I went back to church and then was in the liberal, loving, grace- is everything church. One extreme to the other. Finally in my maturity and by reading His Word, I have gotten to the point you describe of balance in my life. Repentance, seeking God's will, keeping him Lord of my life... surrendering my life daily and recognizing His holiness now... praise God! Thank you for sharing!!!


This is so true! Praise God! He is waking the body of Christ to these truths. One of the biggest problems we see in the church is people who have never been truly converted. Never passed from death into life. Never been truly born again. That’s the greatest miracle! They had an experience …but nothing happened. No transformation. They worship a god they have created in their own mind and one they are comfortable with instead of the God of the Bible. Thanks for sharing this!


I understand the wanting to take your own life, my husband verbally/emotionally abused me for 10 years, the pain sent me into a deep depression, I self harmed and had a debate going on in my mind in those moments whether to take my life or not, but every time that happened God intervened, He didn't let me! He made me remember things like the love my parents had for me and that God also has that same love for me and I knew my parents would be devastated if I took my life and I just couldn't do that to them after the love they've shown to me my whole life. Even though my husband was mistreating me terribly, it was as if God was trying to let me know that it wasn't going to last forever.. and it didn't! God is still working, and my husband has slowly started learning to treat me better and love me the way a husband should and I hope and pray he will realize like I have that he needs that personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
